Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 7, 2018

One of the longest held secrets in Hollywood was known by a handful of people. I was never one of those people. Even as the secret was passed down to a second and then a third generation, I still never knew. It was not until the last week of April that I was told the secret and that it was OK to talk about it now because the subject of the secret had been killed in an auto accident. That was kind of fitting considering that is how he "died," the first time. He was A+ list that first time. The entire world loved him and adored him and he hated every second of it. He wanted no part of it. So, with the help of a police chief who thought the world of him and a rival studio head who was willing to do anything to not watch those big box office numbers he put up, they got to work. The studio chief got some set designers and stunt people and they created a car wreck. The police chief donated a body from the morgue no one was going to claim, so they could bury a body and it was all set. The studio chief signed a contract with the actor and it basically paid him about $1500 a week for his entire life. And boy did he live a long life. When he was killed north of the border in an auto accident in April he was 95 or 96 depending on whether you used his Canadian or American birth certificate. For much of the past 60 some odd years he had lived in a remote section of that northern country, but in the past few years moved to a much larger city so he and his wife could be closer to medical care. Being 95/96 didn't stop his love of driving though and his wife loved being with him when he did. She was with him in the car when they were hit by a tractor trailer. His wife is expected to make a full recovery.

James Dean


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good job to all the ppl in the original thread that got this one right.

  3. I have a hard time believing this one for some reason...

    1. Well for one thing, Rebel Without a Cause wasn't even released until a month after he died, and Giant even later. Not sure it's fair to say he was A+ list at that time so much as the car accident, youth, and then release of Rebel propelled him there.

    2. Plus, why would they need a body from the morgue? It's not like anybody was going to see it. A few bags of cement in the coffin would have sufficed.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Oh come on.

  5. Screw the 4th parties. I'll be glued to my phone reading gossip all day

  6. They're never really dead unless you see the body yourself, guys
    This was the plot of Goldeneye and probably half a dozen other Bond films

  7. What...the...fuuuuuuuuuck.

    1. Took the words out of my mouth!!

  8. Oh, I love reveal days. More than Enty loves bacon.

  9. That was guessed right a lot and I guess there is no real way to prove this but hey we're not the insiders here. To think that staging one's death without being recognized anymore later is possible is insane. I wonder who the wife is and if this will ever hit mainstream media.

  10. He was gay - how did he have a wife.

    Not sure about this one!!

    1. It was only ever speculated that was the case, as far as I know. Talk that he was bi too. But he also dated Seinfeld's TV mum, so maybe he was "James Franco" sexual,
      (with out the creep aspect).

  11. Have fun I'm off to the beach if any famous Grohlian douchebags want to fight me in town meet me on the ave

  12. What??? No way. This is so epic. Thanks Enty and friends!

  13. I don't believe this bullshit.

  14. I wish you could comment with GIFs here because I have no words.

  15. Wooow! I couldn’t comment on the first reveal, but wanted to say that if the first two reveals are this powerful, thanks Enty & keep them coming!👊🏼 Now, if only someone could get DNA proof to confirm this blind, that would make global news!

  16. Amazing! Was his wife aware of who he was? And how come nobody recognized him, when he first started his new life?

  17. Id love to believe this one!! What a legend.

  18. Yaaaahhhhhhh

    I have joy buzz
    This is better than any parties. I fucking hate fireworks anyway

  19. What????? I though that he was gay and he also faked his own death WOW I'm shook!

  20. I wonder what the straw was that broke the camel's back? In any case he was smart to leave on top of his game.

  21. If you don't believe any of the blinds, what are you even doing here?

    1. +1 Carlina Colon

    2. Enjoying a break from reality surely your not dumb enough to believe all these blinds...entertainment only folks 🤔🤔🤔🤔😉😉

    3. Hope you had a nice 4th uncle Harvey or is this shitty singer? @ stupid pervs

  22. Who will be the first ti interview the wife?

    Imagine the ratings if she appeared on Oprah to verify it? 60 Minutes? Ellen?

    1. Anything to try and pull themselves out of the ratings toilet

  23. You've got to be kidding me 😱

  24. I can’t say I buy it, but it’s a great story. Thanks Enty! 🙏🏻

  25. @Carlina Colon, sometimes a blind rings true.

    If you believe everything you read, more fool you.

