Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

March 22, 2018

Apparently this A list mostly movie actor who is a superhero is not concerned about what his now ex who also used to be an ex is going to spill about his crazy sex life and living arrangements. Even as much as she wanted to be with him, the actress just couldn't handle it any longer. She is a talker though so I hope she didn't sign anything.

Chris Evans/Jenny Slate


  1. I love her appearances on Drunk History.

  2. Drunk History is my favorite show! They always cast really good actors.

  3. What are his "living arrangements" that are so crazy?

  4. "living arrangements"???

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. itd have to be pretty extreme and polarizing to be considered to be one of the three 'fires' revealed in that other infinity war blind

    1) chris evans
    2) RBJ
    3) chris hemsworth

    other blind:

  7. Maybe he has like a sex slave living at his place?

  8. Hell if that's all it is, that's nothing. To me, Polyamorous is another way of saying "non-committal". He's gotta be into some BDSM type shit. I truly wonder why Enty hasn't revealed what the fetishes are though.

  9. Instead of a gimp suit, he dresses up as Captain America?

  10. I think that for this blind to be considered valid, we need to know what the crazy sex life and living arrangements entails. Until then, it's all just hearsay.

    And then I need it demonstrated to and or on me. For science.

  11. It's some sort of BDSM shit which, unless it's that daddy/daughter shit is less weird than polygamy.

  12. Jenny needs to start spilling. Us fan girls deserve to know the truth about the man who we have been fantasizing about (the whole, explicit truth with every last, very descriptive detail). Sharing is caring.


  13. loved her performance in 'Obvious Child'
