Friday, August 03, 2018

Blind Item #1

This former A+ list boy band member is still A list in name recognition, but C list at best in his recent work. He is hoping that by publicly supporting that disgraced A list director that if and when the director comes back from exile that the former boy bander can land an acting gig. So yeah, basically he is Peter Pettigrew.


  1. Singer and?
    Nick Carter?

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Justin Timberlake and Woody Allen. Dylan Farrow blasted him for saying it was a dream come true to work with him earlier this year...

  3. Justin is flopping because he was like Madonna and became obsessed with being a not-so-great actor. The movie he made last year with Woody Allen was really terrible. I can't belive I paid to see that shit.

  4. It’s not Justin. He’s making pretty on his tour.

    This is Lance Bass talking Singer on his IG story the other day.

  5. Not Justin, his album wasn't received well but his tour ain't flopping and has other projects coming.

    It's Lance Bass and Bryan Singer.

  6. Not a fan of Timberlake but he is not C list in his recent work. He is on tour right now.

  7. Harry Potter references always appreciated, but I don't think it fits here. Unless Singer was accused of molesting one of the other NSync'ers...

  8. 'Cause it ain't
    Bi bi bi

  9. I feel like I should be wearing a tinfoil hat after reading that post from AkhaldanSolo.

    1. All the cool kids smoking cloves at the picnic table are doing it

    2. That's what people say when there's substance to it, @Betsy.
      So now people like me will go read what @Akhaldansolo attached.
      It's like shooting yourself in the foot. There's a few that do it here, so thanks for the heads up. Off to read..

    3. Tin hats off to you Betsy! Somebody give that man a Haldol shot and a frickin job.

  10. Woody Allen, unfortunately, has never been exiled

  11. Lance Bass is still A+ list in name recognition? This is news to me. For women in my generation only, but if I ask my sister 10 years my junior, she has no idea who TF Lance Bass is.

    @Akhaldansolo that is some post, but I must admit I am now intrigued. You're sending me down a rabbit hole... ;)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Good luck, Rosie. I recommend heavy-duty Reynolds Wrap. For her pleasure.

  14. The Harry Potter reference made me think it was a British boybander, but none of them would fit the blind.

  15. No I am not!! Touche Me Solo!

  16. AkhaldanSolo - Good, if not great, post.

    Like a lot of popular movements that have good intention behind them, the metoo movement was co-opted and used by power grabbers. The foot soldiers are trying to do the right thing for women, but when the power players and A-listers got involved... well I would just be repeating YOUR post if I continued.

    And yes when someone rushes forth to try to brush off a very thorough post with a brush off with no substance "This is tin foil hat stuff!" etc. you know there is some truth there that has hit its mark.

  17. Add Betsy to The List.

  18. @Besty You will find a lot of tinfoil hat racks in here LOL but its bloody entertaining!!!!!



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