Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Blind Item #12

That reality star who is not southern, but is on the southern show anyway has been spending more time with that man who I told you about before. Apparently he is a real estate developer who is married. Our reality star is doing her best to get pregnant which should go over well all around.


  1. Replies
    1. Looks like TRav leaving show so she wants greener pastures I guess.
      What a trick

    2. Tricia, I love your new picture!!! Awesome

    3. Thank you at Sd Auntie! these beaches make you believe in god I swear lol... so breathtaking:)

    4. It’s not Ashley Jacobs, Thomas Ravenel is not married and word out on the street (and her Instagram) reports they are splitsville. She’s on her way back to the Santa Barbara Polo Club.

  2. Naomi is French. It's probably her.

  3. Naomi seems awfully content with the doctor. I think it is the contract, polo escort Ashley. I am more interested in who the guy is though! Anyone know?

  4. Totally Ashley.

  5. Kim Zolciak back with Big Papa!?!?

  6. Just saw Ashley and Thomas broke up...

  7. Kim wishes she still had her hands on some of Big Papa's money. Certainly his wife has to have that shit on lock down after Kim took millions from him before. Is he on the rise? Did he hide enough cash that is surfacing that she wants in on it? I still say the woman in this is Ashley, maybe she is hooking up with Big Poppa.

  8. Ashley's dying to find a meal ticket. She deleted all pictures of what's his name, from her instagram.

  9. Who the hell are these people?!?!

    Hey, Tricia, great beach pics!!! Enjoy life to the fullest!! Yes, I am jealous.

  10. Is it wrong that prior to the pronoun and pregnancy part being included, my first thought was Craig? Definitely Ashley. I noticed she deleted her IG account also. TRav money train has left the station.

  11. Yes Ashley left Thomas for this new guy according to Enty... very interesting...
