Friday, August 31, 2018

Blind Item #10

Left out of the explanation of this former actress turned A list singer about her now boyfriend is that their first kiss happened right after he hung up the phone with his girlfriend at the time. Kind of changes the whole tenor of the story when you hear it that way. He has said it that way which is how it came out. He bragged to his friends about how it happened.


  1. With tawny hair and butthole eyes

  2. Pete and Ariana. She was just bragging about how "dope" their first kiss was.

    "Dope," indeed.

    1. I know... such a grown up love affair😏

    2. Was it “phresh “ tho?

  3. These Pete and Ariana BIs are getting to be as useless as the Dancing Boy ones. We all know she's stupid and has been totally self-centered all her life. As for him, where is he ever getting a girl that looks like her, even with a huge dick?

  4. Oh dear. When a woman comes to the defense of her fiance and engages with the term "butthole eyes" -then she's too young to get married.
    This is a train wreck just waiting to happen.

  5. I'd like to know who has allowed her to sing Aretha Franklin songs not once but twice now? She doesn't have any kind of talent to do Aretha any justice at all.

    1. Your wrong there..she maybe the one singer who can actually sing t let your hate make a liar of you

  6. 👏 Geel, I audibly chuckled 😂

  7. Bullsh!t, that junkie was getting off the phone with his dealer, or "Mother" as he calls him.

  8. the butthole eyes blog was hilarious, to be honest.

  9. I am digging the evil Ariana vibe though ;)

  10. He's a sad kid with a tragic woe story. She's got a savior complex.

  11. Haley Steinfeld? (I think that's her name). She's an actress turned singer.

  12. Ariana can sing her little ass off.

  13. Thanks for the larf, Geel

  14. She can sing, but she's no Aretha Franklin. I've just watched her singing Natural Woman. It was pleasant, in key and in tune, but there was no power behind it. Her voice is too weak for a song like that.

    1. Exactly. She has no power in her voice. So she’s a good singer but she will never truly be GREAT. People overrate her because she’s actually talented in a sea of talentlessness. She wouldn’t be able to hold a candle to the 90s vocal legends or to Aretha, Patti, etc

    2. So let's here you sputter a tune out

  15. Let's be honest. Aretha Franklin was a massive star because her voice was amazing. Saying that people can't sing at her funeral because they aren't as good as her is ridiculous. Course they're not! Whitney in her hey day would disapoint you all. Stupid argument.

  16. Oh and Ariana Grande is beautiful-if you're more attracted to little girls. She looks like a 12 year old in her Mum's make up.

    1. Her spray tan skeeves me out

    2. Her whole being skeeves me out Geeljire.

  17. Does Ariana have a nice arse?

  18. Whoa, where's all the Ariana hate coming from? She's a good singer and shows up for her shows about on time, that's better than half the musical acts out there.
    I'm not ruling out that she's secretly evil because that's funny, but she's not bad.

  19. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Ariana is mediocre. The only reason she has a career of this level, is because she was willing to go to the trailers, the CEO's penthouse, the rituals. The sick stuff required to be A list. Put another way, she sold her soul.
    Adele, Britney, Gaga, they don't even hide the fact these days. "I sold my soul to the devil;" they will say it on a talk show.
    It's the elephant in the room that everyone ignores, because it's too awful to talk about.

    1. FACTS! They all might be somewhat rich but live miserable tragic life’s and I’m sure they regret everything that’s why they get all fucked up on those drugs to drown the screams of the people they sacrificed and the evil shit they do to get to the top

  20. Did Patti LaBelle sing? I didn't watch so honestly I don't know, but if she didn't she should have. Chaka Khan sang. There are probably a shitload of female singers still alive that could do Aretha songs better than Ariana. She is good for now, but she is out of her league.

  21. Sorry AG can sing her Lil heart out. And yes Brayson lots of hate cause she is a petite attractive girl. Her voice is similar to Teena Marie. Petite girls are bullied constantly.

  22. Just waiting to see which one Overdozes first

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. heir vocabulary is so expansive. Its so dope, and sick...a hundo.
    Must be some real in-depth convos going on between these two. WTF is up with his Eminim hair??!?!?!

  25. Please. These two ain't nothing but drugged-out train wrecks. I'll have my popcorn and Fanta drink waiting.

  26. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I know a girl who always bragged that she was with someone else when she started dating her now-husband. It was so tacky and unnecessary. I also don't think she was that serious with that "ex." All we did was ask how she met her now-husband (at a class they were both taking).
