Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #11

The number one lesson in Hollywood is to never walk away from a hit show. I have said this from almost day one of the site. Well, this talented actor who stars on a hit cable show is doing just that. He thinks he is going to be a huge movie star and doesn't need the television thing. He is walking away which is going to shut the whole show down for good. That upcoming movie of his will be big, but he will never be A+ list. 


Ophelia said...

Amell? Just read that he's thinking of leaving Arrow after season 7

MontanaMarriott said...

Andrew Lincoln TWD?

MDAnderson said...

Rami Malek

Ophelia said...

Wait CW isn't hit cable is it. Gahh I'm always getting the channel designations mixed up.

Amell does have a movie in post production though

sandybrook said...

Jason Momoa?

Cree said...

Tom hardy "venom" show peaky blinders ? I just wanted to give a guess lol.

Brayson87 said...

Could be Malek

Unknown said...

Malek, Mr. Robot is ending after S4 and he has the Freddie Mercury movie.

Ophelia said...

Malek has the Bohemian Rhapsody moving coming up as well. And he did receive some recognition for his role in Robot right?

Brayson87 said...

Seems like more of a character actor than a big star, but many of the greats seemed that way at first. At least his face is memorable.

Flashy Vic said...

This Freddie Mercury flick has the whiff of five day old cod heads covered in dogshit about it now.

Which is a pity because imagine how immense Sacha Baron Cohen could have been as Freddie instead of the bug eyed shortarse from Mr Robot.

Unknown said...

Jim Parsons

Anonymous said...

Jim Parsons?

Ophelia said...

The blind reads like the show hasn't been cancelled yet though - but we all know how articulate Enty is.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Oh, Rami. Let the movie come out before doing anything rash.

hothotheat said...

Tom Hardy is already a big movie star. Nommed for AA even.

I think this is Rami Malek.

kiki71 said...

This is dumb wording. Maybe he doesn't CARE or KNOWS he will never be A plus list. I think it is Rami but he has to know his physicality means he won't be driving more after movie. This would be true of Big Bang and Parsons too. Maybe they made enough money, did their run, and just want to work on select movies here or there. Not everyone is as stupid or narcissistic as David Caruso thinking being a tv hit means you will be a movie hit nor do they even NEED for it to be the case.

Brayson87 said...

Honestly I wouldn't have thought Malek was off the drugs long enough to make these kinds of decisions.

Justme said...

Jim Parsons. He was outed for this on another blind site .

Amartel said...

Never leave a tv show for a movie star career but also the era of the movie star is over. 2 of many reasons not to be stupid but who's counting.

Justme said...

The movie being the Ted Bundy movie .

IanPhlegming said...

1- Not convinced Bohemian Rhapsody will be a "big hit." I suppose if the lapdog entertainment media doesn't talk about Singer, they can cover for his degeneracy.

2- Definitely not convinced Rami Malek is more than a fringe TV star. "Mr. Robot" may well be the high point of his career.

AwkwardTurtle said...

I'm on the Jim Parsons bandwagon. That Ted Bundy movie looks interesting, but I don't see him sustaining a big movie career.

Morninglorri said...

Omg Big Bang is not cable! Some of these guesses are just dumb. Tom fucking Hardy? Are you high?

Kno Won said...

Ooh, this is a great guess.
And great casting, in my opinion.


C DAN read
Read, CDAN, read!

enitocin said...

It's time for Big Bang to end. It's been 13 years? C'mon, the show made sense when they were 21 and straight out of college. But they're pretty much going into mid 30's now when their actual ages are 40+. I'm ready for it to be done. Parsons is 45. It doesn't work anymore.

Christina said...

Jim Parsons has enough money for three lifetimes due to that grating show and it has lived 4-5 years past its welcome. That's not the show or the guy. My vote is Malek. Mr. Robot could have gone another 2-3 seasons. Stupid, stupid. He should do some history lessons and research 'David Caruso.'

MountainMama said...

Parsons is not a valid guess based on the clues. Big Bang Theory is a network show, not cable. So take him off the table.

Ophelia said...

Can we get a refresh of what qualifies as network/cable/pay cable/almost network/almost TV again?

I know some of them like Hulu/Netflix and HBO but am constantly mixing up the rest.

