Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blind Item #10

This foreign born A list dual threat actor has been forced to hire 24/7 security for his family because of a stalker who wants to kill everyone in the family other than the actor. She thinks the actor will then be free to marry her.


  1. Of course it's Cumberbitch and the Cumberbitches

  2. this is sad. I also wish this stuff was made public for all the girls on Instagram trying to be famous so they can see that it has its dark side.

  3. Sounds like she needs medical treatment, I wonder where she's from?

  4. Probably all arranged by his publicity agent. Even the trolls are on somebody's payroll now, isn't that right, Sandi?

    I wonder where I sign up. I could do with one of those 'lucrative side gigs' enty keeps speaking of.

    1. I had a very odd dream about that, Mrs. Meat! 🤷🏻‍♀️🦄👁

      I spend far too much time on this blog. 🥓🍾

    2. As a matter of fact, i had a weird dream about rumour-debunking before I woke up to this blind item.

      IDK where you’d “sign up” to work as an online paid troll, tho, Mrs. Meat. I wouldn’t have known about paid audiences unless my agent sent me “casting notices” for those! My guess is it’s the same case for those troll gigs (they wouldn’t be publicly advertised, I don’t think). I once saw a job vacancy ad for “fanfic writer” at a ghostwriting job site (my guess is it was to raise teh profile of the fandom to make it look like they had a real following).

      Those are the only ones I’m properly aware of that I’ve seen with my every own eyes... 👀🤷🏻‍♀️

    3. *VERY (not ‘every’) own eyes

  5. Sounds like it would be horrifying.

  6. Stalking is seen as a bit of a joke but from experience-it is absolutely terrifying. These people actually think you secretly love them and they never truly stop.

    1. I know. People don’t get how terrifying it is until you experience it yourself. It’s not a fucking joke.

    2. I was terrorised by an ex, he thought obsession was love and waited outside my home, sent letters, banged on the door late at's still ongoing. You don't want to leave the house.

  7. Tom Hardy. This was in the news the other day that he was moving to protect his family.



      Is it really worth the clicks when you could have blood on your hands in the end?

      The things people do for clicks, likes, retweets boggles the mind.

      I’ve seen sleazy “friends” of celebrities tweet about the birth of a child instead of shutting the fuck up and letting the parents of the child have the honour of announcing the birth themselves. Not explicitly saying so, but baiting. Still I thought it was out of line. It’s disgusting that a grown man would rob the parents of a child the chance to announce the birth themselves... And for what? Retweets and clicks?

      How is it okay to do a news piece on stating the location of stalking victims. Humans are gross.

    2. *Retweets and likes on Twitter 🙎🏻‍♀️

  9. Thanks for citing Enty's source Jennifer :) if it's in the DM then it's in a blind

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh right, British police are notoriously bad at stopping rapists and stalkers, wouldn't want to be seen as culturally insensitive. That's why they give the bobbies rape whistles instead of guns.

  12. He would then be free to marry again.

  13. Cumber is a madness magnet.

  14. Seems like a solid plan /sarcasm

  15. Oh God, if this is in UK then indeed RUN AWAY. British police be all 'oh we can't do a thing until your stalker has DONE something'. Hence today's news of a girl stabbed to death by an ex whilst On The Phone To The Police Yet A-Gain. And they still managed to turn up so late the killer was long gone.

    1. You're right. They have to physically harm you before they do anything. Threatening to burn you alive-well they have to actually burn you alive before the police consider helping....

  16. We have armed police in the UK. Unarmed officers carry a nightstick, which can break bones, mace and most carry tazers nowadays. But yes, America is a shining example to the rest of the world - if you ignore that Blacks are robbing, raping and killing Whites at a rate only rivalled by South Africa...

    1. Hmmm

      [50.2 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Black or African American bias.

      20.5 percent were victims of anti-White bias.]

      Number of "white" murder victims reported in 2016 : 6,576

      Number of "black" murder victims reported in 2016: 7,881

      Murder of *all* people regardless of skin color is a problem, but why do you keep pretending like there's some great anti "white" agenda?

      I'd be surprised if you'd even allowed half of the people counted stasticly as "white" in your house.

      United States population in 2016: 323.4 million

  17. Erotomania is a bitch 😵

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I can see this blind item being about her (because of the “she thinks the actor will then be free to marry her” part). Her Tumblr userpic is of a woman in leaf-green robe carrying a “Burn Book” (last time I checked, at least—IDK if that’s still the case).

      And she’s not the type to just go after women she thinks gets between her and him, either. She’d come after a psychic if they said they don’t see her as being part of his future. Collateral damage.

      I tried to have some compassion for her. 💛 But I just fucking can’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Especially after seeing a couple of photos of her (there’s just something about her eyes—it’s very unsettling).

      She’s quite terrifying. Even if you’re the type of person who’s used to dealing with stalkers and you’d normally just block someone without a second thought, if you found out she was following you on Tumblr, you’d be too scared to actually block her because you’re afraid what she might do in retaliation if she noticed you blocked her, so you just let her keep on following you. The woman is so twisted, that what you do in response gets all twisted as well.

    2. That took me down a hole I didnt need to know existed.

      "Vincent was an astrologer who Aeltri said she went to have BC’s “future” read and who unsurprisingly confirmed EVERYTHING Aeltri wanted to hear. " -quote I found on a tumblr page. This person needs serious help...

  19. Dornan has a few of these nutters too, have you seen the thread on this site from five years ago that they still post in every day? Redmayne had at least one, but she's already been to court. Cumberbatch is obvious. I'll go with Tom Hardy since all the new Enties are lazy and the link provided above was probably the source for this blind. Pretty sad that there are so many possibilities.

  20. The bad part of being famous.

  21. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Yes Dornan does have a few nutters, but his biggest fan is a male and I think he prays of marrying Dornan too. That blind from 5 years ago has two nuts on it that just have conversations with themselves about all corruption in Hollywood and satanic cults. They are seriously psychos. I'm sure their the ones posting on all the other blinds under different names. This site has become the playground for crazy delusional nuts. It's just not the same anymore.

  22. @Cree —

    Murder of *all* people regardless of skin color is a problem, but why do you keep pretending like there's some great anti "white" agenda?

    The anti-white agenda you refer to is euphemistically called political correctness. It is a way of advancing women and people of color in the corporate world by firing white straight males for the flimsiest of pretexts.

    Meanwhile, if you're looking for sectors of society that are crime-ridden, the info is out there:
