Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 26, 2018

She has never injected drugs before, but now this B list celebrity offspring of a permanent A++ lister has been introduced to it by her significant other. This won't end well.

Paris Jackson


  1. Given her life, she has a lot to be sad about but that doesnt mean she cant bounce back from it. I really hope she does. She comes off as a caring person. It's a shame that so many leaches are latching on.

  2. I will be stunned if this poor girl lives to see 30.

  3. Everytime I think she's getting it together she takes 3 steps back.

  4. 30 is being generous.

  5. Someone in her family needs to step in. This has been a train wreck for a while.

  6. Now just who in that mentally insane family is going to step in? Most of them are fucking weirdos. It's no wonder she's a mess.

  7. i wish there was someone in that freakshow circus of a family who could help her. i'm also thinking this will not end well. she seems so fragile.

  8. I've had serious illnesses in the past and the one thing i don't miss is the injections and blood samples taken with a needle. Why anyone would do that voluntarily, c'mon there are better methods of taking drugs. Have they tried blowing it up their ass like fleetwood mac?

  9. Any help for Paris will have to come from outside that crazy family. She needs a caring professional.

  10. So she was tricked into doing drugs? Like someone mixed it in her food and stuff? If not then there is no cause to be sympathetic! Also if she is smart she can make a lot of money by being a perpetual victim, just ask Demi Lovato!

  11. Oh please, she looks like her high school yearbook would have selected her as "Most Likely to be an Addict and Die in a Hotel Room."

  12. @Brayson87, so you are implying she completed her high school education? Damn, you learn something new everyday!

  13. @Brayson87, so you are implying she completed her high school education? Damn, you learn something new everyday!

  14. Who's the significant other this time?

    1. It's been rumored that she's dating Cara Delivinge (or however you spell it lol)

  15. I believe the death of her father pushed her into a mental illness like Bipolar. In most women it doesn't come out until late teens or early 20's after a traumatic event, so I feel like if she got properly diagnosed and laid off the drugs she might be ok. Sadly she will probably end up in the 27 club if she makes it that long.

  16. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I suppose, since she is young and has money, Paris can identify her passions, and pursue one of them in some worthwhile way.
    Or, she can fly around the world, doing drugs with the worst possible losers.
    Her call.

  17. @yep, Yeesh, just looked into that, poor girl had it rough in high school

  18. I'm not talking about the whackos. She clearly has very little reliable family but maybe her older brother could help her. I don't know. I don't see anyone else caring enough about her.

  19. Her life was fine before her father passed. The Jackson relatives who were supposed to look after her failed. They let her run amok and didn't seek counseling for her after her fathers death. Also, she has a naturally rebellious personality type. Anyway, this is a blind item; it has no credibility whatsoever. Anyone can write a blind item.

  20. This girl wont even live enough to join the 27 club ... pitty

  21. I noticed in one of her Instagram live streams about a week back she kind of had the cocaine eyes going on

  22. She seems like a gentle soul, and naturally beautiful. Hope this is not true, but if it is, hope this habit is short lived.

  23. Cara is toxic. Maybe Paris will get herself a good stable and healthy man (or woman) with a head on his shoulders, but given the people she is friends with, it's doubtful.



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