Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 24, 2018

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who has worked with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor a couple of times now was talking smack about this a-hole A- list actor she dated on and off forever. The thing is he would always tell her he was single and that his ex was out of his life. The actress would then catch him cheating and the actor would yell at our actress and say it was her fault. She finally left him for good when his ex got pregnant by the actor even though he swore he had not been seeing her.

Mia Wasikowska/Robert Pattinson/Jesse Eisenberg


  1. You'd think she could get a better looking guy than that douche wouldn't you?
    Even if it's an unwashed Pattinson, still a ton better. As long as you hold your nose.

  2. So, is Eisenberg the shitbag who knocked up his ex?

    1. He gives off self important vibes, for sure

  3. According to the news, Eisenberg is indeed the shitbag... I am wondering wether Pattinson is a blind informant though, there have been a few seemingly entered around his intel..

  4. Ugh. Jesse Eisenberg just needs to go away. I loved him in The Social Network, but he's just too full of himself.

    1. He was so good in that film because that is him. That is his character. He looks so out of place in every other film I've seen him in because of it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm unclear where Pattinson fits in this, though..other than just another celeb. name to drop?

  7. I don't get the wording of this blind either. People seem to thing Eisenberg was the one MW dated "on and off forever". So what is R-Patts's role exactly? And is he being labeled an A-list A-hole or is that just Eisenberg?

  8. People actually fuck Jesse Eisenberg?

  9. It's hardly 'talking smack' if the guy is a proven shitbird.

  10. I had the "pleasure" of watching the Batman V Superman movie while at the gym. I only watched about 45 minutes including commercials. Even muted and with captions, I could tell that Eisenberg was HANDS DOWN the best thing about the movie.
    Affleck was sad and serious, Cavill was shirtless and bland, and Eisenberg was hamming the shit out of his role. He was fantastic.

  11. I must disagree, Eisenberg was by far the worst Lex Luthor ever, in movies and TV. Like he got that Luthor was a villain that didn't like Superman and just made up the rest goofily as he went along. He was a key element of the clusterf*ck that ruined what would have been a great Batman movie.

    My pick for best Lex Luthor ever: Michael Rosenbaum

    [drops the mike]

  12. Jesse Eisenberg and his autistic jerk schtick needs to stop.

  13. Brayson87: Agreed re: Michael Rosenbaum. Fantastic Lex.

    I haven't seen Batman v. Superman and I don't really care to.

  14. @LooksLikeCRicci you better off for it. My husband and I went to see it and that movie was so awful that ended literally falling asleep in the theater LOL!

  15. @LooksLike, Rosenbaum had the most intensity and was the only actor who didn't play Lex like a vaudeville act.

    Yeah Batman v. Superman will make you lose faith in the DC Movie Universe. I can't remember a single memorable scene except some of the Batman stuff like where he was branding people.

  16. Batman v Superman is an insult to humanity and Jesse E.'s atrocious performance is only one of many reasons why.

    Truly one of the worst films ever made. Sickeningly bad.

  17. Eisenberg was great in Roger Dodger and The Squid and the Whale. That's all I've seen him in. I do hear that he is a supercilious little toad, though.

  18. I can't see him without remembering that interview in which he was an absolute dick to the interviewer:


  19. He played Lex Luther like Look at Me I’m a Bad Guy now!
