Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Blind Item #13

This still in very bad shape A- list singer tried to kill herself while seeking treatment because she doesn't think she can ever get sober.


  1. Replies
    1. Very sad really. I don’t think she will ever get better.

  2. Seems like leaving show business would be a good idea.

  3. I actually feel sorry for her.. I couldn’t name a song she sings, but she did come from the Disney Channel
    We all know what those kids go through to become famous..
    I know I couldn’t do it at all, but what responsibility do the parents of these children bare???
    I know the parents know about all the wrongdoings that happens to these very young children.
    I couldn’t spend that dirt money at all, I wouldn’t allow my child on nome of these shows, they all do the very same things...

    1. Trapped, I am with you. I don't understand how any parent would allow their kid to work for Disney or Nickelodeon. And it is sick that these companies employ these disgusting excuses for human beings. I say castrate all the molesters and lock them the f$@& up. The fact that there are so many blinds about these victims is sad. Out all the predators instead. All of these former child stars who are addicts have gone through shit they are trying to numb. Therapy is what they need. #survivor

    2. This isn’t a Disney or child star thing. If you listen or read her interviews she’s been struggling with a lot of shit including being sexually assaulted by a family members when she was a child. Those things don’t go away overnight.

  4. Another blind indicated that she'd had a stroke during her overdose. At her age that's probably going to be a career ender.

  5. Tell your truth Demi.
    Dont let those assholes win.

    1. Also remember several blinds indicating her sobriety has been on /off for a while.... enty was on it.

  6. Saw some headline today that said she od'd on oxy laced with fentanyl. This makes no sense at all, are they just trying to make it look like she's a victim of big pharma to blame shift? If you don't know, oxy is a pill, you can't "lace" it with anything, that's like saying you got an aspirin "laced" with fentanyl, it just can't happen. Dealers use fentanyl to make shitty dope seem like good dope but it's so strong the slightest miscalculation can make people OD or die. She got bad heroin end of story, everyone knows you're a junkie so why lie at this point?

  7. She very well may never get better. Addiction is horrid.

    My ex is going through this soon. there's a plan in place to get her off the stuff--
    She's a successful professional, extremely intelligent and has been at the same job as a guidance counselor for 25 years. Her back issues got so bad that the doctor started giving her oxycontin 8 years ago and they've since done surgery so now need to get her off of it. We broke up largely due to this, and I stuck it out as long as I could, over six years.
    She told me last week that she would love to see my son and I, but she can't because she doesn't know if she'll make it. If she makes it, we can have another chance. If not, well... It's terrible. I don't wish it on anyone. It leaves you powerless, and not just the person who's addicted. It's the people who love them too.

    1. Sorry to hear about your struggles, and that of your ex Rosie. Tell her to “fight the good fight” whenever /however often you can.

    2. Best wishes for you both, Rosie. Addiction is unadulterated and unbiased hell, as you know. Recovery is not easy, but so worth it. You sound like a very loving partner and I’m sure the guilt is killing her, just keep being supportive without losing yourself in the battle.

  8. They have no other skills to make a living. So, this is all they know. Same with all those other "models" of high profile celebs. No other skills were encouraged, I guess. Trust fund kids who will blow, literally, through all of it quick.

  9. If she did have a stroke, she's way more likely to attempt suicide. Strokes screw with your emotions badly. (My mom attempted suicide after her stroke.)

  10. Pretty sure she was trying to kill herself with all the drug use. Still if it's a choice between suicide and drugs, maybe find better drugs.

  11. very sad. she will most likely end up dead.

  12. +1 @Akbar. All spin and media lies... Until someone slips up and shows receipts. Like Riri that night....

  13. @Akbar Fentanyl is indeed added to black market pills. There's currently a problem with fentanyl being added to black market Xanax, for example. Just because it's in pill form doesn't mean it hasn't been cut with something somewhere in the supply chain.

