Monday, July 16, 2018

Today's Blind Items - The Interview - Part Two

For part one, you can click here.

"The thing about television shows is that there are days you can dodge and hide and know what to do to avoid being groped or talked about at least in front of your face. Those guys in the suits were always coming around and you know what their first stop always was? Well, after craft services where they would grab a water bottle and start talking about who they f**ked the night before or why they bought their girlfriend new t*ts and were just disgusting? They would go to wardrobe. They would go in just to see how everything was going and make sure the budget wasn't being wasted in clothes. They would sit in the door or just inside the trailer and watch these teenage girls getting dressed and undressed. Totally naked and the guys would sit there drinking those water bottles and every so often pretending to text when they were really taking pictures. What is one of those girls supposed to say? Get out? F**k that. They want to work. What is the hair or makeup or wardrobe person supposed to say? Get out? They want to work too. So, everyone would work as quickly as possible. What the girls hated hearing was one of the suits asking someone else what a girl's name was. That girl knew she was going to be called in for a "meeting." That meeting was going to be in an empty trailer except for a couch that folds out into a bed and she was going to be "counseled" about her future. Those trailers would be filled with used condoms by the end of the day. I don't know who had to clean the trailers, but I'm sure they thought they were on a porn set."

"I started all that because I meant to talk about the difference between movies and television. After a certain amount of practice and because I had reached a certain level in the show, I could go a day or even a week without being hassled. I knew what to do and where to go and places to avoid. I knew who would hide me and the secret places on set to go check my phone and grab an hour for myself. On a movie? That first movie had me all messed up. I was out of town. I was out of the country and I was in a remote location. I know this is why we started talking. That guy I had to work with. That guy who gives me shivers. I sometimes wish I was in one of those Ashley Judd movies where she went after the guy and killed him for what he did to her. I want that. I know I'm famous. I know I make a lot of money compared to almost everyone else in this country. I get it. I have put up with a lot of crap behavior, but did it because I love the actual filming. The trade off was worth it. The last few years dealing with this asshole have been the worst of my life."

"From day one on this movie set I had no place to escape. If I disappeared, I would have three PA's looking for me to bring me back. At my hotel, they knew where to find me. I even checked into a different hotel to hide but some of the crew ended up staying in that hotel so that was a bust. The second night I showed up there he was in the lobby just waiting. There is a point I just gave up. I checked out. I literally just gave in and let him take me to his suite and have sex with me. I was breaking down and it seemed easier to be done with it. The good news was he didn't chase me around all the time or hunt me down. The bad part was I was now his property. He even flat out told people he owned me. If a guy came on set or an executive was visiting from LA, he would put his arm around me almost in a choke hold and grab my breast right in front of the visitor. I was his property."

"I have never been the same since that experience. Prior to that, I could hide things. My boyfriend didn't know about the on set stuff on the tv show because I didn't really share it. I know he would just blame me for it so why bother. After the movie though, I was a different person. My boyfriend left and there has been no one for me since. I don't really want anyone. Sometimes I will meet someone cute and go to dinner but I'm watching out for me and these guys only care about themselves and getting in my pants. F**kboys is what I call them. I would rather go home and drink wine and forget the day or week or month."

"In positive news, I am involved in a couple productions right now and honestly, I have not been groped or gawked at or even discussed in a sexual manner as far as I know. One of the projects doesn't really have an opportunity for that kind of interaction and is the main reason I took it. I get to act and not have to worry about any of the crap that comes with it. Do you think if I told people I was a lesbian, the guys would leave me alone?"


  1. Victoria Justice just did a movie about Joe and Ben Weider the steriod bodybuilding guys. And Schneider

  2. Hillary Duff's first movie after getting Lizzie McGuire was "Cadet Kelley", filmed in Toronto...

  3. This is a blind about a Disney girl, though, right?

  4. Yes I'm pretty sure part one made that clear.

  5. Anonymous10:29 AM

    This is someone single and who probably hasn't had a significant other in a while. Duff was married, and I think has a BF now. Rules her out.

  6. Hilary duff was married and divorced. It says she had a boyfriend and no one since.

  7. Robert Shapiro(not OJ's attorney) produced Cadet Kelley and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen with Duff.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So Victoria Justice wouldn't fit. Nickelodeon girl.

    Someone guessed Cameron Dove in Part I. I kinda like that guess...

  10. If it's about a Disney girl, Victoria Justice isn't it. She's a Nickelodeon girl. (Victorious, Zoey 101, etc).

  11. But if you gloss over that detail, she fits it to a TEE.
    And remember, Enty admits fudging details in part 1 to make it less obvious. I think it's Duff....

  12. "The trade off was worth it." Yet she wants to complain about how unpleasant the situation is for me.

    I have absolutely no problem with this. I respect her acknowledging that indeed there is a trade off. I wish everyone coming forward with horror stories about Hollywood was a fraction this honest.

