Saturday, July 28, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 15, 2018

How do you make the rest of the cast look the same height as this vertically challenged permanent A list mostly movie actor? Put them on a platform so people have to look up to see them all. Nice idea. Throw those platform supports in the shoes and it works pretty well.

Tom Cruise


  1. New M:I is best yet.

  2. Here's my reader blind submission:

    This balding actor sometimes wears wigs in movies.

    That's about as useful as this one was.

  3. Tom...we all know you're short...get over it dude!

  4. DDonna, you should start your comments with; I'm not a $cientologist, but, blah blah blah.

  5. I'd like to point out that the Angela who just posted a comment is not me, the one who's been currently accused of being a pedophile, a pederast and a Jew, in addition to being French, by some supposedly well informed people here.

    As my Blogger profile shows, I joined Blogger in 2007. The other Angela, who may have picked from the beginning the same name, or who just changed it to create confusion and write stuff that other people would attribute to me, joined Blogger in 2011.

  6. I think it's Hollywood that has a problem with Tom's height. We all know he's short. The only people that seem to care are the ones casting him in movies.

  7. @DDonna This MI is no different from any of the other ones. If you're looking for a significant plot, look elsewhere. If you're looking for entirely predictable thrills and plot twists, you've come to the right place!

  8. I dont think its much of a secret TommyGirl does the lifts in the shoes gimmick

  9. James Cordon and Tom Cruise skydiving is awesome. And Tom looks great.

  10. @orangesoda as Tom pretty much casts himself I agree, the only person who really has a problem with Tom's height is Tom.

    @Robin, apparently Tom really did the Halo jump himself,dangerous stuff, I wonder what the insurance costs are on his movies. Say what you like about him but he never just phones his performance in, if it wasn't for his Scientology crap he'd be as iconic as Hanks.

  11. but the Scientology thing is huge proble,. And how about him not seeing Suri, c´mon its too bad

  12. I'm probably reading it wrong but to me this sounds like Entern is saying that the rest of the cast is put on a platform which would negate what they are trying to do. Like I said, I'm probably reading it wrong but "Put them on a platform so people have to look up to see them all." seems odd to me. Maybe it should read "to see all of them" instead.

  13. I don't know why anyone would consider this a big deal. IMO it's less about a persons ego and wanting to look taller, and more about what's asthetically more pleasing on screen. A lot of women paired with tall male co-workers stand on boxes to look less short next to them, too. And shorter male actors do the same. I even remember a story about how Sean Astin had a box to stand on when next to Brendan Fraser in Encino Man.

    So sure, Tom Cruise may have a complex about being shorter, but him looking taller than he is on film isn't a bad thing. Like someone else mentioned, it's similar to actors/actresses wearing wigs - it's all about what looks good on film, reality doesn't matter as much.

  14. Humphrey Bogart, Allan Ladd, Robert Conrad were also short but they weren't as tiny as Tom. The trick was to hire short leading actresses and supporting actors, or set the camera in a way that they seemed taller.
    Tiny Tom's feat as an actor lies in making audiences believe he's a manly man of action, something he wasn't born to be.

  15. I've known people who worked as crew on Tom Cruise movies and no one has anything bad to say. In fact they've told me how nice he is to crew and he'll come around and talk to them.

    Considering how most of Hollywood are pedos, assholes, or both, I'll let Tom slide on his decades old insecurity on his height. You really never hear anything bad about the guy.

  16. Agreed with folks that give Tommy boy a pass on the height thang...dude can't control his genetics. Yes he is trying to compensate like a case of "small dog syndrome" but he doesn't seem to have a full blown raging case of Napoleon complex.

    Also agree that the $cio is such an absolute detriment, but there is no chance in hell they will EVER give up their golden goose. It's obvious they have him by the short hairs, "suspicion" is they have blackmail of his homo predilections which is unfortunate in that in this day and age such info wouldn't destroy his career. He could honestly be true to himself and besides, he's worth a fuckload, why not just go and be happy being yourself. Come on Tom, just be you.

    The MI movies are summer big budget popcorn flicks, much like the Pirates movies and so many others. Saw this latest one the other night and it's entertaining if nothing else, absurd plot or not. I'm not even sure which one this was at this point - #6? 7? Did it tie into a previous MI that I missed, what with the bearded MI6 Rasputin-esque dude? Or was that a different actor playing the role of a previous villain? Not that I care enough to go back and investigate.

  17. One interesting bit about the new one though, is it started with Tom getting the secret intel packet from a passcode exchange involving the quote about fate and the warrior:

    “Fate whispers to the warrior, 'You can not withstand the storm.'
    The warrior whispers back, 'I am the storm.' "

    This quote is pretty heavily used/referenced in QAnon-ville, although I'm sure it was just a coincidence and written & filmed prior to POTUS's "Calm Before the Storm" quote as well as Q appearing on the scene.



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