Thursday, July 19, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 14, 2018

Don't believe the hype. The only man this A+ list mostly movie actress is hooking up with is that married U.N. higher up. Now, if an actress came her way, she would be very open to it because she gets bored with the nannies.

Angelina Jolie/Garrett Hedlund


  1. The UN is a major cabal organ.
    The More You Know!

    1. The UN from this but real

  2. The life of a nanny is not an easy one!

    1. I suspect that Amber Heard is auditioning for that role, given Amber's recent trip to Syria. That is, if Amber wants to cut her current billionaire boyfriend loose.

      Mind you, hooking up with Amber isn't a big enough 'statement' for Jolie. With the recent wave of WOC declaring their pansexuality/bisexuality, I would think one of those souls would, unfortunately, be on her radar. Fingers crossed that they don't get involved in her fcukery.

  3. I don’t get it. The reveal has name of guy who’s an actor not U.N. official.

  4. What does Garret Hedlund have to do with the UN?

  5. I’m guessing that there’s a rumor that Jolie and Hedlund are involved. The point is, they’re not.

  6. Angelina Jolie Did NOT “Sink Her Claws” Into Garrett Hedlund, Despite Report

    This is the hype, shes NOT into Hedlund, we've got to figure out whothe U.N. guy is.

    Haven't found any leads so far.

  7. Ooops, except for one, the Clinton Cabals mole in the U.N.

    NATOs generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg


  8. On the heels of Pizzagate, there was a media blackout on Norway’s crackdown of a massive child-porn ring, involving cops and at least one high-ranking politician. Why is this news from across the Atlantic so threatening to the political establishment in Washington D.C.? Just say pedophilia.

    The short story is: The Norwegian pedophile bust is directly connected to the Clinton Foundation and the CIA running a blackmail operation planting child porn onto Dark Web pedophile sites. The blackmail forced Conservative politicians to approve the appointment of longtime CIA asset Jens Stoltenberg as Secretary-General of NATO. The revelations clearly show the Clinton Foundation lied about the funds received, meaning this is a major fraud with between $60 million and possibly quintuple that amount missing from the organization’s books and the Clintons’ income tax records.

  9. Go Back to InfoWars you silly chude!!!!

  10. He appeared to be part of the 'Anders Breivik' false flag operation and cover-up. Breivik shooting was covering up for a huge pedophile ring at an AUF summer camp.

    Jens Stoltenberg had a 94% approval rating from Norwegians after the Norway Attacks of July 2011.

  11. Brayson87, and Goatfucker add your copy and paste and we'll get Itt later in the competition on CDaN Copy and Paste Day!!!!!!

    1. That would be AWESOME!!

      ... then if you could launch into one of your Turrets episodes, my day would be complete

  12. He appeared to be part of the 'Anders Breivik' false flag operation and cover-up. Breivik shooting was covering up for a huge pedophile ring at an AUF summer camp.

    Jens Stoltenberg had a 94% approval rating from Norwegians after the Norway Attacks of July 2011.

  13. Hey, hopefully you learned something Sandy except for what color your boogers are today.

  14. No jerkoff I scrolled right by it you fucking jackass.

    1. My prayers were answered....

      Life is GOOD

  15. Oooo, extra grumpy today, love it.

  16. sandybrook is a connoisseur of the various shitstains in his tighty whiteys.

  17. Damn Sandy, why so angry? Yeah I saw that you tried to blame me for that Amazing Quotes bs the other day, that's not me.

  18. Now that you mention the UN, recently a pedophile by the name of Joel Davis was busted, who was working in a NGO called "Youth Against Sexual Violence". Guess who was working there as well? Angelina Jolie herself and ex British minister William Hague. Hague allegdly covered up all the powerful people involved in pedo activities.These are actual current police investigations and a few convictions. Now call me conspiracy theorist. Google Leon Brittan, Jimmy Savile, Ted Heath, etc.

  19. Whatever you say pal. If I were you starting tomorrow I'd try to figure out a way in your head to have the names I've attached to you post while you AND THEM all disappear between 1:15 and 3:15 everyday of the week and curiously re-appear just after or right before your name does. Good luck with that, there's 6 of them, you, even as limited as you are can probably figure out 4. Try and get the other two ok pal?

  20. The nuts are running loose on this site.

  21. Don't we all get bored with the nannies? :))

  22. @Sandy, wow just seeing this, you're getting stalkery. It's called lunch, a lot of people do it, big surprise.



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