Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #46

January 17, 2018

In this worldwide headline making murder case there is some new evidence that has been found which looks very damning for the thirsty celebrity husband of the wife who was killed. His story and actions have never really jibed and investigators kept digging. Apparently it was a tip though that led to a revisit of timelines and and something that happened when the huge life insurance policy was originally bought. I'm also told he went through the insurance money quickly with his new extravagant lifestyle. There are only so many books and seminars he can sell but he won't cut back on his spending.

Davey Blackburn


  1. Kudos to @Diana

    I don't recall the case & I rarely read the Daily Mail.

    Special place in Hell for this pastor.

  2. His new wife better watch out, Ann Rule's books were full of people like this guy who think if they got away with murder once, they'll continue to get away with it.

  3. Has this thing even gone to trial yet??

  4. This is nuts - everyone google this man and go read the blog post he wrote about being engaged to his new wife.

  5. I remembered this story from when it first made news and couldn't stop reading the blogs on it after seeing this blind. Weird circumstances for sure.

    Side note:
    @Sara - thanks for always trying to (make it work) keep the comments on topic. You're one of my favorites on here!

  6. I live in Indianapolis, not far from the murder scene. When I first heard this, I automatically thought of the husband. Especially when I read that he sat in the driveway talking on the phone for 30 minutes before he went into the house to find her (probably trying to get into acting mode). I get weird vibes from this guy and the fact that he made a big deal out of finding his new love a year later. Please if there is a God, if he is the mastermind, let him fry.

  7. Anonymous8:26 AM

    PLS tell us what happened when the huge life insurance policy was originally bought!! I cannot find any info online. PLS????

  8. Apparently Davey had to switch high schools bc he told such a severe lie that ruined his reputation with the entire school. His family moved from Alabama to Indy. I can't find out what the lie is and it's driving me nuts

  9. idk the guys that did it never flipped on him if he was involved. He just seems like an opportunist using his wife's death to propel him in the get rich quick mega church scams. Having a hunch and proving to the DA to prosecute is a wide ocean.

  10. Data Lounge had a lot of great insider info on this, until Davey had his attorneys shut it down. :(

  11. I was on to him since day one. In one early interview, he threw his late wife’s notebook on the floor, as if he meant nothing to him.

  12. Oh and he was Facebook friends with some of the people related to the killers. There were connections there also

  13. The lie was he & his friends went cow tipping. The farmer went after Davey & became so upset, he had a heart attack & died. Davey said it was another classmate. The entire school/town turned on him. SO much wrong w/this story. Less than $500 to his name, failing church, $100,000 owed back to church that funded him starting Resonate here, pregnant wife that didn’t have same sex drive as he did, mounting bills, but multi-million $$$ life insurance policy on wife. Wakes up at ass crack of dawn, but leaves late for gym, leaves door unlocked, sits outside of house for 30+ minutes talking on phone, calls 911, but doesn’t tell them true nature of call, starts a GoFundMe at the hospital, sells t-shirts at funeral, live tweets during funeral, registers “nothing is” before casket is picked out, starts traveling the world, buys a $65,000 SUV - pays cash, registers “Serendipity” & buys $500,000 home, rents more office space, golfs, finds a publisher, new clothes, etc....This was a murder for hire turned marketing a murder. #dirtydavey

  14. I can't wait for the Dateline episode on this after they bag this scumbag. C'mon Keith Morrison!

  15. Ive tweeted Josh Mankiewicz at Dateline about doing a show on this. We need to contact the producers.



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