Friday, August 17, 2018

Blind Item #10

From what I understand, all of the actresses from this cable show are banding together and will refuse to appear on an after show about their show. It will be interesting to see if producers make them choose between appearing or getting fired.


  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Walking dead

  2. Yeah, who wants to play nicey-nice with Chris Halfwit.

  3. Is there any person more replaceable than the host for an aftershow? I could find a dozen people who could do the job sitting in the CAA lobby.

  4. I don't know but can you please tell us who is on that picture aside from kristen? Keeping it for a reveal day?

  5. Did I miss something? Wasn't the Hardwick story kind of bullshitty? Her side of things didn't seem to match up with reality, and she wouldn't release anything that would prove her point.

    Why would they fall on their swords for that?

  6. The band doesn't extend to the Fear TWD actresses then. Danay Garcia was on Hardwick's first Talking Dead back.

  7. The "Walking Dead" is already a successful show. The actresses don't need to do press for people to watch. In regards to Chloe Dykstra's claims. At first I was skeptical because she had posted this glowing video on Youtube about how great a boyfriend Chris was and then allegedly texted him begged to get back together after they broke up. But a few days ago after Chris was reinstated, several male co-workers said that much of what Chloe said "rang true" about Chris' behavior at work. Another spoke anonymously and said he witnessed Chris dissuade someone from hiring Chloe after they had broken up. I don't know about the sexual abuse allegations but.... it does seem he was trying to get her blacklisted in Hollywood and in the gaming industry.

  8. I don’t get it. Her story was not supported by any facts and he had her texts begging him to take her back. Don’t get the Hardwick hate.

    1. Same. I still feel bad for the guy and can’t see him in that sort of light. It’s not even me putting him on a pedestal or idolizing. I just don’t see it.

  9. Where is Tricia? We need her to solve the photo on IG

  10. the firm that investigated chris hartwick also has the Hearsts as a client. why this hasnt hit more headline sin the mainstream about this tool is beyind me

  11. Yeah, there have been a few people that I've seen confirm the blacklisting her career, but they haven't really confirmed the abuse part. I don't know, what she says isn't really outlandish, plenty of people have been in or know someone in an unhealthy relationship. He was definitely an asshole to her, if what she says is true, but he wasn't holding her hostage. That was on her to get herself out of that relationship.

    I truly don't know how to feel about this one. Should being an asshole at home get you fired? No. Should people be able to treat people like shit with no consequence? No. There's a conflict of interest with that investigation, and I wonder if that's why she didn't participate in the investigation. Disappointing either way.

  12. Her story was crap and it fell apart, then she was scared that she was about to get sued, so she started saying"well I never said a name." Please, this gal was pissed because he dumped her cheating ass and she begged him to take her back. She is a thirsty opportunist in the worst way.

    1. agree with LadySabreX, well said

  13. I don't know if he's a predator or not but Hardwick is smug and phony and does not deserve the perch he has.

  14. So I guess even when you're cleared of any wrongdoing you're still guilty if the right people dislike you?

  15. I’m a big supporter of the #MeToo movement. That being said, I never believed Chloe Dykstra’s story. Not once. Not even a little.

    The texts don’t lie. She cheated— he called her on it.

    1. So, what #MeToo BS accusations do you still believe?

    2. Thousands of metoo stories from regular women all over social media but apparently all BS. Sure.

  16. Chloe wrote that she didn't want to destroy his career. So she won't, I guess.

    I don't like Hardwick, his internet presence or his show. Another untalented person given a show just because he doesn't shut up.

  17. Anonymous7:13 PM

    from what I have read, she tried to frame him up after he dropped her for cheating.

    he's good on talking dead, I enjoy watching him interview people, i'm glad he was cleared, the #metoo c**ts trying to hang him as an abuser when he isn't need to experience what they are dishing out.

    not everyone who is accused did anything wrong. i accept that a lot of assholes got away with a lot of shit. but this is a classic example of being railroaded.


  18. they thought JDM would energize the series

    he was boring

  19. Real housewives of ...?

  20. Good for the women of The Walking Dead. The guy is smarmy and just because no one has confirmed what she went through doesn't mean she didn't. And a producer and 3 other staff (all women) quit when he was reinstated. I think that speaks to some of their feelings about him

  21. "she tried to frame him up after he dropped her for cheating"

    Many years after the fact?

    " I enjoy watching him interview people"

    You like when he spastically over talks everyone 10 seconds after asking a question? I guess of Oprah can do it so can Chris.

    "not everyone who is accused did anything wrong"

    Chloe in her letter didn't really accuse Chris of doing anything "wrong", and she didn't want him fired, she just described their relationship which seems pretty fuckt up. It takes two but Chris is a controlling man who degrades those he is most intimate with nonetheless. It rings true, to me, that Chris did everything in his power to have Chloe iced out of the business after their break up.

  22. In a controlling abusive relationship its very common to view a person who is kind to you as your only way out because your SO has diminished your self esteem so deeply so everyone here saying shes lying bc she cheated is full of shit. I believe every word she said because she was very accountable for her own complicity and how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that a person you love is hurting you.

  23. The problem with the Hardwick relationship & #MeToo is that couple really mixed up their relationship & their work (he put her in some web series or online-type stuff I have not bothered to watch or care about, why he wanted to be the one to further her career while they were together escapes me, maybe a Svengali / ego boosting kind of thing for him?). It is not the classic just a guy being awful in a private relationship or a guy being a #HimThough to a #MeToo (or #HimToo) to someone in a strictly work context. It is a blend of these 2 scenarios which is why unfortunately #MeToo does apply. I am not sure we will ever know the truth about their relationship (and frankly I think I do not want to know) but when you bring that into a workplace it affects others (apparently pretty negatively in this case).

    I am no Hardwick fan (something about him & online creatures like Harry Knowles just struck me as 'off' back in the day as they were both gaining status with male geeks, so I am sadly unsurprised to hear they are awful people to be around in real life). I would not have put Hardwick back in charge of Talking Dead. If the actresses of the original series are refusing to appear on the show, that is their right. I stand with the actresses on this one.

  24. @Pop Warner Hardwick wasn't cleared of anything since I don't believe a criminal investigation took place. AMC doesn't have the authority to clear him of anything. I'm sure all their investigation told them was they wouldn't be liable or be sued if the abuse was later proven. I have no idea if the allegations are true but I've always found him to be fake and unlikable.

  25. So if the females on The Walking Dead refuse to appear with Chris Hardwick....they are going to be FIRED?

    Yes I am looking forward to the show without any of the women in it. No Maggie, no Michonne, no Tara...RIDICULOUS B.S.

    I KNOW the show is winding down, but sh*t-canning half the cast will only hasten the day.

  26. @Lassie
    Actually, the show would improve without ridiculous butt-kicking babes. Women won't call the shots during an apocalypse, let me assure you. They'll be cowering behind men as they have done in all wars.

  27. @Wilz There was no criminal investigation, because not a single thing she wrote in her blog post accused him of anything criminal. It was all whiny bullshit. "He quit hiring me when I cheated on him" "He told me he was sober immediately and didn't want to date someone that drinks" "I never told him, but sometimes we had sex when I didn't want to." etc etc. Nothing she posted was criminal. However, all of it was examples of why dating someone half your age is a terrible idea.



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