Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blind Item #12

This A+ list director is filming a movie right now. One of the people in the movie is this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress. The director told her he had a confession and that he used to pleasure himself watching her performance in a certain movie from several years ago. She looked at him and said, "I was 9 in that movie." The director looked her in the eyes and said, "I know." He then walked away.


MDAnderson said...

Quentin/ Dakota Fanning??

nonyabusiness said...

Sick fuck.


Remember "From Dusk Till Dawn?"

alphacranberry said...

gross gross gross. call the cops

cheesegrater15 said...

He's into feet, not kids. What movie was she in? I am Sam? The one with Brittany Murphy?

Unknown said...

Why are more and more these comments coming from Drudge Report type commentators?

Ron Phelps said...

He was obviously joking. QT always screws with actors on his sets, it's part of the fun and camaraderie.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Yeah, that's super funny and not at all creepy. Perfect way to build camaraderie.

Brayson87 said...

Yeah b/c making jokes about jerking it to coworkers and/or 9 year olds is always hilarious. Fucking pedo scumbag and sexual harasser. Tarantino is a great with writing dialogue but a shit director.

Paul Saint John said...

What movie was Dakota Fanning in?

Jne said...

Qt, dakota fanning in hounddog
Another hollyweird movie

ladybaus said...

This is such BS. Quentin is not stupid and would never say that knowing how many people in the industry have been called-out lately. Why not change the name of this site to pedodaysandnights cause that is all that anyone talks about here. What kinda sick fucks wanna discuss pedo accusations all day long, everyday? And dont give me the ol "we are here to protect the children!" Yall arent doing ANYTHING but being creepy and are not helping ANYONE posting about this shit.

Neil said...

Dakota was in 'Man on Fire' around that age.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Probably The Cat in the Hat. Tarantino is a creepy enough fuck that he likes the worst movie ever made.

Morninglorri said...

Uptown Girls: missing context, maybe they just had a conversation about qanon garbage, insert joke.

Unknown said...


This kind of depravity must not be allowed to remain hidden any longer. and if you think its bad now....just wait...lots of well known "respected" people are going to be scared to be seen in public.

IanPhlegming said...

"It's just a joke." Except it's not funny. And it today's environment, it's particularly psycho.

If you've read Miles Mathis's long white paper on the Manson murders, it makes the title of "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" particularly intriguing.

Bitchysoisse said...

Ladybaus in with the "if you're worried about pedophilia, you must be a pedophile!!!" meme. Maybe YOU'RE the pedophile because you're worried about people who are worried about pedophiles, ehh? Or maybe the only people who should be accused of pedophilia are those who show suspicious signs of pedophilia, like directors who enjoy whacking one out to a 9 year old's feet and, years later, can't wait to rush over and tell the actress about it. Maybe that person deserves it, ehh?

Stupidpervs said...


Stupidpervs said...

Gay Disney agenda and Hillary & Trump supporters have banned together to created a American illuminati to throw those triangle and 👌 signals from movies videos and interviews ..fancy white folk gang signs which then less the black lives matter group to claim cultural stealing cuz us white folk ain't got no business braiding our hair to look like those blonde weaves and Asian wigs they steal from other cultures daily ..scary world man I'm hearing rumours of MpgUltra arising again oh and the nation's pedos unite in Hollywood where justice is blind and the righteous can get just as rich as the shameless ..🤓

Stupidpervs said...

And no I'm rarely serious here and like my humor salty oh shit I'm gonna get Gunned and Barred over these jokes

Mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Natalie Portman in the professional ?
Anna Paquin in the Piano ?

Anonymous said...

Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire ?

Stupidpervs said...

Can't joke triggers people's pedo boners you know cuz none of us joke like that or prowl thru this website to gawk and support the lack of police activity and mandatory reporting of child rapest why one day dancing not will be rich for selling his story and people pout thru his abuse and others abuse like it's everyday business as usual so yeah spare me the outrage when this website protects and blinds pedos and people pout over the sexual dysfunction of celebs lol so yeah moco outrage is the new trend just no ones willing to give their career or wallet or name to stop repeated abuse for decades go gather your stones and warm up those tossing arms

Mac said...

No one said anything about your joke, or said you couldn't make it.
But you do bring up a valued point. More than just posting blinds should be happening with some of this stuff.
As commenters though, we can only do what we can do. Even towing the line against the normalization of this is something, and sorely needed here with the numerous people who want to discard or ignore it, or silence Enty.

So what are you going to do? Stand against that, even if it is only symbolically or help normalize and distract, or make it a joke?
I would be fine if my stance on this issue here as placed on a placard that I had to wear in public. How would the others who defend this shit and try to normalize it feel. I bet they might get a little uncomfortable if their family and co-workers saw.

Mac said...

And Yes - Quentin and Dakota - "Once upon a time in America".

ladybaus said...

Neal, I think if your family and co-workers saw how much energy and time you spent guessing these sick little blinds, they would be more than "uncomfortable". And we aren't defending shit-this is not PROVEN to be true. Child abuse is not for entertainment purposes. The people that eat these blinds up with a spoon are sick fucks.

Cadmium77 said...

@Sara, Making It Work

It says a lot about how low we've sunk as a culture that liking Cat In The Hat is more depraved than jerking it to a 9 year old.

Taratino is a very angry ugly man who vastly overrates his own intelligence and artistic merit.

enitocin said...

and then she blushed...

Krab said...

+1 ladybaus

LadySabreX said...

Taratino is a world class creep and for the life of me I cannot understand why people would want to work for him. Kill Bill was the only movie of his I even liked.

Mac said...

You are full of scrap ladybaus. How long you been here? years like Stonybooke, lapping it up like cream and projecting your sickness on to new people who want to see justice done? My time here guessing on blinds is dwarved by you sickos trying to keep this all hush hush and normalizing it.
Your photo fits you, wide eyed and crazy. Evil bitch.

Maggie T said...

That movie unsettled me. Especially Clooney with neck tattoos.

Mac said...

But you are right about spending time here. I think all of our family and friends would think that spending time on a gossip site isn't the most productive. But you know what, they have their unproductive time killers as well, so big deal.
My point still stand. I would be ok with people knowing my stance here. I want a bright light to shine down on all these cockroaches, and I want it to STOP and justice to be served for the victims.. how about the people who defend this shit, or try to normalize it, or turn it into a joke, or don't want to take a stance but just want to guess about which Duggar girl is pregnant?

Mac said...

And yes, QT is a creep. His movies are creepy, he looks creepy, he can never hold a relationship with a functional adult, except a phony one with an actress looking for parts in his movies.

I hate all his movies, but I will say this, some of his individual scenes like the basement pub scene in that "bastards" movie (up until the killing started), or the apple strudel scene, are amazing cinema. It is too bad he can't keep it together for an entire movie instead of delving into his sadistic fantasies.

Green Tea said...

+1 ladybaus

Though I disagree on one point. I think the "crazy" in CDAN was the right choice.

Mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Neal lightning rods the shit out of these creeps
Well done

Trapped said...

This is one sick person to say that to someone.. People have lost it in this era we are living in

Mac said...

Thanks Geel, but I might be wrong on this one.
If she had already read that bohemian grove post I can see her feeling this way. That was way too descriptive for my tastes. I had to nope out on that one.

bookworm said...

Little Miss Sunshine?

Jacqualine said...

I have never seen the film but I remember there was some controversy over a film with Dakota Fanning as a kid and her character got raped. Could this be the film the sicko was referencing? I don't even remember the name.


You're right

Let's analyze FROM DUSK TILL DAWN!
Gecko Brothers (pederast George Clooney and Quentin "Feet aren't underage" Tarantino) kidnap a pastor having a crisis of faith (((Harvey Kietel))), his teenage daughter, and adopted Asian son.

They skip the border to meet a connect in Mexico except it's really a vampire lair and there's a character named "Satanico Pandemonium" (Salma Hayk) who dances with a snake and yeah

A day late and dollar short condemnimg the CDAN poster who questions if this was in good taste in order to spare the wealthy and influential accused.

Maggie T said...

