Thursday, July 12, 2018

Your Turn

Did you ever go away to summer camp? How long would you go?


  1. I got sent once when I was 8. I refused to ever be sent again.

  2. An entire month (2sessions) every year to Girl Scout sailing camp on Santa Catalina Island off LA, did it for about 8 years. Loved it!

  3. Boy Scout camp for a week, and one other camp for two weeks for multiple years. Loved it.

  4. all I can tell you was I went to summer camp, or my parents decided for me to go. it was really fun but I didnt realize at the time it was...a christian/jesus-y camp...bc we spent like maybe 10 min reading the bible the day and the rest was hours of secular fun.

    and there were TONS of girl-on-girl action there. (in secret, ya sinners!)

    (Im agnostic)

  5. Nope. We always traveled as a family

  6. I think that the appropriate question for this website is how many of the camps were run by pedo rings

  7. Or cults like $cio or Nxivm

  8. Watch out kids, sometimes "camp" is parent code for foster home, they're going to Hawaii without you!

  9. I loved it. I started going for two weeks each summer and then went to a month. Some of my memories

  10. Church camp in the Black Hills of South Dakota. 2 weeks. 3 years in a row. It was a blast! It was like The Parent Trap camp, only boys and girls - but in different log cabins. We got to ride inner tubes down Rapid Creek. Adults would stand on a bridge and put a long pole in the inner tube to catch us, then we'd walk up and do it again. Some kids would get their first kiss there. No one was molested. Camp fires at night singing songs and laughing a lot. Hiking, horse back riding, a "store" where you bought candy/treats with your spending money. Some of my favorite memories of my life. So fun and so innocent.

  11. I remember one middle school age summer camp with minimal supervision where we got to ride horses, there were kayaks and a real shooting range. I can't imagine what today's snowflake kids get, probably a petting zoo, a kiddie pool and Nerf Dart guns.

  12. Yeah. Girlscout camp for a few weeks for a few different summers. It was a blast I loved it!

  13. I went to FCA camp a couple times in high school, once for basketball, once for cross country. And I went to church camp a few summers because my friends were all going. Each time was about a week, loved it.

  14. In my country the only thing similar to a summer camp was called "boy scouts" and it was reserved for overly conformist sexually retarded boys and girls who needed to play team while pretending to be religious. Going would have equated to renouncing social life for the rest of your younghood. The first time I heard the expression "summer camp" and realized it could contain different compulsions and intentions other than masturbation and mind games I was well over thirty.

  15. Haven't been to the Poconos in ages
    Mt. Airy Lodge used to spray paint their carpets when I was a kid.
    It was cheaper.

  16. church camp. they wanted to kick me out because i charged admission to have a sceance. i think i was 9. my grandpa started letting me read alfred hitchcock magazine when i was 7 or 8 so "scarred for life!" anyway, i just found this adorable little corner of the internet and i'm so happy i did. first time posting! whoohoo.

  17. Welcome to the mad house mud . It's more fun without the seatbelt but wear the goggles , this place gets dirty

  18. Nope, nope, nope!
    5 words:
    “Camp Scott Girl Scout Murders”
    Way too real & close to home

    Technically, unsolved but enough people in my family believed in “Shape Shifting Native Americans” & “Prison Justice”.
    It apparently, never occurred to them, that they shouldn’t discuss details in front of a young girl approx the same age as the victims.

  19. Once. Last day of camp, all the parents came early for dinner and a show, and my parents were a no-show. Neither realized there was a program and each thought the other had gone to pick me up. Long after all the other campers had gone, my parents shamefully retrieved their small, hysterical child, and they, the camp directors, and I were all in agreement that I would not be returning to camp the next summer-or any other!

  20. Wish I had gone as my mother asked me and I said I wanted to stay home all summer and watch cartoons. That was one opportunity I wish she had made me do what was probably best for me.

  21. Girl Scout camp high in the Colorado Rockies 2 weeks a summer for several years. Arts and crafts, horse trails, overnight hikes. Loved it.

  22. Once for a week, and the only days it didn't rain were the day we arrived and the day we left. Miserable.

  23. Yes, for 2 weeks every summer from ages 5 to 12 or so. I was the youngest there my first year. My aunt's father in law paid for me and my cousin to go. Camp Cosby in Alabama. All the cabins were named after Indian tribes. The cabin i was in forever was Arapahoe. The kids would chant "Up your nose with the Arapahoes". Jerks, lol. I stopped going right before I would have gotten into the Chickasaw cabin. I was bummed because "The Chickasaws were the chicks".

  24. OMG! Memories from the summer of 1952! First time at camp. I'm 10. My mom is days away from having my baby sister. Loved the buying new camp clothes and having my name sewn in them. Dad drops me off. Don't remember where it was. Somewhere in S. Georgia. Meet new kids. Lunch. Learning to make pot holders for our moms. Showers. Dinner. The Rosary. The WHAT?! I have to kneel on the hard wooden floors next to my cot and PRAY?! This is no damn camp! I tear out of the shack screaming bloody murder about having to say the damn Rosary! Nuns, priests, camp counselors chasing me around the camp. My father is called. Come get her NOW! He shows up next day begging them to keep me because mom has gone into labor and they don't know where to put me. (None of their friends wanted me) He brings in reinforcements from my hometown. Begging, bribing, pleading to no avail. My aunt cries all the way back home and my dad is a basket case. I end up with one of his high school buddies from 25 years ago. His wife is in shock that I was kicked out of camp for refusing to say the Rosary. I don't think they made eye contact with me the whole three days. Go home to see my new sister and my mom like nothing has happened. Yes, I went to camp. For two days.

  25. 6 weeks starting when I was 8 and then 8 weeks when I was ten. Loved it from day one - no homesickness because my parents told me I'd have fun and make new friends and I had no reason to doubt them. Couldn't understand why the other girls were so weepy the first couple of nights "We're here to have fun! I said...I'm sure they they thought I was nuts. But it was old school summer camp, sunshine, swimming, riding, hiking, archery, even a snipe hunt....

  26. My parents couldn’t afford summer camp.

  27. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I went to summer camp for several years.
    They usually required activities that I wasn't good at.
    I got the runaway horse. Got lost in the woods, saw a ghost and hyperventilated; etc.
    It was a great tho. Girl Scouting is the best.

  28. @mercyprosperity Did you really see a ghost?



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