Today's Blind Items - Questions Remain
The investigation into the death of this A list celebrity continues to move forward. By my count, at least three dozen people have been interviewed. Included on the list are seven, count them seven people the significant other of the celebrity was cheating on the celebrity with. Not cheated on, but cheating. I'm not sure how the significant other had time to do anything but cheat. Apparently the cheating was causing a lot of friction between the pair and the fact that the significant other was using the funds of the celebrity to pay for all of this cheating. We are talking not tens of thousands of dollars, but hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and cash and trips and expenses. This was not money the celebrity had just kicking around the house but money that was essentially everything the celebrity owned, all going towards the good times of the significant other. Also interesting is that $5M boost to the life insurance policy of the celebrity about nine months ago that was already at $10M. There is an attempt at spinning at those close to the significant other, but it won't change the result.