Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Item #15

She has survived for a long time in the rough and tumble world of politics and television. If you thought the current recording scandal is huge, just wait and see what happens if this former news person gets dumped or treated badly. One of her exes is at least one of the people who is getting copies of everything she has put together. My guess is she is using multiple people so all is not lost if one of the people is discovered.


  1. kimberly guilfolyle.

  2. Gilfoyle isn't a long time anything but starfucker.

  3. Kim G., giving recording of Trump jr to ex democrat Gavin Newsome as ex

  4. Possibly Jane Pauley

  5. guilfoyle was with fox for 12 years. court tv before that. she's been around a long time and was married to gavin newsome so she's also been around politics for a long time.

  6. Gilfoye, but she wouldn't give copy to Newson,she hates him Her ex Husband maybe,or one her other famous exes. Besides,Gain was the duck pics she showed off!

  7. She's not a news person she was a personality on Fox shows that are hosted by non news people.

  8. If Entwat wants to turns his fucking site into a political site because the InfoWars jackasses are here now, he should learn the topic first instead of making shit up that is complete crap to get page views. She's running a Trump PAC after getting HER ass fired from Fox for showing cock pictures around the office.

    1. It's ok we are adults and already have formed opinions the blinds don't change them it just shows how great the divide is that no one is ok with another person disagreeing with theirs ..I'm no Trump fan but why waste time trying to influence others best and only part of freedom in this country is the freedom of thinking I agree the Trump blinds are getting old..repeats of the same stuff just a different person who knew stuff years ago but now want to cash in so nah these silly blinds will not be changing anyone's views

  9. sandybrook hates the site today but continues to refresh his browser...

    Get that man some TDS meds!

    1. Love it or hate it it's all inclusive 😉😉like politics and Trump blinds

  10. @sandybrook now you know what it feels like having him manufacture shit about iggy, gaga and Taytay. If you even loosely follow any of the 3 you can tell the BIs are all a bunch of shit

  11. Thonker I've known ever since I've been on the site since 2012 that 90% of the stuff he writes as blinds is b.s. The only difference now is back then there were 8 blinds a day, several news stories, random photos every day, a your turn, a video a coup!e of reveals. Now it's 15 blinds a day and 5 reveals and a your turn.

  12. All these flavors and sandybrook chooses to be salty.

  13. Sandybrook is my personal hero.

  14. I was waiting for a blind on the Disney exec who crashed his plane, that he was about to spill all the secrets after 30 years. Probably in the next couple of days, too good to pass up.

  15. Oh and Thonker every single story had anywhere from 100-200 or more comments on the too. Now as it turned out quite a bit later a lot of them were done by very a very creative group of trolls who each had 20 or 30 different names apiece, but the still generated page views for that Enty that this one doesn't even come close to.

    1. If you're referencing the Derek Harvey days, I dont miss them. It was really annoying.

  16. sandy should go start his own site. He could call it "The Leftist Crybaby".

  17. I could go with Kim Guilfoyle. I would love for this blind to be about her and Gavin Newsom as the ex to whom she is providing info. Guilfoyle and Newsom (not a typo btw)may not get along but the guy is high enough in the Democratic party that he is the Dem candidate in the next California gubernatorial election. I.e., Newsom knows peeps who would LOVE this type of info and he can't really be intimidated into not releasing it.

  18. Ew, Kimberly, nobody wants to see Don Jr's wang. Keep that to yourself.

  19. #TeamSandyBrooK I can't stand the current crop of far right comments either. WTF happened? It is a pain in the ass to filter them out so now I tend to go straight to Sandybrook answers or the other website, "AGC Blind Items" to get the answers. The idiots have sucked all of the fun out of this site.

  20. Let’s not bring back the days of Derek Harvey.

  21. There was a site I used to like but I started not liking it. So instead of going to it daily and posting comments laden with curse words I simply stopped going to that site. It worked very well for me.

  22. No Kate this was before Derek was the sole troll. The group had a falling out with one of their people, there was a huge argument among all of them. They forced that person out, then all of them, under one of their names, listed all the other names they posted under. So those names disappeared, the trolls stayed for awhile then they left.and Derek Harvey days stayed. Nobody misses that.

