Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Item #1

This celebrity offspring pretty much all of you know of a permanent A+ lister or two has been hooked on drugs for awhile and also got three different women pregnant. One of those A+ listers put their foot down and cut the offspring off unless he does exactly what the A+ lister says. So, the offspring is complying.


  1. Brooklyn B eckham?

    1. BWAHAHAHA! Sorry Trish, the thought of Dorklyn the stud muffin impregnator of multiple women was just too much!

  2. Possible, but I feel it is someone slightly older.

  3. Has anyone seen Kappy going after Stephen King this morning on Twitter? Supposedly he knows about something that happened on the set of the show It.

    1. I’m too old to figure out twitter can you point me in the right direction for this?

    2. The back in the day IT? With Jonathan Brandis??

  4. Replies
    1. Nah he’s been sober for a while, working consistently and posting his daughter a lot

  5. 3 is a lot for someone as young and potentially in the closet as Brooklyn.

    OT: I saw that Cara D and Ashley Benson are dating - is Ashley the other blonde in that mystery pic Enty had posted???

  6. Connor Cruise? It's in the news today that he is moving to live in a Scientology compound

    1. Isn’t it against Scientology rules to do drugs?

  7. Connor Cruise? Just moved into a Scientology VIP housing.

  8. Enty, I do not know Connor Cruise but he does fit the blind.

    Totajji noo that makes me so sad those kids were so precious in that movie

    1. As always, he is not putting forth any evidence. I woudnt take him seriously until he puts out a drop of evidence.

  9. Dammit, wasted too much time looking for a link.

  10. connor is a dj with a messy nightlife. I am sire he is in danger od that lifestyle of drugs and se.. I think Brooklyn beckham in inder constant watch from parentz, so he could simply not br able to do that lifestylez Brckhams tie their kids short, and also brooklyn does lokl the british type of polite and not into sex and drugs. It would be almost impossible with Victoria always with her radar on them. They are almost añways photographied togheter as a family. When will he be able to spend time doing drugs? He seems a little more into men than women so I would seriously doubt any pregnancy is even possible. Dont buy the beck kids for that.

    Cruise boy was totally on his own most of yhr time, so he had the chance and independence yo do that.

  11. this is definitely Conor Cruise, his 'DJ lifestyle' and Tom Cruise putting his foot down, having him fall back in line with $cientology (apparently he moved into their 'VIP housing' - gilded prison!)

  12. So did these pregnancies result in babies ,payoffs,or abortions? Living in a Scio compound probably confirms the drug addiction.

    1. Scio forced some follower to have an abortion and now she is suing. So yes it very well could be! Good guess Gauloise!

  13. IT sounds like it is probably the Cruise adoptee being beamed up to the mother ship to stay in Papa Moneybags good graces (got to do what it takes to stay in that will at all costs!)

    But Hopper Penn is also in the running for this. Sean recently told him he was either going to be sleeping in a bed in rehab or on a bus stop bench if he didn't shape up.

  14. @News

    Victoria called Brooklyn home after only a few months at Parsons. The umbilical cord hasn't been cut for any of the Beckham kids.

  15. I dont get it! Is using any kind of protection looked down by these people, as something only the poor people have to worry about?

  16. Well, I have decided I am now for "manism" - which means a man can do whatever he wants with his body and no one can judge him for anything he does, and society is wrong to try to restrain him in any way. So who are we to judge this guy for knocking up all these girls?

    The only thing a man can do wrong, or be harshly judged for is not being a "true manist"!


    1. @Neal Lol. And how is this a new concept?

  17. Yeah put Connor on Cruise control, bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  18. lol, that is pretty punny LTTTT - I wonder if this is being covered at He always has the hottest $cio gossip. They don't talk about Connor much though.

    This could totally be him. If so - props to Tom Cruise for stepping up. Scientology might be a lot of crazy bullshit but he's trying to help his kid get straight and that's what a good dad should do.

  19. How about Jack Osbourne for the offspring? Hes going through a divorce, so that could account for the drug use and getting girls pregnant. The part that says "...of a permanent A+ lister or two" makes me think of Ozzy and Sharon.



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