Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #6

March 24, 2018

Lost is apparently the new code word for when you hand over some collateral for coke when you don't have cash. Then, you get so wasted you forget you did it and don't know how to contact the drug dealer to get your collateral back. So, sayeth this former A list reality star all of you know.

Paris Hilton


nonyabusiness said...

She's too old for this shit.

Nutty_flavor said...

Wonder if the dj’s that weirdly commented on Twitter they were glad she found her ring, were the dealers...

Do Tell said...

When spellcheck fails to correct the word "spellcheck." lol

sandybrook said...


Thorne said...

The collateral was a dog, wasn't it? 🤦‍♀️

Amy said...

Talking of coke, anyone see the message on Twitter regarding self-righteous Piers Morgan buying cocaine in the 90s that he just ignored? He was slagging someone else off for smoking weed....

BitterBlondin said...

Didn't Enty say SHE dealt the best coke? Don't believe it.


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