Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 24, 2018

This foreign born B/B- list mostly movie actress who peaked a couple decades ago has also done reality. I forgot about that until I was writing the sentence. It was one of those cable programs that was popular almost a decade ago. Anyway, she has a minder with her from her home country. He and his bosses back home decide what crap low budget movies she will accept to star in depending on who they want her to sleep with. Despite living in LA, her films are almost always shot outside the US in the strangest of locations that almost no other actress would want to go. If you sit down with her, she can rattle off 30-40 names of government leaders around the world in these strange countries she has slept with under orders from her government.

Bai Ling


  1. Fascinating life, will probably be a movie someday


  2. Dam... sounds frightening tbh I imagine those people to have some dangerous kinks. Also tho what's in for the gouvernment if she sleeps with those guys? Not like fucking them extracts all their information and knowledge or anything.

  3. Hi Bai, are you still reading this site? Enty is still your friend right?

  4. Stir-fried "plate jobs" were definitely on her "menu" for the depraved elites she "entertained" no doubt...

  5. Bai Ling is an American citizen. If she did not want these roles she does not have to take them.

  6. cc423 ->Globalists Cabals ... do not have borders or "Citizenship".

  7. Probably knows which leaders were Cabal collaborationists too

  8. she reads the site? Receipts pls

  9. She's had her photo in the readers section twice and Enty called her a good friend. This was 2015 and 2016.

  10. https://youtu.be/4ct75jP_agk I wouldn’t doubt her stories

  11. Freaking LOVE Bai Ling. She's the best kind of crackdoodle. :)

  12. True story: Afghanistan's Mohammed Omar, France's Jean-Marie Pen, the UK's Gordon Brown, and Cambodia's Hun Sen all lost an eye to Bai Ling's Nipples. Moishe Dyan, however, lost his in World War II.

  13. @Thonker,confirming what @sandybrook said,she seems to have been a source for several blinds as well.

  14. Has she ever been as high as a B-?

  15. She’s way out there in Crank High Voltage

  16. Normally I would error on the side of privacy, but I'm fairly positive Bai is "Amazing Quotes".

    Hi Bai.