    1. Yes, there's zero chance she would have slept with a Burger King manager to keep her job. But a Hollywood producer? Gross but totally worth it!
      This metoo thing is a farce.

    2. Guess you missed the part where she was still a child when she was being fondled, then raped! She also describes other young children being molested and having to give BJ's for roles! 11/12/13 even 16 year olds can not consent to sex in California! Yes adult actresses do make trade offs, but children are unable to! These kids are being raped and abused!

  13. It *could* be Hilary Duff.

    ...and I meant Dove Cameron earlier. My bad. Got the name all wonky in my head.

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    This could be Bella Thorne, as some speculated last round. Last seemingly significant boyfriend she had was Gregg Sulkin. She's dated a few people after -- Disick-- notably, but none lasted long. Could easily fit aling with her lines about the people she has dated being fuckboys...I mean, come one look at Scott Disick, Lil Peep and Blackbear

  15. Then let me go back to my guess from Friday Debby Ryan. She's doing a TV show and just finished a movie.

  16. Dove Cameron and Debby Ryan seemed to be good guesses from part one.
    Dove seemed to be a year or 2 too old, but Enty admitted to changing up some details.

  17. The more I stare at Dove Cameron's acting credits, the more I wonder if it actually *is* her:

    --Had a boyfriend/fiancee. They broke up in 2016. No mention of a new significant other.
    --Now mainly doing voice work, although she's got a sequel for the Descendants coming up again.
    --Voice work would mean much less personal interaction with people...

  18. When she says the first movie it could mean the first descendants movie which was filmed in British Columbia. So dove Cameron could work and Kenny Ortega as the creep.

  19. The first Descendants filmed in Canada--directed by Kenny Ortega.

  20. High five, @MDAnderson!

  21. Hillary Duff is in post-production on a film portraying a doomed, very pregnant Sharon Tate--
    "One of the projects doesn't really have an opportunity for that kind of interaction and is the main reason I took it"

  22. Anonymous10:53 AM

    You know, I thought she was talking about an actor, but she only said guy. So....could be a director. I think y'all got this. Dove Cameron and Kenny Ortega.

  23. Is Canada really considered a "remote location" tho?

  24. Fully assumed after part 1 this was Amanda Bynes, possibly fudged detail would be her second, not first, film shot internationally (Lovewrecked, 2007 Weinstein Co., shot in the Dominican Republic, re-edited multiple times from 2005-2007 to tone down content)

  25. @J, that line jumped out at me too. If you believe her, then you walk away and don't interfere.

    Thing is, it's clear that, objectively, the trade-off wasn't worth it. Based on what we've read here, she's a wreck. Her ex-boyfriend probably has no idea why it didn't work. In her current state, she'll never have a good relationship or the things that come from that that make most people happy. The money will seem less and less important as the years pass.

    But saying it was worth it gives her a feeling of control, a better feeling than the alternative. It's pretty typical for people who have been through such things to find a way to mentally claim ownership of it.

  26. look at the way he touches her in this video.. very proprietary to me

  27. Cail, I think you're being condescending. You may be right, but still, at some point, we have to treat adults like adults. I work in business. I see lots of people with lives I'd say are complete messes. Lives I wouldn't ever ever ever want to live. But presumably they work the hours they work, or tolerate what they tolerate, or whatever because they deem the trade off worthwhile. And sometimes they bitch to me, and sometimes I bitch to them, about the less-awesome parts of our situations.

    But, like (but much less than) Hollywood actresses, we make good money and are in situations we can walk away from without being stoned to death.

    Anyway, if some dude in an unhappy marriage with a too-big mortgage miserable in his job says he thinks its worth it, I may disagree with him, but I'm not going to say he's somehow mentally broken and can't be held to mean the words he says.

    No doubt I'm reading more into your comment than you meant, but I think it's an interesting point. Peace.

  28. @unknown....
    That vid made my skin crawl. Even if this is not her ... poor kid!

  29. My guess is Debby Ryan, but it's almost amazing how it could fit Victoria Justice to a T!

  30. I don’t think it’s Dove. She is publicly dating the pirate character from Descendants 2 and I think they are talking marriage. This is after breakup with fiancé #1 from her old show. She seems very into the Hollywood game and has had tons of plastic surgery despite being so young.

  31. Isn't Kenny Ortega gay? Dove is pretty, but not enough to turn a guy into a straight rapist.

  32. There’s a video on YouTube called “Boys Dove Cameron has dated”. It says that she and Kenny Ortega were rumored to have had a secret relationship from August 2017 to February 2018. She says it is not true. Shows him with his hands all over her...

  33. Many of these BI turn my guts, this is one of them.
    Where are the good people fighting against this?
    Where are the kindness or BI about somebody
    getting their teeth knocked out by a father,
    brother, husband, boyfriend?