    1. Dang and I thought my life was boring a cdan troll I bet that's exhausting lol

  23. @Sandy: Like I keep sayin, I liked this place better when it was a dive. #TeamSandy.

  24. You guys need a little cheese with all that whine?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. How is this even a 4chan, Q conspiracy blind in Sandy's TDS addled brain? What am I missing?

    How about Megyn Kelly? Isn't she on thin ice with NBC? In fact many insiders are surprised she hasn't been dropped already.

  27. Am I the only one who notices how Gilfoyle's face looks like an alien now? Too many cosmetic surgeries has her looking worse than a 60 year old Meg Ryan.

    1. More like the Joker. So today is hate on sandybrook instead of Tricia? Go away with the hate

  28. What about the woman married to the CBS guy under investigation?

  29. I love all the old cat ladies with the "shut the door now that I am here!" mentality… Poor things don't have their echo chamber anymore here. :(


  30. @ bossy pants - Julie Chen, that is an interesting guess. I think that has the most legs actually. Let's check with Sandy - is that ok Sandy, or is that a 4chan type of guess? Are we in on the Trump conspiracy if we think it might be the scheming Julie Chen?

  31. @Neal You are not the only one who thinks that Guilfoyle overdid it and/or got poor quality plastic surgery. Check out pics from when she was married to Gavin Newsom. She was quite beautiful. She didn't age--instead she purchased a whole new face and it was not an upgrade.

  32. Come on, guys - it's so clearly Jeanine Pirro.

  33. @Unknown, Thanks, I had never heard anyone else mention it, and every time I see her/it is like the SCREAMING elephant in the room.

  34. Please spare me from looking a pics of any Trump penises. I WILL PASS.

  35. Julie Chen, using the skills of deceit she's learned from hosting Big Brother.

  36. well Neal its a bit like this, Kimberley Guilfoyle was an employee of Fox News. You with me so far? As an employee of that "network" she was paid to commentate, not report on news events of the day. Still with me? While an employee at that "network" she started fucking Anthony Scaramuchi, somebody she had been paid to report on. A violation of ethical conduct and network standards and practices. She then dropped him after a few weeks and started fucking the president's son, another person she was supposedly commentating on, all the while showing dick pics all around the offices, which is another reason why she got shitcanned. So, she has about as much credibility as old Amarossa, but Amerossa apparently has tapes to back herself up. Kimberley has jack shit except a rep as a starfucker who got shitcanned for unprofessional conduct in an office environment.

    1. Darnit, I'm sorry. I missed about three quarters of that. Can you explain it again sandy?

  37. @Neal, aren't you sorry you asked?

  38. I'm out doing my best to save the children of the world today, but this informed speculation about Q, Jeffrey Epstein and Mossad was too good not to share.

    No idea if there's anything to this, and I wouldn't have done so if the Google Maps and Apple Maps satellite pictures weren't so different and the "tennis" court from Google didn't look so misshapen and phony.

    Food for thought, if nothing else. Best to you all. Well, most of you, anyway.

  39. Well I hope whoever it is doesn't have d_ck picks of Bill Clinton to pass around. Imagine if his cock looks as worn out and destroyed as his face does.

  40. Awww, poor crybaby Sandybrook. If you don't like the content of either the blinds or the replies, then you are welcome to FUCK RIGHT OFF along with the other all talk, no shock losers.

    There are quite a few cures for your TDS, (un)fortunately most cures have the pesky side effect of being fatal. 6.5 more years for you to go...wouldn't it be better to just save yourself the pain and end yourself now?

  41. @ Cail - yes

    @ Sandy, how does any of that amount to Enty doing work for Trump, 4chan, etc. in some conspiracy by posting this blind?

  42. Another supporting voice for Sandy. I don't think we're outnumbered. I just think assholes speak louder.

  43. It is not a matter of speaking loudly, since we are actually typing, it is a matter of making some sort of sense, and not being a deranged politico throwing fits of insane rage at any blind that triggers her/him.
    But I am glad he/she has the angry blue haired cat ladies for support.
    You couldn't diagram the crazy plot of Sandy's out if you had a gun to your head. No sane person has a clue, other then they are REALLY ANGRY about the election!!!!!