    1. Not everything, that's silly.
      But there's people on here who constantly say "preposterous!" watch today, there will those same people who show up just to say it on most blinds. Carlina is right, whyTF would they come back every day? Lol talk about fools

    2. We come back so we can be blessed with your humble opinions since that's clearly the only one that matters here
      ...imagine some one went out and made cdan just so we can all agree on one fact u always believe things so easliy ..i have a farm in Iraq to sell you that grows golden beans if your fooled this easily

  26. @Charis might have found it!


  28. "0h sure. I have a James Dean lookalike in my morgue. We get some of the most gorgeous men to have ever lived every day.!" Blahgg

  29. @Charis Thank you for the link
    Now I have to go tell everyone I know 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

  30. "I have a James Dean lookalike in my morgue"

    JD has a closed casket funeral due to injuries from the crash.

    Not proof one way or another, just saying...

    1. And it's not very unusual for a bad car accident to jack up someone's face and make them hard to identify

  31. Did someone move April 1st to July 4th?

  32. I can't be!I've this, the BI says wife, what wife? James Dean was gaaaayyy hunnay!

  33. According to Wiki, Dean was born in 1931; that would make him 87, not 95. And even if he used faked birth cert, what about the woman ? If hers not faked, she was stated to be 96. So he "married" someone almost 10 yrs older ? Kinda smells IMHO.

    1. That’s my biggest hang-up... the birthdate, even if he used a fake. There’s just too many things that don’t add up.

  34. Hmm, National Enquirer posted something similar last year.

    1. @Donna

      The Enquirer has been talking about this for years.

      Many CDAN blinds confirm or debunk tabloid stories, stories from Hard Copy, and stories from the Hollywood Babylon TV show.

  35. I think this one is true. First of all, do you really think actors tell the truth about their age? Second, in rural Canada, nobody would recognize you. There's a lot of Canada that's beyond wilderness. Third, did you know that gay men often marry women? Especially back in those days!

  36. I KNEW IT.


  37. 95 or 96 years old.
    And JD was born in 1931?
    Math isn't quite there, among a few other holes in this tale.

    1. Actors and actresses always lied about their age. It was a thing. Still is for some.

  38. This is absolutely, positively the biggest load of cow manure I have ever read in my long life. Do you really think someone as HUGE a star as James Dean could have staged a death and rode off into the sunset forever? No way, Jose. Not then. Not now. I will believe this insanity when I see photographs of Dean through the years that can be verified by a law enforcement agency. This just did not happen. I posted before my surgery what transpired at my home the day the news hit the radio that he had been killed. To say my generation (young teens) were devastated is putting it mildly. Even the boys in my class were in tears for days. He was an icon. He was the first real rebel actor in Hollywood other than Brando, who could reach kids at that confusing age when we wanted to be free from our families, our religions and the constraints that life was handing us. If Enty can show us photos I will change my mind.

    1. @ Boo...I don't comment much on this site but I think your words are wise😊

  39. Cant get on the calvary sun..its crashed😎

  40. Sorry but this story is not true the gentlemen killed had a long history of serving in the Canadian military - you don’t get to serve in the military without an extensive background check if some people need to believe he was James Dean so be it —can’t stop people from believing the earth is flat

    1. No, they didn't have "background" checks back then anywhere close to what they have today! lots of young men lied about their ages to join the military to fight in wars, get away from home, etc. not uncommon at all to forge info for military services 50-60 years ago!

  41. I can believe all of this except the fact that he had a wife. Dean was gay.

  42. I knew it!!! Doin the happy dance! God bless him. Prayers to his widow.

  43. So after this original blind sent the teeming masses after some random dead man in Canada, I don't want to hear any more self-righteous sermonizing from Himmmm about pinning blinds on innocent people.

  44. I knew it was James Dean. There was some very ingenious detective work going on in the original thread. My first thought was James Dean when I read thread but the timelines/age threw me off like others until someone suggested a theory behind the timeline/age which made sense. Excellent work to the James Dean guessers.

    So far as the people crying foul and we don't believe it. You don't have to believe it. Its your right. I believe it 100 percent. I have more respect for Dean now that I know he turned his back on that old life and sought out a decent existence away from all that. Smart man.

