Sunday, July 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

January 23, 2018

This former A list singer in a group turned actor turned A list solo singer turned actor again is married to another man but hasn't stopped him from hooking up with a woman who used to be a beard for him back in the day.

Ricky Martin


  1. Hmmmmm hs got a couple of interesting names on his list Alessandra Ambrosino and Gabriella Sabatini

  2. Who is the woman?

  3. i am so confused....did enty out him as bi?

  4. @kimberly

    yes, just now w/this blind. but most ppl called it as him when it wasnt a reveal

  5. Rebecca De Alba is the old GF. Wow!

  6. Ricky, I'll show you where you were going wrong all those years. Mrrrow!

  7. My mom will freak out when I tell her about this!

  8. Doesn’t that mean she’s officially not a beard and he’s not really gay if he is willingly hooking up with her?

  9. Ricky is bisexual? Or not?

  10. Biebs and that yatcher are engaged now! Voila......

  11. Ricky hooking up with a woman? lol
    Enough CDAN for the day Enty

  12. I never thought he was 100% gay, for lack of better wording...he always struck me as bi and at times even straight.
    I could obvs be wrong but as a woman I got the vibe that he has/had sex with women and enjoyed/enjoys it.

  13. Kimberly Davis said...
    i am so confused....did enty out him as bi? this a new thing now?

    Back in the 70's and 80's you shamed people by outing them as faggots...

    Now you shame them by outing them as not being pure faggots?

    I'm going to have to ponder this when I get some time...

    1. Are you a caveperson? You don't call queer people faggots. That's equivalent to saying, "Back in the day people used to call women cunts because they're only good for their vaginas." It's highly offensive. Most entertainers and artistic people are queer - bi or gay - so if you don't like queer people, you shouldn't be paying attention to a site writing mainly about entertainers. Likely the man operating this website is queer also.

  14. He admitted he liked having sex with women - but relationships with men. Whatever makes him happy, i guess.

  15. @yepthatsme,I told everyone here not to underestimate Hailey,she has mad skills and all other yacht girls can now how down to her. And she has the least pedigree of them all.

  16. If he is bisexual. then she was not a beard.


  18. 'Hooking up' means different things to different people. Let's hook up tonight and have dinner. Let's hook up tonight. I miss your BJs. (Bill Clinton) It is not unusual that a man who dated a woman (beard or mustache) really cares for her. Freddie Mercury never got over his first love and left her his entire estate. Love is love is love is love. I think Lin-Manuel said that.

  19. So he's coming out of the bi closet?

  20. Almost more taboo for a man to be bi, than to be gay, it seems.

    And it is a real thing, to be be attracted to/ want sex with both men and women, but prefer relationships with one particular gender.

    It sounds like Ricky is bisexual & homoromantic.

  21. Ricky is hooking up with Rebecca again??
    She used to claim that their relationship was real and no one believed her when he finally came out. She was telling the truth after all XD

  22. The woman is Rebecca De Alba. She was with Ricky through his late teens to the beginning of his "living la Vida loca" debut.

  23. "...and at times even straight."

    When did he EVER seem straight? Wow, you have lousy gaydar.

  24. He's probably just feeling "all gayed out"... It happens. Being gay can be exhausting.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. He looked and sounded weird during the July 4th tv thing. Like he was channeling Tom Jones.

    (Not that there's anything AT ALL wrong with Tom Jones, just that Ricky Martin is NOT Tom Jones)

  27. I would be more concerned about his kids than trying to appease the crowd that cares about protecting 'queerness.' Jesus Christ.

  28. Rebecca was FURIOUS when people portraited her as a beard

    she said she really loved him and they were a ccouple so she felt stabbed in the back for the idea HIDDED his sexuality to her

    She even mentioned many times the night he was going to propose to her but the ring got lost in the crowd ...

  29. The husband might be cheating too. Rebecca is likely the woman who the egg came from for the twins. The kids likely already have some sort of relatonship with her. They're not going to know who their dad is boning. They probably have great lives.