    1. @Neal Lol. It's an expression, you dolt.

      If I were an angry blue haired cat person, you might find me commenting on this site from 9 am
      til midnight like it was my job.

      Oh shit. That's you and your Bros.

  44. Hes feeding you newbies bullshit that you lapped up like the fucking morons you all are. You will sit here forever waiting for him to reveal Spielberg as a pedo, even though thats why you all came over here. He's not revealing that ever, unless Spielberg actually gets nailed, which is highly doubtful. He almost never reveals the criminal, willingly reveals the victims. But keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Maybe Enty will get rich like your buddy Alex Jones did feeding you crap. You see what's happening to him now, don't you??

  45. @lttttttttt

    And if YOU don't like fellow commenters here YOU can FUCK RIGHT OFF, TOO!

    See how that works?

  46. Yes, we see what happened to Infowars. Bet you jumped up and down and cheered that, didn't you? Maybe if you complain to Google you can get this site shut down for badthink too. People with wrong opinions should be stopped, amiright?

  47. And seriously Neil this has nothing to do with the election, this is about the ludicrous made up b.s. that hes feeding you new people to keep you here and giving him page views. And if you sort of look into what I said above, Kimberley has zero credibility to bring anything against anyone. Not a tv network, not Junior Trump, not Trump not anybody.

  48. @sandy

    You are killing it today!

    I didn't mind the Derek Harvey days, mainly because I wasn't involved and only lurked. The drama back then, from a distance, was sometimes very very funny.

    1. BS you did “plot”.
      Utter effin bullshit Malibu.

    2. “Only lurked” to be clear.
      Pathological,posturing -twisted and soulless as you always were.

    3. Using qualifiers shows deception plot.
      Oh, okay. I'll just say it.
      You're full of shit

  49. @DDonna

    "I'm out doing my best to save the children of the world today"

    You certainly aren't saving your sanity.

  50. They are businesses with their own standards and practices to follow, if they arent followed they should be banned from that site. Its their revenue, their policies, let him find somewhere else that allows it. If he can. Hes still on the radio, I think he has a tv show on roku.

  51. If it is Kimberly, wouldn't her secrets expose Fox and the Trumps? Shouldn't this make you happy?

    I think it is Julie Chen and Moonves. I am hearing some Tammy Wynette song playing in the background... something about standing by your man.

  52. Make me, plot-turd. Speaking of fucking morons, you and the other middling double digit IQ simpleton, Sandybrook, certainly are gluttons for punishment. "ENTY IS FEEDING YOU ALL BULLSHIT", yet here you both are, day in and day out, posting incessantly, lapping said bullshit up by the gallon.

  53. Neal she has no credibilty just like Omarossa. Her b.s so far isnt doing shit to anybody either because most of the world knows shes a complete waste of time and space.
    Im here for the good social interaction with the gossip people not fucking idiots who want to beat the shit out of me but dont have the guts to back it up "Del from DHS in East LA"

  54. @sandy,
    Yeah, he is feeding newbies bullshit, but all you oldtimers here lapped up pure cream from a golden saucer FOR YEARS. Newbies give him clicks, but somehow you don't? LOL

    Seriously, you make ZERO sense.

  55. Ok, so why get so upset about something that is just made up and won't ever amount to anything? Again, zero sense.

  56. Hell hath no fury like a woman (women!!) scorned!!! Gilfoil(paper)!!!

  57. As for "social interactions" everyone is doing that, and being entertained with the blinds (for the most part) until you or plot come in and start in with your conspiracy politico BS designed to divide everyone into a side, and accusing everyone who isn't part of your old timer gang of being 4chan trolls etc.

