Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #16

February 1, 2018

This week it is all coming out about what a horrible sex predator this designer is, but I blame him for the downward spiral he put this iconic type figure on which caused her early death.

Over the years, when I would speak to her about him, her first response was always he helped me so much. That was a rote answer she gave to anyone. Once she got to talking though, things were a little different. I think she always considered what he did as help, but the hoops he made her jump through were extensive. She probably slept with three or four dozen guys to help him land deals or get extensions on financing or a new line of credit or get a deal on advertising. She says there was always another reason for her to sleep with yet another guy. Not all of those experiences were pleasant. They treated her like a piece of meat because she was just there as part of a business transaction.

I'm not trying to make this particular blind all that political, but a long time ago I wrote that this now A++ list celebrity paid for some of the financing of one of straight to video movies once she slept with him.

Back when she first started with the designer, he wanted some kind of tax break and he offered her up to a then A++ list celebrity who was at the time the same status as the A++ lister above is now.

For close to six or seven years after they started working, she would do this for the designer. When she would travel all over the world, there would always be what you saw on the red carpet, but what you wouldn't see is who was waiting in that country for her to have sex with for the designer. She started using drugs an abusing them and dealing with the pain and all of you know where it sent from there.

Paul Marciano/Anna Nicole Smith/Donald Trump/Bill Clinton


  1. Let's see how many political comments are going to make it here. Lol.

  2. Sounds like she helped him more than he "helped" her. What an awful man.

  3. Oh this is gonna be a mess with both those names involved.

    Shocking to find out that was the cause of her addiction though. It makes sense.

  4. I don’t have the energy for the comments that will inevitably appear here.

  5. I remember on one of Gilbert Gottfried's podcasts this year or last that he interviewed some producer or director that mentioned how Bill Clinton had a poster of Anna Nicole on the interior door of his private room on Air Force One. He said BC asked him to set him up with Anna Nicole, and he found himself ion an awkward position trying to turn him down or he wasn't able to do it. I'll have to go back and see which guest that was.

  6. There were quite a few more ex-Playmates in Trump's masterpiece at least 4.

  7. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Gotta wonder how many addicts started out as abuse victims

    1. I'd say close to 100%.

    2. "Victim" is a subjective word, and she was not a victim at all. She was not a sex slave, she CHOSE to do it, for fame. She could have always just walked away and gone home to her family and young son in Texas.

  8. Doesn't matter who had more playthings. They both took advantage of her. Like everyone else.

  9. Hef had already pimped her out to his buddies, she probably just believed thsi is how it's done. She was soo thirsty.

  10. I didnt need to know that bill and trump were eskimo brothers.... but here i am

  11. I wonder how many women there are out there who have had sex with both Trump and Clinton.

  12. Sad but unlike a lot of the kids in these blinds, Anna had a choice. Choose- whore yourself out or leave.

  13. So POTUS knows Bill and Paul enslaved her to death. Are you awake yet?



  14. @Ly Most of them, as a matter of fact.

  15. Don't believe the Trump part but otherwise spot on. #Qanon WWG1WGA

  16. anna married that super old guy and cheated his kids out of their rightful inheritance. The girl knew what she was doing.

    There is a difference between free will and being forced into something. She could have walked away at any moment and got a job in a dept store.

    1. @gauloise

      Human trafficking is real and it is difficult for victims to leave. Some don't even know they can.

      For all we know she was told to marry the guy & take his money.

      For all we know she became free but the victim became the victimized.

      For all we know she really did love the man.

  17. Can you imagine the diseases one would pick up sleeping with both Bil Clinton and Donald Trump? We know for a fact Trump doesn't wear condoms. *gag*

    1. How do you know, bent over for him yourself then, have you?

  18. Thorne, how do "we" know for sure that the POTUS does not wear condoms? I've never had sex with him, have you?

  19. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Stormy Daniels said Trump didn't wear one with her, and she's an adult entertainer. That says a lot!

  20. trump can't find his d___ with that fat gut.

  21. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Been there.
    She had a choice.
    There was a decision-making moment. Probably lots of them.
    If anyone is giving you drugs... or makes you so miserable that you turn to drugs.... that's the siren . That's the red flag; get out.

  22. The blind never actually says that BC took him up on the offer -- only that she was offered up.

  23. Anonymous8:34 PM

    It always seems like those women who want it (fame) the most, wind up leading the worst lives. What a pity.

  24. Anna Nicole never got any money from Marshall's estate. The litigation records prove it. She had one of the saddest lives I've ever heard of, much worse than Marilyn. I'm glad Birkhead has custody; he seems to take parenting very seriously and want very different, NORMAL life for Dannielynn.

  25. LOL @ "Qanon"....fuck outta here with that LARP shit
