Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 8, 2018

Golden Globes

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor from two big now defunct franchises was hammered at rehearsals and was even worse off during the show last night. The actress he presented with was not amused. I think she knows she is running out of chances and probably thought the actor would mess things up for her.

Robert Pattinson/Emma Watson


  1. She should hook up with him if she can take the stench. It worked wonders for Twigs (who knew who she was before him) and Kristin Stewart would be gone by now if she had never been a fake coup!e with him.

  2. When is Emma Watson ever amused? Smirking at best.

    Still Team Jacob though.

  3. I doubt that she's too concerned about her chances. She's a kid with a net worth of $70M and as well as her wages on Beauty and the Beast she took a healthy profit share option. She should do what i did and retire young. It's liberating.

  4. Was he a stinky guy before kstew or did she turn him that way? So long since they “dated”, I can’t remember. Seems like a fun drunk though. Emma is just stuck up and her chances are running out. I’ll give her B&B though, that movie was exceptional.

  5. I spy with my little eye A humblebrag

  6. Never forget: The UN thinks this silly, venal little person is the best choice to represent the glories of feminism to a benighted world.

  7. Some people crave admiration and attention.

  8. @Craig how nice for you *triggered*

  9. I thought about retiring young after getting a shit ton of royalties from a song but I realized I'm too much of an achiever to ever retire from anything. I realize you retire when you feel like you have nothing more to offer humanity.

  10. Every blind featuring this actor has him completely sauced. His liver must be pickled.

  11. @Eff You completely miss the point. Retiring from PAID work and giving of yourself to humanity is the thing to do when you don't need to make a living anymore. Unless there's no amount of money that can fill the emptiness inside you, of course...

  12. I'd think her dress would have done worse for her chances than a drunk co-presenter.

  13. I just rewatched it and his interview afterward. He does not seem hammered in any manner.

  14. I dont believe for a second he was hammered. If you pay attention you will notice that he's actually in the best shape of his life. I think Twigs had something to do with that bc she's clearly really active. Does he drink? Of course..but i dont think he's the raging drunk you like to portray him as.

  15. @Eff, I think the majority of people retire because they're of retirement age and can afford to do so.

    The service of humanity doesn't play into most peoples decision to get a job so I'm sure it doesn't have much to do with them retiring.

  16. Team Edward 💋