    And lastly for the gay agenda folks in here crying that he was gay. Nahhhh, he wasn't gay. You shouldn't believe every story/blind written secondhand like that because people(hollyweird) does have its agendas. Hollywood is on a full onslaught to promote the gay lifestyle to the masses and they want everyone in hollywood to not only help promote that but live that lifestyle. That is why most singers -- female are encouraged to be bisexual or just outright gay. (nikki minaj) What better publicity for the gay agenda than to promote a bunch of bullshit stories/memoirs espousing James Dean being a closet gay man. Utter, total and complete bullshit lie told on a hollywood legend. Rip JD You were a good man.

    1. @Sobiewski

      Enty often gives false clues to make the blinds difficult to guess.

      Dean's fake death was often written about in The National Enquirer.

  45. Marlon Brando had sex with him and said he was gay. Brando was bi. Other men said so too.

  46. James Dean being bisexual or gay did not make him a bad person. That is not a choice, it is something you are or are not. And there were plenty of stories from people who knew him at every level that said he was bisexual at the very least.

    I find it almost amusing that anyone who uses the phrase gay agenda and believes that it is a lifestyle so easily believes that a famous guy who sustained a broken neck managed to be treated in secret and live in secret till the age of 95.

  47. Why are people shocked? A lot of CDAN blinds are old rumors being confirmed or debunked.

    Enty must really like to read The National Enquirer and Hollywood Babylon. He must have liked to watch Hard Copy and the TV version of Hollywood Babylon.


  49. Scar and disfigure, yes. Change multiple basic features, like the shape of someone's eyes and mouth, no.

  50. I have questions about the man who hit him. Wasn't his life destroyed? Was he bribed too?

  51. Going to need some official conformation here.

  52. While being gay is obviously not a lifestyle choice, there is 100% a gay agenda in Hollywood. There's a gay agenda pretty much everywhere now. Mainstream sports (outside of the Olympics) is probably the only example I can think of where this very small minority of the population hasn't been drastically and dramatically blown out of proportion.
    In relation to this BI, yeah, it's too sketchy. JD was probably gay though.

    1. Stop forcing your gay agenda on us ..No one cares about your fake conspiracy I think that's your agenda to skew things so much while saying of course he's gay ...prove it and stop making baseless claims your no Enty

  53. it was a fun read, I take a lot of stories with a grain of salt. Some are 100^ real and some die on the vine.

  54. I dont believe this, but I love these reveals.


    1. Noooo but Rosie said these were all real 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂🤣😂

  56. From your Canadian friends...

  57. Speechless. Really? Wow. No wonder Trump is President.

  58. How many times did Tupac visit Dean in Canada? Did they both have lunch with Elvis?

  59. He faked his death and changed his identity, but still stayed in the closet.

  60. Look what is published one day after the Canadian crash. Clearly a planted article.

    As for his homosexuality, you do not know the marriage of these two. What a perfect way to mask identity, but also, obviously, she supplied him with love and companionship. Devotion is evident, and frankly, I'm not surprised. I have had a similar relationship with a female friend. I get it.

  61. This is so bogus.. thanks for the holiday humor!

  62. @PapayaSF


  63. soon they say Elvis is alive too

  64. You know he wasn't the only one who probably hated the fame life. I wonder who else did something like this and who's stI'll out there.

  65. @Boo Hearne Hi Miss Boo! So great to see you here :) How are you doing since your surgery? I was a little worried. xx

  66. In the original Blind, not that long ago. I found the facebook page of one of the daughters. The wife died while still in the hospital. Check there for other links.

  67. I just read that too. Interesting that no names were given...

  68. @ramble yes I remember that, the wife passed away a few days later. Didn’t some disrespectful idiot comment ‘RIP James Dean’ on the poor guys memorial page too? Real classy for his family to have to read during their time of grief.

  69. I worked in the film industry for several decades, and I've quietly lurked on CDAN for a couple of years, now. Though there have been occasions where I, personally, possessed a sort of "insider knowledge" in relation to specific blinds, events, and public figures, I've never felt compelled to post...until now.

    I used to be good friends with a gentleman who had been quite close to James Dean, for a period of time, during Dean's tragically brief film career. Out of respect for that kind and humble gentleman (who passed away, years ago) and his surviving loved ones, I cannot identify him - but I will say that, if you search through public articles about James Dean's life, you will likely come across his name at least once or twice.

    Anyhow, this gentleman loved to share his stories, photos and mementos of/from "Old Hollywood", and some of those stories and photos involved Dean. This is what I learned, through him:

    He stated that Dean absolutely was not gay; that, at most, he could be deemed bi-sexual or bi-curious. Dean was a very sensitive young man who was still in the process of finding himself and figuring out what he wanted out of life, so he did a bit of exploring, sexually and relationship-wise. However, in addition to a number of flings with young women, he had fallen madly in love with an actress named Pier Angeli, and was left utterly heartbroken when she ended their relationship. Dean had actually talked about marrying her, someday, and had never verbally expressed that type of overwhelming love or emotion for a man to his circle of friends.

    As for Dean's friend had a different tale to tell about that, as well. He told me that, as far as he knew, the car crash did happen, and that Dean was left very badly injured and disfigured - but that he did survive the crash. My friend was out of state when the accident occurred, but he stated that he received a short, surprise phone call from Dean, approximately 3 months later. During this call, Dean told him that he was alive and still recovering, but that the studio had paid him to essentially give up his life and identity. Dean also told him that he hadn't figured out, yet, whether he would stay in an [unnamed] town in California, or if he would drive back to the Midwest or find another place to live, but he promised my friend that he would talk to him again, soon, once he sorted things out.

    My friend never heard from him again, though, and I think that haunted him until his final days.

    My friend had shown me old photographs of he and Dean together, and other items that validated some of his statements. Thus, I do believe all that he had told me, but I've spent years searching for further "secret" information about Dean's car crash and the possibility of a type of cover-up, and I still haven't found anything conclusive, myself.

    I can't help but think that the story will probably haunt me until my last days, too. It's all just so tragic and perplexing.

    Given some of the comments that have been made on this blind, so far, I just felt I needed to share this information that I'd been given.

    1. I don't find this impossible and the videos on YouTube seem very much like him.

  70. It’s total bullshit. James Dean was born in 1931. In 2018 he’d only be 87. Age is wrong. No way this shit is true.

  71. @sal - Oh dear god. That is not a thing to do.

  72. @unknown - That is a tragic story. This is something we will never have a clear answer to!

  73. Hi, Sal T: How are YOU? As you know, after the surgery I did not follow my doctors orders and almost died. It was totally my fault. I really didn't think I would see July 4th. However, because of incredibly caring friends & daughter, I pulled through. I'm sort of back but promised only to comment on things I have information on or are events I lived through. James Dean was one of them. A major event in my teen life! Sent me into torrents of tears for weeks. He was THAT beloved by my generation. He had just completed filming GIANT a few days before he was decapitated at the waist from the crash. My 44 year old daughter refuses to believe Tupac is dead. Each generation has a conspiracy that never dies. Natalie Wood is another one. All my girlfriends and I adored Natalie in the late 50s. In the early 60s we were all coloring our hair jet black to look like Liz Taylor. I remember my mother's face when I walked in the door with super short, black hair. She almost dropped her vodka and tonic. Almost. I had the most beautiful red hair at the time. Sal, those were the days. Movies and movie stars were all we lived for. Now I can't think of any actor I would walk across the produce aisle at Whole Foods to even say hi to. OK, Benicio. He's it. Hopefully, if I do what I am supposed to do I will be good as gold in a couple of months. Thanks so much for asking. Happy 4th.

  74. Wow, Unknown! Now that you've said that I feel confused. Maybe this can be true?

  75. James Dean Death scene photos--still alive?

  76. This article states that the RCMP won't be releasing the names of the victims.

  77. That’s wonderful news Boo :) I communicated briefly with Jessa and I know she was extremely worried. I got the impression that she’s a beautiful, kind and caring soul, much like I imagine you to be. I love reading and hearing about old Hollywood...there’s still a magic and mystery to it that’s missing from the current day entertainment industry. It must have been incredibly exciting to grow up during that period. It’s really such a relief Boo to know that you’re doing well, please take things gently and listen to doctors orders! I want to continue enjoying your fabulous company and reading your stories on here for many, many years to come. xx

    1. Here here!!

      Ha Boo is one of the few whose stories are fun and worth reading around here. This space is so colorless with you gone Love. Welcome back. Now how to tell some others with over inflated sense of self to stop typing and shut up.


  78. It seems possible, Totto_ ...though I'm honestly not sure I could believe that the entire accident was manufactured, without additional evidence or statements from other witnesses or associates.

    From my understanding of it, only Dean's "death" (in September of 1955) was a work of fiction, and the studio played a hand in forcing him to disappear.

    I could certainly be wrong about that, though. So much time has passed that it's been all but impossible to find any other legitimate sources, and most of the reports of the events that directly followed the accident are (rather bizarrely) vague. As such, I'm afraid that I can only base my opinion on what my friend had told me, at this point.

    One way or another, it would be really nice to finally know the truth of the matter - to put it very mildly, of course.

  79. @Unknown are you the only @Unknown who posts on this site? I saw a pair of Unknowns arguing with each other the other week and it’s left me confused! Lol 😂

  80. Salt T: You just reduced me to tears with your post. I will call Jessa and ask her to read it. She is not at all like me. She is fierce, a warrior, a Lioness when it comes to her daughter. She is beautiful, believe me. A stunner. Looks like her Italian dad. She said she really lost hope the first day I was in the coma. She was afraid I wanted to 'check out' for good. She was also, as she mentioned on CDAN, appalled and sickened by the incredibly hateful posts some people had written to me and about me. She forbade me to ever comment on CDAN again. She's back home in D.C. so now I can sneak on and post again! You are a wonderful human being. A big hug from Miss Boo.

  81. I'm taking this reveal with a grain of salt, but if it is PROVEN to be true then..fucking WOW!

  82. I have trouble believing this reveal. I just don't think James Dean could disappear, even if he wanted to. More unlikely with facial injuries. At some point you have to leave the house. If you're the guy in town with a messed up face, neighbors, locals talk and know who you are. James Dean was very distinctive looking and cosmetic surgery was not refined enough back then to give him a new appearance... particularly if the crash left him with scarring. He became more famous after his death, with the release of those movies, so the public would have a heightened awareness if a James Dean look-alike suddenly showed up.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. I don't buy it at all. I'm a little obsessed with Jimmy, read a lot about him and found people who met/work with him and works in industry since then. About his sexual orientation, I think he was gay, like Elizabeth Taylor and other people in industry said. I'm a straight girl and I'm tired of gay agenda. Like Elizabeth Taylor said: "there is no gay agenda. It’s a human agenda.”

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. He wasn't even very famous when he died. He loved acting and he had a dream of becoming a director. And according to Bill Hickman, he died in his arms.

  88. I read a book years ago written by a friend of Dean's at a point in his Hollywood life. Dean sounded painstakingly shy and embarrassed at the attention he was getting and also was not gay, he speculated maybe Bi.. After reading many books about him I can believe this

  89. The grandkids do look like him. But do they know? Do his kids know??

    1. Where did you see a pic of his grandkids?

    2. Facebook investigative work ;)

  90. I also read a lot of books about him and I believe he was gay. I believe in Elizabeth Taylor and Bill Bast. We will never know. The only movie released when he was alive was East of Eden. He became more famous after he died.

  91. @Sal T That's hilarious, that there was a "battle of the Unknowns", earlier. :-D

    This is my very first time posting on this site, so I'm afraid I'm not quite sure why my own username is appearing as "Unknown". I'm using my direct email address rather than a Blogger account to post these comments, though, so perhaps that's the reason for the moniker...?

    Regardless, it would seem that there are many who belong to the legion of "Unknowns", here. ;-)

    @Susane Actually, not only have many of James Dean's very closest and dearest friends clearly stated that he wasn't gay, but the evidence of this fact is also pretty well documented in both private photos and in public photos, articles and such, as well.

    (Just to be clear, I'm not implying that there's anything wrong with being gay, at all; I just find it sad and disrespectful that some people [in books and such, as you mentioned] completely misrepresented Dean's life and relationships purely to suit their own whims - and to promote their own self-interests.

    Just about everyone who knew Dean personally, at that specific time, knew that he was deeply in love with Pier Angeli, and he had told several of his closest allies - including my friend, who I referenced in my previous comments - that he desired to get married. He simply wouldn't have been so emotionally invested in relationships with women, and a potential marriage with a woman, if he had been gay. Again, he may very well have been bi-sexual or bi-curious, but he definitely wasn't gay, strictly speaking.

    And, as for Elizabeth Taylor, she wasn't exactly the most honest, honorable or reliable of sources on personal issues. One only needs to watch or read some of Debbie Reynolds' old interviews to gain more insight into that matter. There have been a multitude of concerns expressed about the accuracy of all of Bill Bast's allegations, too, and his true reasons for making the claims that he did, but I won't delve into that, here.)

    1. @unknown. You should get an avatar through worldpress. Or post a blurred picture on your email. I knew there were several unknowns posting.i really liked your comment alot!

  92. Unknown, thank you so much for your contribution, I find it fascinating. I'm a huge fan of James Dean, but I can't bring myself to believe that he is still alive.

    Why would you say this about Bill Bast? I know that he wrote a book in 1956 that glossed over his relationship with James (did not mention he was gay, etc.) but his other book 'Surviving James Dean' was really interesting.

    Also, I wish you would reveal your friend's name :) :) I respect the fact that you don't want to, but I can't help but be curious.

  93. Anonymous3:49 AM

    Hmm, I'm not inclined to believe this one but it's one of those where it'd be nice to believe. He seemed so talented. Also, I don't think he was gay, but perhaps bi or bi-curious at some point. There seems to be enough anecdotes that prove he might have experimented, but it's highly documented that he was madly in love with Pier Angeli. But her mom didn't want her with him.

  94. Well I need answers....Wikipedia says he was born in 1931 so if he just died then that would make him 87...

  95. Jesus, I've fallen down the James Dean/Adult Swim video rabbit hole

  96. @Unknown Thank you so much for explaining! That makes so much more sense now! I guess ‘unknown’ is the generic username given to anyone without a nickname or official handle, kind of like ‘guest’ is used on some other sites. Thank you for your contributions to this post too, I hope you continue to post here :)

  97. Thank you Miss Boo :) :) Please ignore any negative comments, there are some trolls here that are rude to absolutely everyone. I guess it must give them some kind of thrill to be cruel to others. They must be very sad and bitter people. Pay them no heed. The regulars and longtime readers love and respect you. You bring life and spirit to cdan, your stories are wonderful and full of heart. Like I said to Jessa, Boo has a beautiful way of talking to everyone like they are old friends. It’s such a breath of fresh air :) CDAN can be a little intimidating at times, but you are welcoming and inclusive of all, you bring warmth and friendship to this community and that’s a very special quality to have. I finally felt at home here when you came back :) Thank you for that Boo. Love and best wishes to you and your family and a big hug from me. xx

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. @Unknow the pics (and even marry) doesn't prove anything in that time (Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, Anthony Perkins, Perry Lopez, etc ;). It's funny how people think it's possible fake a death in 50's but hiding that someone was gay no.

    Some of his friend said he was straight (but even these friends admitted he might be "experimented" or had affairs with men to go ahead in his career as if was better than be gay/bi). And many of others said he was gay/bi. They all admitted he was a chamaleon, a different person to each and he compartmentalized his friends.

    I read many books about him and, of course, I know about the romance with Pier and and I never bought it even I think I he was straight, so now that I believe he was gay and I found people of the industry who met/work with him I don't believe in it at all. I can put here links to his accounts and what they have to say about his sexuality and that romance (one worked with Pier).

    Elizabeth Taylor was really close to him and she took many of his secrets to her grave. The thing with Debbie - people likes to use that against her - had nothing to do with Dean and her work and proximity with LGBT community.

    Bill Bast already had gives clear hint about their relationship in his movie in 1976.

    And when I talk in books, I'm not refering to Darwin Porter, Kenneth Anger etc cause they write fiction and they made up stories. In fact, I asked help to a guy who met Jimmy (whom I already refeering) to clean the rumours about Brando and Dean in a facebook group (cause I had a argue with a guy who believes in Darwin Porter) and he did a lovely post and he also talked about Bast (and Landau) in that post (he had already talked about Bast in another post).

    That argue is non sense. I will never convice you he was gay/bi and you will never convice me he was straight and doesn't matter.
    I have no any self-interest in him being bi, gay, straight, confused, asexual, pansexual.

    After all, the post is about his "fake death", not about his sexuality.

  101. you can find a photo of the guy folks are saying it is if you look. not the obit photo, a photo from the 40's or 50's. it is not james dean.

  102. 2018 - 1931= 87. Not 95. His birth date is wrong I suppose.

  103. James Dean was born in 1931. If he were alive today, he would have been 87, not 95.

  104. To all the people saying "but James Dean would be 87" read this again, the again and for good measure once more: "he was 95 or 96 depending on whether you used his Canadian or American birth certificate" That says that on his Canadian birth certificate he was 95/96 but on his American one he was a different age. Fuck me it was painful reading everyone who said that. As for the blind, I call bullshit.