  58. Jeesus Neal everybody who has come here for the past several years anyway knows the site is generally b.s. but the site wasn't always that way. The original Enty was pretty legit, had great stories to tell and had plenty of good information to give out we stay because although it's not like that much anymore,SOMETIMES it is and it's worth all the rest of the b.s. Can you understand that? I'm not trying to be a bitch right now, I'm trying to get you to understand why we stay.

  59. Plot isn't Derek Tricia.

  60. Then I'm not sure who you are referring to up there

    1. Derek’s bodyguard -the ever so charming,fan favorite 🙄malibuborebee -you didn’t think they actually-LEFT(no pun intended), did you?

    2. Don’t worry they’ll be here while most sleep to post a manifesto about how wrong I, others are and how they onky lurked (“new to this whole commenting thing on CdAN” lol-sound familiar)? Doing this in a purely condescending tone ,mind you and the arrogance one has thinking they’ll be the one to post last,have the last word... Them they’ll cue/signal Angela”-in the hopes she will.... but they will certainly try,as we’ve all seen time and time again:)

  61. Trump is the new Teflon Don
    Good Luck
    bringing him down

  62. We know "Derek" came back and melted down and left again. If "Derek" is still here now, "hes" not made it apparent to me.

    1. Hey it’s a mad mad world 😉‘Night dude ... see ya tomorrow and I know it’s hard when people come at ya here... everyone should just relax🙏🏻
      We here for a good time not a long time.

    2. @Tricia I'm continually impressed by your discernment.

      what's your opinion on "Han niam"?

      I've only seen her and plot agree/comment in tandem

    3. Thanks@Scneiderisnext. And the same to you and your knowledge on many topics, especially these very important (and quite sensitive ) ones.
      I am not super familiar with the poster that goes by that name but limited recollection tells me they are a bit hostile and yes, in agreement with a certain few other posters here....😉

  63. Yeah we've seen that before. I normally don't go back and read the previous day's so I must be missing some stuff.

  64. No guts to back it up? Let's go, you shitsipper. Name a date, time, and place. Conversely, next time you are out in L.A. I will be happy to send you on your way.

  65. Tricia + infinity.
    (I think you got one wrong today.. Better luck tomorrow!)

  66. Send me an e-mail like I've told you many many times before "Del from DHs in East LA".

  67. KG and the Mooch.

  68. Sandybrook is a guy? Who knew?

  69. @lttttttttttt

    "Make me"

    You make Sandy first.

  70. @Tricia

    "Utter effin bullshit Malibu"

    Lord woman wtf are you talking about!?

    "Pathological,posturing -twisted and soulless as you always were."

    Yep, calling me such is REALLY going to advance the Great Pedo Hunt of 2018, yessiree!

    1. You prefer Mary Scott?
      I’m on no hunt here or elsewhere.... but I’m on the side of humanity and truth-always.
      And I certainly will point out the lack thereof when see it like a neon sign.

    2. Ps- thanks for showing up before like 3 am to illustrate to us all how very-simmybwe are and “I formed “you are dove.
      Must have read my comments above-smooth move

    3. You never disappoint me Tricia. I like you more every day.

    4. Thanks Bestman ... gotta workmon the typos😢

  71. @Neal

    "until you or plot come in and start in with your conspiracy politico BS designed to divide everyone into a side"

    Guess it's escaped your notice that every BI descends into the social gathering of the Great Pedo Hunters of 2018 with the encouragement of Enty who posts bullshit to feed them.

    Funny how you miss that.

  72. @tricia

    "Don’t worry they’ll be here while most sleep"

    Cuz some folks are in different timezones. It's really quite simple.

    1. So is writing out the word because,as opposed to the sloppy and lazy “cuz” wordsmith.

    2. @Tricia Ooh. Going in for the grammar lesson. You must be much smfgter.


      Typos suck, huh?

    3. They do girl.. I hate them!

  73. "You prefer Mary Scott?"

    To what?

    " I’m on the side of humanity and truth-always."

    Yet are consistently flummoxed by bullshit and siding with cynics who have not great love of humanity, ever.

    1. I fail to see how I have ever been or am flummoxed here.yiu hold that title ,take credit and work it!
      Shall I hit return 2 more x more dramatic effect


    2. There is more vitriol thrown at tricia and sandy than guesses to the blinds. Why so much hate on a gossip
      Site? Did either of them personally do y’all wrong? Get help.

