Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Blind Item #18

The celebrity CEO is now furthering that fake news he was spinning yesterday by bringing in a suitor sure to get everyone riled up. Who could he pick to swing people to his side and drive the stock price up? The same people that are having a diplomatic battle with the country to the north. Make them the bad guys he says.


  1. Elon Musk discussing plans to go private?

  2. Well the stories say the Saudis invested and bought 4% of the company yesterday, he owns 20% of it. Who knows how many billions Hedge may kiss away if he does take it private.

  3. Yeah, sounds like it's supposed to be Musk. But who is he trying to make the bad guys, who are currently in a diplomatic fight with Canada? Don't understand that part.

    1. Saudi Arabia and Canada. The Canadian ambassador was kicked out of KSA. @Cailcorishev

  4. Some one is in trouble

  5. I feel the CEO with E.G.O. is trying to get back at the shorters. I don't trust any of it.

  6. The Saudis are currently having a kerfluffel with Canada.

  7. I had a boss once who always lied about the business. It was a small, new, growing business, but that wasn't enough for him. We had 5 employees, and he would tell people 12. We were grossing $250K in the first year, and he told people $1M. He also had big plans about going public with it and walking away with millions from the stock sale, which never happened, though he did end up selling the business for a reasonable 5-figure amount.

    When he lied, it was just obnoxious. When you're a public corporation subject to lots of federal regulations, it's a different story. We tend to think a billionaire would know better than to act like a small-time huckster, but why? Especially someone with a Twitter habit. How many people have gotten themselves in trouble tweeting without thinking or having anyone else look it over first?

  8. @Bitchysoisse, thanks. And the Saudis just bought a chunk of Tesla. Seems like that would make them the good guys from Musk's perspective, though, unless he wants people to think they're trying to take it over and he wants to go private to keep it away from them? Doesn't seem like they bought enough for that.

  9. Oh it's been a bad 7 days for the Tesla short sellers hasn't it?
    Is Tesla the best of breed? Who are Tesla's competitors for electric cars? Are we going to get some Edison Edsels?

  10. Fake! Fake! It's all fake! Everything is fine! The beatings will continue until morale improves!

  11. As long as it end with Trudeau being frog marched out of Ottawa, all's well that ends well.

  12. It’s only short term pain for the short sellers, ultimately the price will still tank because the company is fundamentally fucked up.

  13. This isnt a blind. I literately just heard that on KFI.
    And Space X will support Tesla no matter what.

    1. Lol.... uhmm, Natalie

      I hate to be the bearer of bad news but SpaceX is deep in debt and has never made a profit. It is just a piglet suckling on US government grants, subsidies, and an occasional contract.

      I hardly think they are in a position to support a starving child in Africa, let alone a cash burning boutique car company @ $70+ billion with a part time CEO and half it's executive offices empty...

      But hopes and dreams are such happy thoughts... rainbows are so pretty... and unicorns are truly amazing. Sweet dreams princess, I'll leave the light on for you.

  14. Can we rebrand CDAN from a "Hollywood gossip" blog to an "espionage denialism" one?

  15. Good thing I didn't come here for stock tips. So far I've learned that a one-day or one-week rise in a stock price proves the company is healthy, and it's silly to care about profits.

  16. musk with the saudi prince whatever his name is buying 5% of the companie or something billion dollars

    saudi vs canada ding ding ding

  17. It's finally occurring to the rest of the world that Elon Musk is a con man. I mean, here's guy who's been selling coal-powered cars with a federal subsidy. They're "environmentally friendly," don't you know? He makes Bernie Madoff look like an amateur. But with that tweet, he finally got out over his skis.

  18. @Jelly

    "It’s only short term pain for the short sellers,"

    No it isn't.


    -when you buy a stock (or go long) you can lose only the money that you've invested. So, if you bought one TSLA share at $315, the maximum you could lose is $315 because the stock cannot drop to less than $0. In other words, the minimum value that any stock can fall to is $0.

    -However, when you short sell, you can theoretically lose an infinite amount of money, because a stock's price can keep rising forever. Like in the example above, if you had a short position in TSLA (or short sold it) and it ended up rising to $355 before you exited your position, you would lose $40 per share.

    That is money you can't invest anywhere else, you are STUCK. To get out, you have to not only lose your investment but how ever much the stock as risen, to boot. In investment terms, if you money isn't working for you, it's working against you. Holding onto shorts loses you a lot of money the longer it takes to tank.