  105. People lie about age all the time in Hollywood. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually 30something but studios passed him off as younger to add to his appeal. I always thought he was a rough looking 24 year old.

  106. Is it just me or is the okmagazine & nationalenquirer links down for anyone else?

  107. Cracks me up that the people who try and disprove this use facts from the very source that would have set this up. Hollywood. If they lie about him being killed, you dont think they would have lied about his age to make him more marketable. Watch Giant. The guy is not in his early twenties. He is in his early thirties. Especially in the 50's ANYTHING could be faked.

  108. Made a video for the Blind Item

  109. Interesting to me when comparing pics of JD and obit pic of 95yr old side to side are the very distinct double dimples under high cheekbones and by the mouth that seem to be really similar on both. Also the charastics of Deans left, somewhat pointed ear on both. Fun speculation at most.

  110. Ralph Lucas = James Dean

    At 19:00, 31:55, 40:13, 47:34, 1:07:25, 1:12:20, 1:26:06


  112. James Dean was born in 1931. If he was still alive he be 87 not 95/96

  113. This is plausible. While not convince, I could see this happening.
    A Hollywood agent from the 40s and 50s told me about Dean. While Dean is a gay icon, he was hated by the gays who knew him in Hollywood.
    The only way for a handsome young man like him ti succeed is on the casting couch. Dean was prized because some gays love sodomizing a straight guy. The result of all this effort was an unaccredited role in i Dean gets a woman to be his agent. This is unheard of in this time. He is cast in East of Eden,Rebel without a Cause, Giant. At this point, Dean openly mocks any gay person he sees, often in public. The Velvet Underground is worried. There is open talk of killing him. Then luckily for the gays he dies in an auto accident. He cannot be connected to the gays.
    I could see a rival movie company doing this. They eliminate a rival, and protect the gays on their payroll.
    Dean gets to live a long and prosperous life and has the legacy of three great roles.
    I could see this happening this way.

  114. One small problem with this story; he agreed to "die" by signing a contract with a rival studio to pay him $1500 a week for life. But how to enforce that contract if he was dead? Unless the contract was with his new identity.

    I suppose I have to learn how to think more along these lines.

    I knew that a lot of people around here that got involved with the Russian Gang pulled this shit for a life insurance scam and somehow it always played out badly for them.

  115. Lol Many of his friends were bi/gay (Nick Ray, Bill Bast, Sal Mineo, Stewart Stern, Perry Lopez, Jack Simmons, his agent - Dick Clayton -, etc).

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  117. Oh and what if his wife was Elvis in a wig?!!

  118. ames Dean would be 87 if he were alive. Yes I know they could have added some time to his fake ID, but still...

    This is SHOCKING if it is true.

  119. The people who believe this is true are just as nutty as the people who think Jim Morrison didn’t die in Paris.

  120. I have a lot of faith in ENTY. I have never seen a story like this on CDAN.
    The power Hollywood had back then, this could easily have been pulled off.
    When it comes to conspiracy theories I am the first skeptic.

    This is interesting if you accept this as possible.

  121. Oh and for those who question the payment situation. The studio would purchase a simple annuity, people do this all the time.

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  123. @Kelly R Lol True. I'm obsessed with James Dean and the blind it's full of inconsistencies.

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  125. Oh my god this is so not true I can’t speak to whether or not James faked his death but the guy killed in a car accident was a Canadian who served in the military

    you may be able to fake your death but you can’t fake fingerprints

    his family has a long history rooted it in Canada - that rumor is just some conspiracy theory fantasy. This man was an honorable Canadian who served his country and who should be remembered for that and not for some BS conspiracy theory ..

  126. @DangerGirl I totally agree. The theory is disrespectful for the friends of Dean who are still alive (few), for his beloved cousin who is still alived (Marcus Winslow Jr) and for the family and friends of that Canadian man whom have to deal with ridiculous comments in his obituary like "RIP James Dean". And also for James Dean's memory who loved life, attention (and he didn't got sooo much at time because only East of Eden was released when he was alive!!!) and had many plans to his future. Also for memory of that man - William - who, apparently, lived a interesting life for his own and now people think that he was James Dean.

  127. Enty...this is embarrassing! Do you think we are all morons? I’m done!

  128. This is true ! I saw James not long before he died a few years ago,, he was having lunch with Elvis at Dennys just down the street from my home



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