Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #13

Apparently this foreign born A- list three named actor went through an anabuse program to try to stop drinking. It worked for a long time until he recently fell off the wagon. He is resisting going back for treatment because of how awful it was the first time.


  1. Jonathon Rhys Meyers

  2. It was not awful enough if he started drinking again.

  3. I could be wrong but I'm assuming what made it awful wasn't the treatment itself but the withdrawal symptoms

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I like alcohol, but I can't imagine drinking so much of it that I'd have the DT's or withdrawal. I can't even wrap my head around how to drink that much all the time.

  6. Maybe he wouldn't need the booze so much if he just testified about the abuse he suffered and the pedos he knows about.

  7. I’ve not known anabuse to work for any severe alcoholic. It’s just a bandaid, not a solution.

  8. Agreed, HeatherBee. I've never seen anyone beat alcoholism using anabuse. At best it gets them through the withdrawal period, but much more work has to be done after that or relapse is a guarantee.

    I've seen it used pretty effectively as a punishment by the court system though. Court-ordered anabuse looks like an easy way out for the offender but it always turns out to be an ugly mess. If it weren't part of a voluntary plea agreement it would probably qualify as torture. I watched a guy dry-heave for a half an hour because he used an alcohol-based mouthwash by mistake while on anabuse. Brutal.

  9. It is called antabuse and, while old-fashioned, it is a deterrent for some alcoholics because it makes them sick if they ingest alcohol. It isn't a "cure" but can be a part of a larger, more comprehensive treatment scheme. I wish I didn't know as much as I do, trust.

  10. @ Jimbonius, if you can't imagine drinking so much of it that you'd have the DT's or withdrawal, and can't even wrap your head around how to drink that much all the time, it's because you're not an alcoholic. If you are an alcoholic, you can totally imagine it and have in fact, have lived it.

  11. Withdrawal should put you off for life. It absolutely terrified me. I still throw up remembering it. A week of feeling like you could die should scare the shit out of you enough.

  12. Nobody in the USA ever talks about Naltrexone but it should be used more than Antabuse.

  13. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I have lost two loved ones to alcoholism. Whoever it is, hope it works and sending them every good thought.

  14. I'm so grateful that it takes nothing more than a strong cup of tea to have me leap on the table, seize the microphone and swirl my nipple tassles East and West. Does rather leave marks on my best table cloth, but a good squirt of bleach deals with that.

  15. Jimbonius- It's not always about quantities. If you drink every day, DTs can happen when you stop.

  16. Jonathon Rhys Meyers and he is smoking hot and very talented. I hope he is able to get well soon.

  17. @hunter, Narcan works great. BUT the person has to want to stop. They have to take it consistently. But America seems to be stuck on the AA way and no other.



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