Sunday, August 12, 2018

Blind Item #1

This celebrity offspring of two permanent A+ listers is back to some seriously self-destructive behavior. Over the past two years, the offspring, who had a decent career going has been on a steady decline as she has watched her siblings eclipse her own career and has not been getting any support from her parents. This is a tragedy in the making. 


  1. Thought of one of Bruce Willis kids but Alexa fits better.

  2. Oh, good guess, Tricia. I think you got it.

  3. I agree with Tricia. Alexa was doing music and doing her own thing, WELL. Suddenly her siblings have popped up modeling, right? It must be hard for her. She has her dad's talented DNA but (and I don't want this to sound shallow or awful) but looking atypically pretty as she does vs those cut out of cream cheese bro/sister/mom and probably feeling compared has to be a hard life. Commit to the music, Alexa! Then again artistic types can suffer from depression as she has and it adds another tough element to the mix.

    1. I thought it was weird when they all did the SI swimsuit photo. It just didn’t seem like that was her thing

  4. Thanks Simon-MD Hiya... yeah they could be too? When Demi was working those hoo ha ta ta’s She was for sure A+(hope not perm though lol😢)

    1. Hey girl!! Trust me I didn’t want to give it to her and was glad for your guess.

    2. Any rating she had she have immediately revoked when she took up with Asston!

    3. *should have been.
      Hate my keyboard.

  5. @kiki71 I agree with you 💯 %. I also think Alexa is stunning... very pretty girl
    In any sense of the word...what a shame. She recently was trimmed on SM I believe as well.... it’s utterly wrong

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Alexa is Christie Brinkley's daughter, right? Christie is the most overrated model EVER. Okay, except for Heidi Klum, who is pretty much her doppelganger, but with a less attractive figure.

  8. I think the Alexa guess is right as well. She is a beautiful girl, much prettier than the cookie cutter younger sister. I guess she's disappointed that her parents aren't opening doors to give her an advantage over all the other aspiring musicians in the world, which I find disappointing. Wouldn't a career achieved on it's merits be better? Maybe she just isn't that good, so maybe she should find another niche in life.

  9. I think it's Alexa too. She's a pretty girl but looks a lot more like dad than mom. Also, mom and dad have both moved onto two other marriages each with other kids. Joel seems to dote on wife #4 and their two very young kids and Christie has always been self-absorbed. It sucks when parents do this. Hubby had two friends who were brothers. Mom and dad divorced, remarried and of course had more kids. The two brothers were treated like an after thought/inconvenience while their siblings got college educations, horses, vacations, etc. I hated their parents for doing this to them.

  10. I thought Alexa was engaged? Her sister and brother are very attractive and it's not like the sister is on the runways. Swimsuit and fitness model is what Sailor is. Alexa is also a lot older and should realize that music biz is tough. Try Broadway, if you have the chops or take acting classes. No need to model like your mom.

  11. Alexa is 32. Time to grow up already. Yes it sucks to be plain and the daughter of a supermodel and slightly talented and the daughter of a superstar musician, but she needs to grow up and make her own life. It's not like she's poor.

  12. And don't forget, she "overdosed" on homeopathic "medicine." Whoo, that's terrifying, considering homeopathic "medicine" is literally just water.

  13. Willow Smith? She had a big music thing going, but her last album tanked, and Jaden has totally eclipsed her

  14. I never got the impression Willow is dying to be famous.

  15. Sailor (such a stupid name, btw) is slender and blonde but otherwise unremarkable.

    Models like Brinkley and Crawford know firsthand how sex and drugs are such an inherent part of the modeling biz and yet they encourage their daughters to join. Says a lot about their character.

  16. I'm not at all familiar with the music of Alexa Ray Joel. Can someone offer me a suggestion of the best place to start and sample?

    I'd love to know the reason Billy Joel stopped making music. I have heard some strange reasons, which I will not share here.

    Even when he wrote that anti-war song, he didn't record it himself. Very strange.

  17. Oh well, when DDDonna heard some strange reasons, I'm sure it has to do with selling his soul to Satan!

    Or maybe Joel is just old and can't be bothered and just wants to sing his tired old hits for the billionth time to a bunch of middle aged people at Madison Square Garden.

    Nah, it must be the occult.

  18. Plot-TWISTED / Krab / Angela stalk me. Very flattering!

  19. I think he's semi-retired DDonna, knows radio won't play any of his new music if he made it, so he doesn't bother with that anymore.

  20. Also there's no royalties anymore and they all make all their money touring.

  21. It’s obvious she had a nose job (at minimum). So sad that girls have such horrible self esteem to want to do that, but I imagine being the daughter of a super model, from a broken home, doesn’t help. I thought she looked better when she was younger I hate all this over-makeup look. The problem with these offspring kids is they don’t seem to think they can have normal lives. How about getting a 9 to 5 job?

  22. PUH-leeze. She got the looks of her father and the talent of her mother. Them's the breaks. Fortunately she has the benefit of resources 99% do not. So she fixes her nose and chin and looks fairly presentable. Still she whines and kvetches??? So her father's DNA trumps after all. Sad.

    Do tell the story of Billy Joel and satan. I'm all ears.

  23. I won't detail, but it's not a "sell your soul to satan" story. Billy Joel toiled a long time in obscurity (except for "Piano Man," which made him a one-hit wonder) before "The Stranger" hit it big, and that was largely on the back of New York radio play. He got his fame the old fashioned way: He earned it.

    I don't know the whole story about why he quit. I just heard that his busted hands were not from a motorcycle accident, and that some kind of resentment with his labels makes him not want to make any corporations any money.

    He wrote a whole classical album of piano instrumental music, but hired some other guy to play it. He wrote an anti-war song about the fake info the Bush administration concocted to invade Iraq, but had some other guy sing it.

    I don't believe that he just decided "Oh, I won't get played on the radio, so forget it." Tom Petty didn't get played on the radio, but his final album debuted at #1. Bruce Springsteen still sells albums, sort of. Bob Seger's albums still sell well. I truly think if Billy Joel came back with an album after nearly thirty years (OMG!!!), it would sell at least a million copies if it was any good at all. Something else is going on.

  24. Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise's daughter?

  25. @DDonna, Billy Joel remarried a few years ago and has a three year old daughter. He also owns a motorcycle shop in Oyster Bay, LI and spends quite a bit of time there. Maybe he figures he is in his late 60's and makes a fortune with his MSG residency and can relax, spend time with his family, and do whatever he wants. Nothing is going on with him. He does quite a bit of charity work and seems happy. Also, if you visit his motorcycle shop while he is there he will happily pose for photos.