    3. "to what?" lolol
      "Flummoxed" lolol

      plot, you can still get occupational therapy for the ASD you have.
      It's probably too late for the anger issues tho

    4. So how do people with ASD act. My son was recently diagnosed ASD so I’m curious as to how you came up with that diagnosis.

    5. Well, I'm not sure how old your son is, but with active hands on guidance and parenting, as well as new treatments, resources, and therapy, you can make great strides in helping him to self regulate.
      Now, in this particular case, someone like plot may not appear to be listening or paying attention because he/she(HIR/MIR/ZIE) may not be able to process what we are saying because of background noise, external(or internal) stimuli...and there's difficulty in focusing. Also-interacting with others appropriately is more difficult and being socially awkward is a BIG sign...but i think the most glaring examples here that told me this is the case, is the Inability to catch on to sarcasm, as well as the repetition even when trying to be redirected.
      Hope this helps,
      Best wishes for your son

    6. Are you trying to pretend that you were being helpful with your ASD comment? Am I getting your patronizing tone right, or are you going to direct me to a support group?

      If you knew someone (and cared about them) on the spectrum, you wouldn't be so quick to throw it out there against someone you disagree with. Lucky you; life is grand.

      @MDAnderson ASD children vary, but one thing remains the same: it's hard fo watch your child bullied. It's hard to see shitty comments from people like Rosie who throw a diagnosis around like an accusation.

      Go fuck yourself, Rosie. You're a terrible person.

    7. Why you so mad tho?

    8. Thank you Liv. My son is the sweetest child in the world and my biggest worry is him dealing with people in this harsh world making judgements about him. I have been through so many evaluations with him and just starting ABA in home therapy and hoping for the best.

    9. @Rosie I guess deduction isn't a strong suit for you? Shall I offer a meaningless and absurd diagnosis to explain your low emotional IQ?

      I have a child on the spectrum who is old enough to notice ignorant commentators wielding ASD accusations at anyone they disagree with. It's mean and ignorant. It needlessly hurts.

      @MD Support groups are a great start. You cannot control the actions of others, but you can arm your child with strength and self-awareness and self-love. Middle school has been particularly hard, but a sense of humor is essential. Best wishes to you.

    10. You can diagnose me with whatever you like, it's no matter to me. Most of us here either know someone or have a child on the spectrum. I know far more about it than you may think. I deal with it daily, yes, even me that is so evil.
      Anyhoo, I don't say this to anyone I disagree with. I don't agree with some others here, it rolls off my back.
      I've been here a LONG time, plot (her/his/zie/MIR) is indeed exactly how I state.
      Stick around gurllll, plot needs a friend. Or, fwend as (he/she/zie/MIR) would say.
      Chill tho, it will be OK.

  74. Where do I go for a refund of the 10 minutes I just wasted reading the responses to this blind?

    1. LMAO. 😂😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂

      It’s okay, Moose, life is pretty pointless anyway. What’s 10 minutes of it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  75. Geez, Melvin leaves us for one day and this place really falls apart! Lol

  76. ?? Is it safe too come out yet??

    I'm still worried about Melvin... he was triggered by a Trumper yesterday. I don't think I can go on without his Devine presence here!!!

    1. ... and now please continue with the regularly scheduled program

    2. "Hey, remember that one time, on the gossip site, when we all banded together against Melvin? I've never felt so connected. Can we do it again? Hey, Melvin, come back!"

      You're going from post to post, bleating like a lost lamb for Melvin.

      Give it up. Your moment is gone.

    3. Erp. There ya are again girl.
      My GOODNESS, what you lack is "CONTEXT" here... because that @JF trolling Melvin stuff? It's funny

    4. Why do you think I lack context? I've been reading here. I saw the comments.

      Jf acting like he's lost his sheep is juvenile. It's a fart joke that got a laugh once, so he keeps trying to repeat the magic. No magic.