    I can't think of anybody who would abuse a child
    as human. Crossing that line makes one into a

    This kid has two choices to get out from the
    darkness: Run or fight.

    You're living out the "sunk cost fallacy",
    that you have invested too much already to
    walk away or fight. The "f boys, the wine,
    the hiding at home are symptoms of the
    abuse you have suffered.

    I hope you read this, I hope you fight,
    not for your own sake but all the people
    who are currently living that life or
    will one day be subjected to it.

    God Speed.

  34. Strill young, former Disney, movie as well as TV . . . Emily Osment?
    Aly Michalka?

  35. Not Aly Michalka--she's married.

  36. I keep going back to Bella because of the choices of words and speech patterns. It just sounds so like her. Only thing is she's been dating that hideous troll for months now.

  37. Victoria Justice has been in a serious relationship with Reeve Carney since they did that Rocky Horror reboot in October 2016.

  38. "Is Canada really considered a "remote location" tho?"

    You ever been to the 99.9% of Canada that is outside of their cities (something like 90%+ of the Canadian population also live within an hour of the U.S. border)? Go outside Vancouver and British Columbia is as much the great white north/wild frontier as the rest of Canada and Alaska. Been on remote location all over the great white North and yes, an hour or two outside of Vancouver and you might as well be a wildling living beyond the Wall on GoT.

  39. Sad that this could be many young actresses.

    No one should be treated this way at work. No one. No where.

  40. The BF not knowing about it part doesn't work in favor of this being Dove. Her BF was a regular on her TV show for multiple seasons. It would be kind of hard to hide what's in this blind from someone on the set a lot.

  41. ...something like 90%+ of the Canadian population also live within an hour of the U.S. border...

    The rest of your comment is accurate but this often-quoted factoid is not. The only large cities within an hour of the border are Vancouver and Montreal (and, arguably, Winnipeg).

  42. The trade off was worth it. I’m sorry but then what the hell she complaining about? Maybe this is just meant as a fair warning to others thinking of joining the Disney train.

  43. CJ...Toronto is within one hour of the US border at Niagara FAlls. Windsor is right across from Detroit. Montreal and Quebec City are just across the border from the U.S. The statistic is largely true

  44. It could be bella too cause of the lesbian comment. She is rumored to be dating Tana Mongeau.

  45. Isn't Hillary Duffy pregnant at the moment? I'm sure I saw her on some talkshow a few weeks ago and she was pregnant.

  46. After the first blind, I was torn between Dove and Bella. That said, due to the excellent skills from everyone, I'm going with Dove.

    I found a few pieces to add to the puzzle:

    - Dove's father died in 2011 which would be the reason for the rough s**t she was going through during a time her mom wasn't able to be with her.

    - In 2012, she was cast as Alanna in Bits and Pieces (her big break that she got because they liked her - from first blind) which became Liv and Maddie (after 'giving in' to the creator). Huge cast of teens that had minor roles.

    **Dove Cameron was initially cast for a single role on the series, which originally was not to center around her. When the show was first developed it was to be about a mixed/step family learning to come together, similar to The Brady Bunch (1969) or Step by Step (1991). Most of the cast for the original concept was retained, with changes made to the names of some characters**

    - She's just wrapping D3 as we speak (and has been very emo on her TL). KO was there for all of the movies which would be the answer for "The last few years dealing with this asshole have been the worst of my life."

    As if this and past blinds on them isn't bad enough; this could have been (and probably was) many of the other guesses, too. Kenny Ortega and John D. Beck have VIP/keys to the kingdom level access.

    That video of Dove and KO was so blatant I'm having a hard time understanding how that was ok for anyone to witness or film without stepping in. She was obviously uncomfortable. IMO, it was worse than the Dan Schneider vids I've seen.

  47. Hayden Panettiere?

  48. I'm going with Dove- for all of the above research and also for the last comment. Isn't Kenny Ortega supposed to be gay?

  49. Kenny Ortega will happily rape anything with a pulse. Male, female, non binary...

  50. I guess I'm out of the loop. I've only heard of Hillary Duff and Amanda Bynes out of the people guessed here. I looked up Dove Cameron just now and I realized that I looked her up after part I. She seems kinda pretty, but nothing that fancy. These guys don't rape because the girl/woman is irresistible though, they do it for power. Disgusting. These men need to be named and jailed for (at the very least) statutory rape.

  51. If it's Dove Cameron, the first gig might be her stint on Shameless.

  52. What a bunch of douche bag comments from you industry douches. All you care about is knowing who they are talking about. Plus that Paul St. John, def no saint! You obviously think it’s normal to pressure to get your play! True pussy!

    It’s so funny, you guys have all the money in the world but only manage to make commercial boring shut! Too bad you have no real culture, vulture vampires!!!

  53. Has anyone seen this?!

  54. Feels like someone from Descendants cast. They wear weird costumes, soo...



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