Yeah. He'd never say it because he's not that stupid (or creepy), so this blind isn't true therefore he knows he can say it because no one would believe he'd say it, therefore the blind is true. Get it? Keep disbelieving anyone has standards other than your own and you give the creeps a space to thrive.

Mac said...

+1 mind blown and excellently reasoned. :)

Maggie T said...

Good guess.

Maggie T said...

Exactly. A shift in consciousness and mindset is a huge part of changing culture. If you don't see that, you lack basic understanding of life. If the anti pedo commenters on here were (plot twist) actual pedos, they would be pretending they were anti pedo in a public forum with access to children, not anonymously on a site for adults. Is such a lack of mental reasoning so difficult for the people who refuse to accept the sickness is pervasive?

Maggie T said...

So until something is proven it isn't happening? It just means that justice can't be served until proven, not that it isn't happening. The rest of your argument is as illogical as the definition of illogical.

trufflepig said...

+1 ladybaus

trufflepig said...

@Maggie T

You're the one who lacks basic understanding of the matter if you don't believe that pedos get off on those blinds, and also get a twisted satisfaction from acting all outraged about the 'sick fucks'.

plot said...


"Or maybe the only people who should be accused of pedophilia are those who show suspicious signs of pedophilia"

Good point. The Great Pedo Hunters of 2018 don't like being questioned and frequently call all doubters pedos.

What's remarkable is that their concern for children leads them here where they are doing nothing for children but reading, obsessively, Enty's made up stories of child abuse.

It's rather weird on the whole.

plot said...


"he can never hold a relationship with a functional adult"

Tarantino has been with his current girlfriend, an adult, for years.

plot said...


" A shift in consciousness and mindset is a huge part of changing culture"

Okay then why aren't you speaking out against the constant pedo jokes on the animated comedy shows like South Park?

I'm Outraged! said...

So someone starts a rumor on a gossip site, morons instantly believe it, someone else says it is probably Tarantino, based on nothing, morons take that as fact and start denigrating him, somebody points out how irrational that is so morons attack that person, reminds me of the stoning scene in Life of Brian.

Unknown said...

What the hell?

Bill Beard said...

@Plot -


"What kinda sick fucks wanna discuss pedo accusations all day long, everyday? And dont give me the ol "we are here to protect the children!" Yall arent doing ANYTHING but being creepy and are not helping ANYONE posting about this shit."

Hear hear!


What kind of sick fuck's want to spend every day (Plot) here on this site that they supposedly don't believe in trying to deflect from these accusations?

Nerf Poodles said...

Bastard Out of Carolina. A famous memoir.

molly said...

Hollywood has been run on pedophelia and rape for a long long time. And a gossip site isn't supposed to mention it? Don't believe me? Look at Shirley Temple short videos on you tube. Only the dimmest would not see it. Or read Dave McGowans book on Laurel Canon..the secret movie studio there.Govt. propoganda they filmed Reefer Madness in it.

Sara, Making It Work said...

@cadmium, well yeah, fair point.
But I guess that point was implied.

Really though, have you seen it?
You have to be one fucked up adult human to even enjoy that movie; getting off to it is a whole different level of disturbing.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Your act is getting old.

Anonymous said...

so wait...did she quit?
Why would you want to work for and take money from a person that said that (if it is true).

BRAD PITT said...

when the rest of us were pumpin gas or doing a paper round Quentin was working in a porn theater

it twisted him

VikingSong said...

Can the mentals chill the fuck out? Where is your proof that this blind is true or even about Quentin Tarantino? You will literally believe anything you read on the internet without a shred of proof.

Fucking morons.

plot said...


"What kind of sick fuck's want to spend every day (Plot) here on this site that they supposedly don't believe in trying to deflect from these accusations?"

Fair question. Because now there is time, first, and because the shift of this site @2016 to become a conspiracy laden political cesspit mirrored new behaviors on other sites, second. Whatever Great Awakening is supposed to be happening it has been entirely manufactured and this site chose to be a participant from the head down, rather than the bottom up (like on other sites.) That interests me as do to the people, both innocent and guilty, who fall for this shit.


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