  14. Poor girl. Hollywood dreams have pure intent but the reality is that Hollywood chews people up & spits them back out. I hope she makes it. & I hope she leaves “the business” & just has a normal life.

  15. & Akbar, the pills aren’t from the pharmacy if laced with fentanyl. Did you seriously not know thIs? Do you read the news? Dealers are even lacing cocaine with fentanyl.

  16. Sorry guys but pressies are real easy to spot, no one is pressing fake oxy's. They're super easy to get legit and I'm not some hollywood debutante so I'm sure she could easily get the real thing. She got bad dope, and if it was in a pill it would still just be powder in a capsule which looks nothing like real oxy. Heroin in pill form is scramble made for shooting and it can have tons of shit in it if you don't cook it right before you shoot it. Thats how junkies od from fentanyl.

    1. Akbar:

  17. @Anne, i dont think she will be interested in a normal life. To put it simply, she would rather be in the blinds than read them!

  18. The article I read said they free-based it... it wasn't in a pill form at all.

  19. Also if you are cutting your cocaine with fentanyl, you need to give up being a drug dealer.

  20. TownChica and others: I once saw an interview with the "Opie" actor (can't think of his name at the moment)
    who said that he survived the business intact because his father protected him every minute. He was present for every table read. every filming, etc., and said "He wouldn't let anyone mess with me."

  21. She probably can't speak let alone sing anymore after the stroke. That's why she wanted to kill herself.

  22. Demi needs to get away from being on stage and get behind it, become a producer maybe take in some youtn talent and keep them away from the dark path she went down.

  23. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Please leave her out of the gossip for awhile. If it's as bad as I've been reading, the lady really needs our positive vibes and good thoughts.

  24. Demi needs to put on her own oxygen mask before saving anyone else Gary.

    - hunter

  25. Addicts don't get better ....I'm guessing her "rehab" center didn't tell her that when she cut that check...once an addict always an addict..one day at a time

  26. @Tru: the "Opie" actor? Do you mean Ron Howard?

  27. Idk. If this were true I’m not sure they’d let her have temporary access to her phone. She liked a photo on Instagram, unfollowed someone on her private page and posted on her private page. She’s been in Chicago the last few days with an addiction specialist.

  28. Famous people always claim pills. It wasn’t pills. They were doing everything under the sun that night and it wasn’t pills.

  29. Yep, this is how Patton Oswalt's wife died....fake oxy. My sister died on real oxy at age 38...taking as prescribed. Dangerous stuff.

  30. Akbar, you CAN lace oxy with Fentanyl. What people do is mix powders like fentanyl and fillers and then they use a machine or small instrument called a pill press and it’s compresses the drugs into the same shape. They use dye and such so that it looks exactly like the prescription pill. Many people die from getting fentanyl laced pills, it is very much a thing and very easy to cut with. You should read more before you comment on things you don’t know, just saying. Become informed first my friend!

  31. I'm thinking Demi and the stroke rumors are true. Hope she doesn't end up like Steven Adler. It's much harder on a woman because of the way society sees you and expects you to be.

  32. Come on enty... dont you have any lepers or children in wheelchairs with MS to talk about?

    You fat fuck... have you no respect or class AT ALL!

  33. Ajee Shabazz maybe it's you that should be more well informed. I know exactly what is being talked about, so you wasted a whole paragraph explaining something I already know, and had you bothered to read my comments you would know that. I understand exactly what goes on, I'm saying that it's not what happened, do you need a paragraph of explanation on that or will you just fuck off quietly?

  34. JF Get over yourself you fucking Tosser. This is a gossip site, if you don't like it, fuck off, you pathetic little Cunt!

  35. Damn, this is a sorry story. hope she gets better somehow.

  36. Love and light and prayers to her and to all those suffering with the disease of addiction.

  37. I had a really wiseass comment to make, but I forgot it after jumping thru all the effin hoops. We all lose, and I am a long time poster.

  38. This breaks my heart. I know exactly what she's feeling.



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