Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blind Item #15

They don't like each other and never will. Why would a mother like the guy who makes sure her daughter is dependent on him for drugs and beats the daughter on a regular basis. Why would a mother like a guy who abuses and molests children. Such a bunch of crap. Lets call the mother up right now and ask her shall we? 


sandybrook said...

Olivia Newton John\Chloe Lattanzi?

totaji said...

Plot twist: she likes him.

MDAnderson said...

Priscilla Presley/LPM???

Gossipgal said...

Barbara & Janelle Evans

Colleen said...

Jenelle Evans and David Eason

sandybrook said...

Hmm that's a shock😮
Jennelle is a good guess though.

Paul Saint John said...

There are still deluded people out there who believe chicks don't dig jerks.

Froggy04 said...

@Paul Saint John Not deluded, mature and self-loving.

Liv said...

@Froggy +1

Stupidpervs said...

It's Hollywood not normal life like ours they thrive on drama and attention so these chicks say sure I'll let him continue to beat my ass..

J said...


For money or fame.

Or attention at any rate.

lynn said...

David and Jenelle are both pieces of shit.

Trapped said...

This is just sad, I can't comprehend a mother allowing this to happen..



One of Queen Elizabeth II's personal physicians was killed on Wednesday by a truck as he rode his bike to work. Dr. Peter Fisher, 67, an international leader in homeopathic and holistic medicine who had served on the British monarch's medical team for 15 years, was pronounced dead soon after the accident in the central London neighbourhood of Holborn.

Mahogany1 said...

Sophia Richie's mother

Paul Saint John said...


Keep lying to yourself. It won't change reality but it might make you feel better about it.

molly said...

Getting a LOT of virus warnings from this site ...anybody else?

Sd Auntie said...

Yup @ molly. Red screen. I have Norton on my phone did a scan and turned it off. It worked.

Anonymous said...

Screw the phone call.. can we just drag her through the streets like Mussolini?

Sorry, not shocked to hear that some women are just as twisted as some men!

VikingSong said...

The more misogynists spout their bile about women, the more you prove to women that you are vermin. And you pathetic cunts wonder why fewer women see the point of risking their lives in agonising childbirth. The sooner you die out, the better.

Motörhead said...

Time of the month??

SharonMT said...

Jace, is that you? 😉

SharonMT said...

The phone call was to the mother aka Barb.

BestMan said...

Only view site through ad blocker browser.

Itttt said...

"And you pathetic cunts wonder why fewer women see the point of risking their lives in agonising childbirth."

Yet the human population continues ever onward and upward on its unsustainable trajectory.

No Wuckin' Furries said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

But howevere wille thy breedethe thy noble Aryan future if such a dearthe of wymyn willyng to be Aryan broodmothyres existed, O valkyrie cum pryncesse Viking Songe?

Christina said...

Hayden P? Mom recently said she and Wlad might still get back together?

Stupidpervs said...



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