  19. None of the stock exchange matters if at the end of the day you are money laundering

  20. Is [s]strikethrough[/s] here?
    Don't tell me if I'm wrong

  21. The biggest part of the Canada story is that Trump must have OK’d it. Canada has supported every US war with blood and treasure. They hid the Iranian hostages in 1979. They let airliners land after 9/11.

    We as a Country should be ashamed we picked a Country that crucifies people in public over our steadfast neighbor.

  22. What?!?! Nooooo, everybody still loves Canada.

    The problem is nobody fears them.

  23. @bdm

    "Canada has supported every US war with blood and treasure."


    Canada did not participate in Vietnam.

    Canada did not participate in either of our invasions of Iraq.

  24. plot

    Ironic that you lost every war you just mentioned.

  25. I used to tolerate Elon Musk until Twitter started to ban people for parodying him on their platform. What is he the new dictator in the tech industry now? Gross.



    1. Oh I forgot to add the emoji: GROSS. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

  26. I don’t get how CDAN commenters think Amazing Quotes’ spamming is the “worst thing about Enty’s blog” but then engage with anti-semites, racists, etc.

    And don’t tell me that a bigoted comment is considered more “valuable because it’s at least the author’s opinion” or that it was “thought-through”, it’s harmful.

    Way more harmful that some spam post promoting sites for quotes.

  27. Anonymous7:27 PM

    This is a brilliant idea by Musk. Once the company goes private, the shorts will have to cover, since there will be no public float to borrow the shares from. The trade is over. Even if Tesla eventually goes bust, the shorts are screwed.
    Hope Mr. Hedge, if he really exists, can keep his investors.

  28. His ass can move to Mars and I wouldn’t miss him.

  29. @Syd

    "Ironic that you lost every war you just mentioned"

    Blame Canada! Lol!

    The USA hasn't been a part of a winning effort since WW2 except for the Bosnian War...which never enters the stats for some reason, probably because the USA didn't control that one in any meaningful way so the Hawks pretend it didn't happen.

  30. Oh, and the Bosnian business was a success for Bill Clinton, so naturally the Reich is not very pleased admitting it was our only military success since WW2 unlike their horrible blunders in the Middle East, which are near constant. If anything should sour the public's opinion of the GOP it's their constant need for wars that bankrupt our schools, prevent Medicare for all and a decent standard of living in the USA.

    No! 'Merica! Bombs and blood! Woo-hoo!

    What people also don't realize is our exit from TPP (thank god, it's an infinitely better treaty without the USA) has now made Canada a bigger world player. Canada doesn't have to put up with Saudi shit like we do (please, master, give us another! Our people will thank you for bombing us!) Not now, at least. Because the USA had to protect our awful corporate laws and diseased Wall Street interests, cutting the USA out has made TPP a very exciting means of consolidating power against entities like Saudi Arabia.

    I'm tremendously curious to see what comes because of TPP.

  31. @plot (the fact master)

    Hi...Korea, Vietnam and the invasions of Iraq weren't wars. They were police actions, etc. War requires an act of Congress. Police actions, etc., don't. Bye.

  32. So you accept that the USA is the world's police action state?

    I call them wars. If it acts like a war, talks like a war, quacks like a war, it's a war...or in all those occasions - foreign invasions.

  33. @Scandi, no, Musk isn't the dictator of the tech industry. More like a patron saint, someone to be revered and looked to for inspiration and miracles.

  34. Sure. US won the Bosnian war and allowed eleven mujahideen veterans of Bosnia and Chechnya to be released for "Other duties".

  35. Wesley Clark is a cabal backed coward and war criminal, a disgrace.

  36. @riffer

    Why refer to it as the Bosnian War? It was a larger conflict than that. One could call it the Serbian War or Croatian War, and the former would be more accurate actually.

  37. Gotta admire the sheer brazen attitude of KSA to basically admit to being behind 9/11 and then threaten a similar attack upon Canada if it didn't play ball. The fact that it was ignored/glossed over in the US media says everything about who wields power these days.

  38. Anonymous1:56 PM

    @slipperyGuy you are right
    Hate the player, but mesmerized by the brilliance of the game

  39. Musk is a shitty human but the hedge fund managers trying to recreate The Big Short are miles worse. I'd rather see the hedges lose BIG and be sued by their clients into economic ruin than begrudge Musk a nominal win.



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