  77. Anonymous8:50 PM

    My God... I leave here for a week to work like a maniac and come back to see some serious hate in the comment section! You can tell mid-terms are getting closer.

    @Tricia13 " We here for a good time not a long time" <--- EXACTLY

  78. OMG, if the ex- in question is Gavin Newsome, that would be hilarious.

  79. Jesus the Derek Harvey days were the WUUURRRSSSSTTTT.

    And who knew sandybrook was a guy? Well I did but I'm always the last one to the party.

  80. @Tricia

    "I fail to see how I have ever been or am flummoxed here"

    And that is a great personal tragedy, if in fact humanity is what you wish to support.

  81. @Stupid

    ".repeats of the same stuff just a different person who knew stuff years ago but now want to cash in"

    Or someone pulling shit out of their own ass.

  82. @Tricia

    NOW you claim all you desire is a nice calm happy board. Then why come after the likes of me? Why acerbate the tensions? Even if you'd like to eliminate me from here, the next best thing is to ignore me right? Yet you do not.

    I don't enjoy arguing with you. Others, sure, I really enjoy it because they are obviously playing games and enjoying themselves, too, though they'd be hard pressed to admit it. I think you get genuine pleasure out of CDAN and have made friends here, so I try to avoid interfering with any of that as a general policy.

    But if you take me on, try to place me in your conspiracy of CDAN or pedophiles, I'm going to respond. Wouldn't you?

    I'm just a person, Tricia, not anything or anyone else. My aims are clear and if my tactics are bad I try to improve. My relationship with CDAN until lately was very casual, as it is with other gossip and political boards. I'm not usually prone to comment because there are other things going on in my life.

    But what is going on here, the attempt to establish a narrative with mostly innocent loyalists is simply not right. Once in a while, a person has to step up.

  83. Leave trish alone you pedo defending freak. Everyone can look back at this thread and see exactly where and who started this crap with their belligerent temper tantrum (sandybrook). with his/her continual narrative that everything is a 4chan, trump, Russian, cernovich, Alex Jones, infowars conspiracy. Everyone else was just guessing and talking until then.

    So you can shove your lies and BS about you being some hero defending... ummm what are you claiming to be defending?

    I am still not sure who this blind is about, but one thing I know since the pedo defenders all mobilized en mass, is that YOU THINK it is about someone who has damaging info on the DNC.

    1. Aish. Who's defending pedos? I don't see that here at all, and never have. I've seen people defending others ACCUSED of pedophilia.

      Are you going to accuse me, too, because I disagree with you?

    2. I love the smell of astroturf in the morning

  84. You would think I have something to say about this but I don't

  85. you folks shoudl calm down, its cyber world here, not real life.

  86. Is this O.G. internet bloodsport or is this something else?

    If you were a patsy for a Mockingbird media operation who managed to blacklist herself, and that was your apex, would you always chase that high, O Icarus?

    Dreams of being the next" Democracy Now!" lady, dashed against the cruel, jagged rocks of psychosis.

    She that was ever fair and never proud,
    Had tongue at will and yet was never loud,
    Never lacked gold and yet went never gay,
    Fled from her wish and yet said “Now I may,”
    She that being angered, her revenge being nigh,
    Bade her wrong stay and her displeasure fly,
    She that in wisdom never was so frail
    To change the cod’s head for the salmon’s tail,
    She that could think and ne'er disclose her mind,
    See suitors following and not look behind,
    She was a wight, if ever such wights were—

  87. Neal I see you are still trolling everything and everybody from yesterday morning on. You are nothing but a useless complete waste of time. Do everybody a favor and find yourself a job, a clue and a life ok you fucking asshole?

  88. Yeah Liv that's not suspicious at all either

    1. You fucking old people can't even hasbara right

    2. Glad to see you admit you're a paid troll.

    3. *never posts here*
      *private profile*
      *really has an ear to the pulse of CDAN comment drama*


    5. I comment frequently here, geeljire.

      Private profile because there are truly crazy people. Is your name really Geeljire? And because you comment frequently, in all caps, and use copy pasta, does that make you a more credible commentator on a gossip site?

