Saturday, August 04, 2018

Blind Item #1

This C- list celebrity had recently been interviewed by the FBI about the mob ties of this former A+ list singer turned A- list singer/actress. Then he died. Seems convenient. 


  1. That guy with the skeleton tattoos, presumably. So it wasn't suicide then? His family say not

  2. The tattoo model that died and Lady Gaga.

    1. I wanna hear more about....

      From the Grapevine
      There’s a neuron in your brain, and it’s named after Jennifer Aniston


      That's something I didn't know... by Johnson is named "Jorge", but I wanna meet my inner Anniston

  3. His family are already saying it wasn’t suicide but that he accidentally fell..

  4. I saw that guy today. WTF?

  5. Hold on, what? Lady Gaga has links to the Mafia? OK, did not know that. (said in the voice of Brian Griffin).

  6. Someone's lying. Either the family or the people who claim it was a suicide. I don't know who or what to believe. Enty always has a theory when someone dies.

  7. That guy sure looked like someone who would off himself.

  8. gaga has ties to the mob? thats interesting, never heard that one.

    I mean, she's italian and lives in manhattan, and the mob has its 'fees' for opening business, constructions, etc. for a lot of places and somehow it hasnt changed these are analog criminals.

    1. She managed to boot and replace the woman who was scheduled to appear in the NYC Columbus Day parade, back when she was starting out. Italian ties help with that sort of thing.

  9. zombie boy looked like something you would find strung in a closet with his pants to ankles and hands on his junk

  10. Mob ties of Lady Gaga LMAO I can't even. We get it enty you hate her but come on this is a new level of ridiculous. She was an extra on the sopranos once, are those her ties? LOL

  11. If your going to be killed by the mob in Canada then Montreal is your best bet. A little sophisticated for them though.

  12. Damn, the mob's decline is steeper than I imagined.

  13. Methinks the guy accidentally fell, coz they still happen, amirite? But lady gags and others jumped the gun with their virtue signalling!

  14. There are mob deaths almost every week in Montreal. But Rick had his own demons.

  15. Who would ever image that a guy who mutilates his entire body and face would take his own life?

  16. I'm heartbroken, he was so cool, I loved him. I though he was so beautiful and unique. His family deleted his last instagram post, it was kinda dark. Gaga was very quick to tweet that cliche advice telling to call someone if you're depressed. Very convenient so there won,t be any investigation. I never liked her. Wouldn't be surprised if she killed him and Lina Morgana.

  17. Remember when Enty was alluding to the heart doctor was murdered by El Chapo. Turns out it was just a disgruntled man upset his mommy died on the operating table 20 years ago.

    Enty and the death scenarios are much more fun to read than the truth.

  18. pixie your IQ cant be higher than 50 if you believe those lina morgana conspiracies lmao

    1. Well thonk, so is Enty's IQ if he claims that gaga is connected to the mob. Just like Rick's family I can believe in whatever theory I want to make me feel better about his suicide. I read cdan for entertainment, not to be called retarded, now back to lurkdom...

  19. cuz every successful italian must be made by the mob....

  20. Nobody's believing that ridiculous murdered doctor story. It makes no sense. Like the 9/11 hijacker and Paris shooter, this guy left his I.D. behind. How many times are people going to be stupid enough to fall for this?

    Lina Morgana now has company looming over Gag Gag's decaying soul.

  21. Ahh, CDAN - where no one just dies. They're all murdered and it's covered up.

  22. @timebob except that Enty said the guy would die by "suicide" before the arrest and that's exactly what happened a few days later.

  23. As shocking as it may be to some of you, the MOB is alive and well.
    I wouldn't have believed it either until the Kosher Nostra/Russian Mob in NYC threatened to kill me.

    It was confirmed for me that the threats were real when months later while reading the Boston Globe,
    it was reported that these mobsters, who own hotels and such, were denied a gambling license because they were under FBI investigation for attempting to bring a Russian Hit Man into the country.

    I mean... you cannot make this shit up.

    The mobsters I'm referring to own a hotel in NYC.
    The hotel(s) name starts with the 7th letter in the alphabet.

    Don't stay there. These assholes are ruthless and dirty and work with hit men.

  24. 346NYC are you speaking of The Gansevort?

  25. Hey Famous Quotes, what do YOU think about this blind item/post?

  26. @Cindy except it did not say that at all...

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Let's talk about the fact that Rick Genest jumped off a 4th floor to his death in a supposed suicide attempt. I have no way of knowing whether this was a suicide or not, but I do wonder: who the hell tries to commit suicide by jumping off a 4th floor?



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