Thursday, August 16, 2018

Blind Item #10

Despite all the stories of this actor/singer hooking up with underage girls and joining in with the disgraced celebrity photographer in assaults on women, the actor/singer was thrown a huge party and given a standing ovation by his new agents. 


  1. Uncle Terry is definitely the photographer

  2. Christ have they all turned into Bob Crane?😐

  3. Yep, William Morris Endeavor, home of Ari and Master Skip.

  4. I don't know who is creepier, Jared or Terry. Ick.

  5. Terry for sure is worse.

  6. Why is Terry worse, because he's not as good-looking?

  7. Ew, Terry seems like such a sleaze. I cant remember what it was called but I watched a documentary about fashion models and one of the girls broke down crying over what the photog made her do. The film seemed to point its finger at Terry.

  8. I agree. Leto and Richardson. They're pals from way back.

  9. Terry has a stip in his contract with who he photographs they have to screw him. Including a few underaged ones, and men.

  10. Def Leto & Uncle Terry. Interesting that Leto always used to be photographed hanging out in NYC with his BFF Terry until Terry came under official investigation for his alleged crimes. They haven’t been seen together since!

  11. Jared and Terry, obviously. Both equally foul pieces of shit who people pretend are talented for some unknown reason.

  12. No surprise there, those agents probably threw their daughters at him too. Welcome to Daddy Daughter Work Day honey!

  13. Hopefully Ari and Rahm both go to jail. Or worse.

    Jared Leto can try a new talent agency, but it won't make anybody want to see him in a movie. He lost the Joker role and I don't believe the Morbius movie is ever going to be made and was only floated as a project so when Leto lost the Joker role it wouldn't look so bad.

    Somebody needs to drop a MOAB on top of Leto's Lookout Mountain compound. The devil knows what we'd find underground there.

    Read David McGowan's "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon" to learn more about the "home" Leto owns in Laurel Canyon.

  14. Jared Leto and Terry Richardson. These are frightening times.


  15. i think timberlake is a sicko

  16. Jared Leto is disgusting. I thought he looked creepy even back on My So Called Life.

  17. No Leto has been seen with him since, he was pictured holding his baby twins. (Hopefully it stopped at holding...)