      Just wondering where you draw the line.

  89. @Liv

    "Are you going to accuse me, too, because I disagree with you?"

    That is the general pattern, yes. Tired, old and thoroughly misguided as it is, the Great Pedo Hunters of 2018 don't have much else when it comes to people who disagree with them.

    It's a shame they choose to attack the personal bad (downright awful) jokes between a director and his friends rather than the Catholic priests of Pittsburgh, isn't it. BTW, where were those pieces of human garbage on the Great Pedo Hunters spread sheet? No where. But Gunn is. Who is wasting their fucking time here?

    1. I literally posted about the priests and Joe Biden yesterday, plot


      Creating more content is the opposite of winning the race, plot. I know you read every. Single. Comment. I know you know the race is on! Why are you moving in reverse?

    2. And there you go, anyone defending pedos like James Gunn. Plot is an atheist so blaming religion is the easiest reflection. But stop looking at Hollywood on this Hollywood blog. My son's future may depend on it (hit the TC classifieds for non seasonal work)

    3. You see, there ya go again diverting attention and going WAY out of focus.
      Why wouldn't we defend innocents against priests? And Republicans? And those ""EBUL 4CHANERS""? Do you even listen to yourself ?
      Why Is your need to be right so strong?
      I stand by my diagnosis. There's no way someone with intelligence like yours could possible be so hyperfocused, so that you TOTALLY disregard absolutely everything but what you want to no, NEED to HEAR.

      AND Liv? Hope your day gets better love. Do some yoga. Drink some kombucha xoxo

    4. Deflection*
      This is a midterm election and Media Matters hires ANYONE, even ones burnt by Daily Kos.

      This is all hands on fucking deck. Come get your vouchers and stare at your phone all day. It's not a school district computer, even if it is school district time. I had to beg for money to pimp my child to college athletics. Then I post on the internet to make sure no one talks about Dan Harmon or James Gunn this week. Hey, it's a living. One time, I time traveled to 1997 using a time machine I invented called "alcohol." Don't you think the real media would be covering any of this if any of it were true. It's totally debunked conspiracy theorems gone mad. How come no one is talking about these pedophiles I'm not paid to defend. What about Family Guy? This is a witch hunt. I never defended Roman Polanski, because if he were guilty then he'd obviously be in prison. Do you not understand how vital his corpus of work is? Typical Infowars incel.

  90. @rosie

    "Why you so mad tho?"

    I'm not.

    "Plot is an atheist "

    Where have I said anything of the sort?

    1. These questions are an invitation to waste your time recalling and posting a comment she'll never respond to/isn't interested in discussing

      What about Family Guy plot? you brought it up and never want to talk about it. Why Tim and Eric and James Gunn but not Seth? Really I know you've seen me write that I think it's very poor taste for Seth to make child rape jokes about Kevin Spacey and other known industry secrets while drinking from the Hollywood trough, and others have expressed similar views.

      You launch into this psychotic "NOBODY DISCUSSES FAMILY GUY THIS IS A PEDO HUNTER WITCH HUNT" thing. You realize some of us have been doing this since before you stopped time traveling, plot.

      (And besides this is CDAN, I would expect at least an "I'm/was catholic" instead of WHERE DID I EVER SAY I'M ATHEIST HUH??? We have me, sandybrook, Satan 666, religion is hardly taboo here and we're a regular rainbow coaltion)

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. @rosie

    "There's no way someone with intelligence like yours"

    Sigh. god why. I've said before that I'm not that smart. But this ain't about me.

  93. ure projection from you Sandybrook - even your name reeks of politico. It is sick actually that you chose that.
    You going to throw another deranged tantrum today loser? and then challenge everyone to come fight you? and then after all that act like some victim? You are pathetic, and so is your sockpuppet army of one sentence supporters. Grow up, seriously.

    Guess what? Trump will still be president no matter what shenanigans you pull on here. In fact your derangement is probably helping him for 2020.

  94. I normally don't come back the next day, but after Tricia mentioned how the cowards come back at night to get the last word... yep sure enough there they are.
    Plot in full effect. Liv went through the posts to see what she can feign fake outrage over.

    Thanks for the heads up Tricia.

    1. Most welcome Neal M.....

    2. Hmm. I disagree with comments. Make my own comments. (During daylight hours...timestamps, yo.)

      How is that different from what you're doing?

      I'm not feigning anything. And your circular reasoning is ridic.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. "Prove where I ever said anything about Family Guy!"

  96. I'm off to do awful, boring, bureaucratic shit today, CDAN, I can't wait to see what comment turf wars happen in my absence!

    Watch my traffic go ba-dum, boo'd UP
    Biddy-da-dum, boo'd UP
    See my page views go ba-dum, boo'd UP

  97. I wonder if those numbers count the one sentence sock puppets who never engage in actual blind conversations but only come out to be on teamsandy, or to irrationally defend whatever pedo support/cover/distraction that plot is trying to provide?

    Keep up the good work Enty!

  98. Looks like the Amazing Quotes guy is trying to get the last word.

  99. :) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  100. @Neal

    "In fact your derangement is probably helping him for 2020."

    Right. The personal mental condition of one person is going to push Trump right over (his imaginary wall with Mexico.) That's how it works.

    Are you really trying or the stale script from 2016 is stuck on repeat?

    "come back at night to get the last word"

    Or it might be day were some people are. Think about it real real hard. Then if you have the gumption and ability, look up some time stamps.

  101. Getting back to the topic at hand, Roger Ailes is quoted saying that "Kimberly will get on her knees for anybody." Since she kept receipts (and showed them around the office), I'm assuming this is her. She was treated harshly by Fox when they abruptly dismissed her, so it could get ugly. But we know the Trumps only hire the "best people." She now works for one of their cushy hush money PACs.

  102. Why The Left Will Never Beat Trump- the thread!

  103. WTF did I just read...

    At least Derek Harvey and the OG troll farm were entertaining at times. This bunch just repeats the same shit over and over. Like that'll make it true or something. Pathetic.

    1. I guess he never personally attacked and stalked you over and over,then? And invaded your personal life and those of people close to you....
      Might not have been so “entertaining “, I imagine....

    2. What a luxury you have in your “fond memories “.

  104. Enough with the comments on this post!!!!!!!!!! Y'all are blowing up my email. No more will I click on the follow up comments notification box. Lesson learned!!! Yikes!
    And FTR, I stopped reading them yesterday--now I'm just deleting them. I'm sure that's not a unique reaction.

  105. I agree with Unknown! No more comments!

  106. With all of plots global acumen, you would think they would have learned how to use /hit the “reply” button?

    1. As opposed to subjecting is all to their personalized , tortuous , lengthy, and vacuous replies.

  107. Just remember, all of you TDS suffering turdburglars and you know who you are (plot & sandybrook) - You can't spell triumph without Trump.

    Six and a half more years is a long time to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome...and that's before his kids start taking their turns as POTUS!

  108. YOU ARE HERE, TDS SUFFERERS!!! Why not do the world a favor and end your suffering?

  109. @Tricia

    I have all cookies disabled, incognito mode and all ads blocked. This eliminates the reply button to individual posts. It sucks but there you have it. Believe you me, you aren't the only one to complain about the disabilities this forces onto my computer and phone.

    I'm sorry that happened to you. Like I said, I was a casual lurker who sometimes found the bitch fests funny during the Derek days. I knew that sometimes those fights entered the real world in some way I was never quite sure of. I wasn't that committed to following things.

    Now I know and I would NEVER support the doxing of others nor approaching posters in any fashion in real life, NEVER. My beliefs are very strong on the sanctity of anonymity on the internet and the protections of our privacy. So Derek and his trolls are not nearly so funny anymore. Threatening people's safety is no response to what people post, no matter what they write or what opinions they have. I am sorry that happened to you.

    1. @plot

      Thank you for another brief response to a simple point.

      We are deeply appreciative of your time here.

      You’re Truly,


  110. @Tricia

    Okay then.

    Brief enough for ya?

  111. So.... Moonves & Chen it is. Thank you all very much!



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