Monday, July 16, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 21, 2018

It has been a slow process of getting photos taken and released that show this A/A- list disgraced actor from an acting family in the best light possible. Notice, they all have been either designed to show he is still working or that he is in a loving relationship with one person who obviously trusts him. No big stories or attempts at covers, just a slooow release of stories designed to shape their own narrative. It is much smarter than the Louis CK strategy of trying to release a story about he would make a comeback which was met with a thud.

James Franco


  1. I like James Franco in exile. I would love it if he stayed there forever and we never ever heard of him or his suspender tattoos again.

  2. I tried to get through Sound and the Fury last night and just could'/t - The book was one of my favorites and the script seemed true to the story, but the moaning Benji was just too much.

  3. Too good not to quote/ from Indiewire

    Based on the extraordinary, complex Nobel Prize-winning William Faulkner novel of the same name, Franco’s 101-minute film version is immensely truncated, but somehow manages to feel self-indulgent nonetheless, particularly in the first of its three chapters, which is told from the point of view of the Compson family’s shame, the idiot Benjy. Starring Franco’s halfwit bucktooth dentures in the role, and also Franco himself we suppose, his Benjy roils, spasms, groans, gurns, and flails his way through an interminable first third, which is surely destined to be listed as the precise filmic definition of the “Tropic Thunder” meme of “going full retard.”

  4. Totally made my day Momo, thank you!
