Sunday, July 22, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 3, 2018

This foreign born former B+ list singer turned B- list recovering addict/singer had to borrow money to attend an event outside her home country. She is hoping the exposure will make her some money.

Lily Allen


  1. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I don't.

  2. I'm sure plenty would donate toward a one-way ticket out of any country she happened to be in.

  3. Makes way more sense than getting an actual job to support yourself since you have no actual talent.

  4. dumb bitch is a carcrash

  5. Doesn't she come from money anyways? What a broke down crack wh*re.

  6. She is not liked in the UK at all. Liberal, fake, rich girl who has that thing that a lot of privileged people seem to have at some stage-extreme guilt for being born into money and white, so they hate others exactly like them. Bizarre.

  7. she's a great songwriter , had a devastating late-term miscarriage, is still a kid ... whats with all the nasty comments geez

  8. @Unknown
    Are you new? This site is filled with nasty-assed bitches who need to dump on anyone and anything they can to fill the void of real life experiences with actual humans.

  9. ^^ wow. And yet you still read here..!!!

  10. So all the money she made went up her nose then? try yachting girl.