Other people might have this same issue causing some of the confusion :)

Morninglorri said...

Pay cable eg HBO
Cable eg AMC
Network eg CBS
Almost tv eg Netflix
Almost network eg CW

So Outrageous said...

Jim Parsons doesn't fit because CBS is network not cable. It could be Andrew Lincoln or Rami Malek. Both are on hit cable shows

notthisagain said...

JUST ANNOUNCED: Mr Robot will have its next season, S4, the last season.

Malek has Bohemian Rhapsody coming up as the 'big' movie, or whatever. I still think Singer's fingerprints aren't going to be that easy to rub off, especially when they are promoting the movie.

how sad to be so fooled by Malek, who I thought was one of those rare birds in hollywood that was (relatively) normal and nice. clearly that is far from the case. he's making a HUGE mistake by walking away from his hit show.

he probably will get a nomination for GG for best actor in a musical/comedy for bohemian rhapsody just bc thats so an easy category to be nominated if you are a musical plus the required physical transformed to be mercury is award season wet dream.

still, what a loser. if this really is Malek, I hope he fades away after this Queen monstrosity is released. he needs a reality check cause that ego is getting mighty big for his tiny little shoes (and he is tiny)

MountainMama said...

I think notthisagain confirmed the first correct guess goes to MDAnderson. I am fairly new to CDAN and while I always considered myself rather proficient at pop culture I am just very much non-remarkable. Love the passion and the knowledge of most of those that comment here.

notthisagain said...


welcome :) we're glad to have you here.

notthisagain said...

there have been blinds on here and a post on Open Secret's twitter alluding to a B I G drop on Singer in the 'coming months'

am I to understand that lines up with juuuuust before the release of Bohemian Rhapsody on the 2nd of November (Oct 24th in the UK)?

*crosses fingers*

Bleu said...

Singer was fired from the movie in December.

Anonymous said...

The previews weren't all that engaging, unless you are a Queen fan.


He even #Qanon'ed today with Isaac Kappy commentary WHAT IS GOING ON😎

Snark Lady said...

Blind says cable show, it's not Parsons.

MDAnderson said...

Welcome. I lurked for awhile and just started commenting a couple months ago. Love CDAN and glad to have you aboard.

texasrose said...

This is Malek for sure and it absolutely correct that he will never be A+.

Unknown said...

No way. Best decision is for him to leave that show.

OKay said...

@Lyle Clearly somebody has never seen BBT. They were NOT just out of college when the series started; it's been clearly demonstrated that the guys were all in their mid- to late 20s and Penny was 22.

GentleBreeze said...

What? SBC actually act instead of manipulate psychological innocents? Psychopath much?

News said...

its the guy from the big ban

DooDooBrown said...

Parsons has never been in a movie worth a damn or anything that he stood out in. Unless you count that voice work in that cartoon.

This guy is delusional if he thinks anyone cares about him in a movie.

Allie said...

Hey, Do any of the CDAN'rs around here care about the folks that had the dead baby on their off grid campground and were training eleven starving kids to learn how to shoot up a school? If you care, all charges were just dropped. Where are the massive protests for the child that was killed by these creeps? Nobody has much to say about it. Maybe we can carry the torch on this one. Something is really wrong with this...

GentleBreeze said...

Something about turning in evidence too late? Sounds fishy.

90210 Under Fire said...

Enturd would think the ratings disaster "Mr. Robot" is a hit, wouldn't he?

Newsflash: however big Rami Noodle turns out to be, rest assured it's bigger than that unwatched, pathetic excuse for propaganda will ever be.

MrPresident said...

Why would it be Rami, the ratings stink, they are lucky to get final season.

alice said...

Jim Parsons

modsquad said...

David Caruso.

plot said...


Only 5 were released. Those implicated in child abuse or the dead child, were not. Gosh, that took 30 seconds to research.

Rosenthal said...

Cree??? What a ridiculously stupid guess

longtimereader said...

Gave up on mr robot after season 2. Did it ever get as good as season 1 again? didn't realise it still had a good following.

Baba said...

Malek for sure. Whether or not he's good as Mercury remains to be seen. In Hollywood there's always vultures around telling you how great you are, so it's not entirely his fault.

prixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C Foster said...

TJ Miller?


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