Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Blind Item #17

I love how this A- list standup comic made the split announcement with their spouse. They controlled the narrative and made it seem as if this was totally a mutual thing and not the comic hooking up with someone for the past few months. Such a sham.


  1. In other news St Angie has accused Brad Pitt of being a deadbeat dad and not paying enough child support! Brad Pitt countered this by stating he has paid almost 9 million to St Angie since the split! To be continued.........

  2. Brad was in for a lifetime nightmare the day he left JA for her... Hope the sex was worth it. (pro tip: it never is... worth it)

  3. @yepthatsme the Pitt/Jolie divorce is getting nasty! Her attorney quit because Angie wanted to go scorched Earth. I bet Brad will bring out her mental health records!

    1. Mental health records? Everyone knows that.
      It's the smack,et aL that's gonna shock them

  4. Rhea Butcher and Carmen Esposito are separating ... no idea who cheathed

    1. Oh no! I love Cameron and Rhea together! Cameron's the bigger star though I think. So it sounds like she was the cheater .

  5. Brad has abandoned his housing in N.O. One announcement was made and it all stopped. In sure he swooped in with money.

    Tracey is probably dealing with some severe frontal lobe damage if he's leaving her. Sad.

  6. Somewhere, on some sun drenched island, Jennifer Aniston’s margarita machine is whirring endlessly as she and her girlfriends toast with celebratory cocktails.

    1. As Gabriel massages her butt

    2. And she looks at her balance sheet with satisfaction.

  7. Anyone celebrating the fact someone is trying to separate a parent from their children is gross. Jennifer isn’t happy about this disgusting situation

  8. Are stand up comics supposed to have some high moral standards? Most seem like if they weren't on stage they'd probably be behind the club passed out or turning tricks.

  9. I don’t imagine her to be celebrating the separation of of the parent and children, I would say it’s more likely that she’s celebrating the fact that Angelina is putting the screws to Brad the way they did her. If she even gives a damn, which she probably doesn’t.

  10. Considering the circumstance Brad and Jenn parted fairly amicably. I think she would be happy to see Brad turn the screws on Angie, but Brad is probably afraid of what she would do.

  11. The thing about being a fucking psycho is that nobody can be sure what is or is not entirely likely.

    In fact, if you are mugged on the street or somebody tries to rape you and you are convincingly psycho, they will run away, it is that scary to deal with the unknown.

    So. Good luck Brad.

  12. ^^^^ Also why you should never fight a drug addict at a cash machine because they are psycho for drugs.

    So if your mugger is more psycho than you - better hand over those valuables.

  13. Yeah, I'm *so* sure Brad has paid out $9 million since 2016. Get real.

  14. Just put Angelina's own words and deeds out there. Brad shouldn't say anything. Demand she be drug tested like he is. Does she have her mental health treated? Are Enty's blinds true? Why has he been so quiet about this?

  15. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "Are stand up comics supposed to have some high moral standards?"

    LOL, no, never. They've always been the most degenerate group around. They wouldn't be standup comics if they weren't.

  16. She has to pay for the underage prostitutes she is providing to the kids :)

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  18. Yup. Being married to a person w/ Borderline Personality Disorder (which Angie has publicly acknowledged having) can be torture & always requires the patience of a saint, but that's nothing compared to what you're subjected to post-divorce w/kids.

    What's happening to Brad is exactly what happened to my husband after his first marriage ended (minus the $ millions). And 8 years on, he and the kids continue to suffer from her endless manipulations, lies & staggering selfishness. Meanwhile, she plays the perpetual "victim" & lays the blame on virtually *anyone* and everyone but herself.

    It's truly a living nightmare. The stress is overwhelming and has already caused health issues for me. If "Mr. Unknown" wasn't such a caring & truly GOOD person (as I strongly suspect Brad is, as well) I would've run for the hills a long, loooong time ago...

  19. Brad and Jennifer did not separate amicably, more like he publicly dumped and humiliated her and she had no choice but to accept. I am pleased he gets to experience karma now. As for AngieJo, bitch better not try anything dirty, or else her own drug abuse and mental illness history will become public. I think she has spent unwisely thinking the gravy train will never end and some accountant talked sense into her. She's looking for a payout and will probably get it if she plays nicely.

  20. Angie has worked so hard to win the PR war but since she wants to be a bitch, she will reap it because Brad is done taking her crap.

  21. St. Ange is broke. Borderlines spend.

  22. AJ isn't broke, but she knows how to play broke since that is what her mother did for years to manipulate her kids into loving her more than Voight (who really didn't deserve their love but neither did Marcie.)
