Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #13

March 9, 2018

This is from a friend of mine who wanted to get a little justice for someone. So, because he can tell it best, I only did a little light editing.

My old friend and long time collaborator #1 is a multiple Grammy winning producer in Nashville.  He wanted to get into working on music for films and television. His first and to my knowledge only gig like this (because of his horrible experience) was to be the music producer and supervisor (of original music) for #2 (an upcoming reboot).

Early on the process went great. He was very excited. Probably more excited than I had ever heard him. He was in regular contact with #3 (A+ list mostly movie actor), who during this part of the experience was very excited about the direction he was taking the music for the project. #1 enlisted many of his top tier friends and collaborators to write songs for the film. He even brought in an older gentleman, a songwriting legend from days gone by named #4. #1 hand picked one of his unsung songs from the 70’s to be a song featured in the movie. A beautiful song. #4 had lost his only son years back and had basically sold all his guitars and, in his sadness, had stepped out of music almost all together. #1 had been a new friend who had given #4 some hope and a new, pure start.

Anyways as time drew near for #1 to go to LA to begin tracking for the soundtrack, things seemed brighter and brighter. It seemed as if the music for this film was going to be top notch and really authentic.

#1 brought the band he uses to LA to record these songs that he’d curated for the album and this is where he met #5 (A/A- list singer). From the moment it began, #5 was unstable. Apparently she was claiming sobriety but gave off the vibe of someone who was still on the sauce and more.  Anyways, she’s there in the studio with #1 and his band who have worked for months to make this a reality. Now mind you, #3 has been on board with #1’s vision from day one and has been excited for where it is all going.

The minute they get in the studio #5 immediately is telling #1 that “nobody buys records with live drums on them” and is, at every turn, attempting to undermine #1’s role in all of this. #1 is a sensitive guy. He’s also not one to fight. So often when battled, he will just take a step back. But in this case he wanted to stand by his vision which everyone from the studio to #3 had been on board with.

#5 also had her boyfriend there. I won’t name him because he is someone that I consider a friend, but we aren’t really that close. Fair weather friend at times I believe. But our families are tied together closely so I won’t name him here but I’m sure you can figure it out.

Anyways, at every turn, she would turn to him and, despite his previous stances, he would always defer to her. #3 also did the same thing when face-to-face with her ire.

She would speak to the engineers and #1’s assembled band and assistant like slaves. Really rude type s**t. And if someone wasn’t paying attention, she would drop something and bend over (in the short dress she was wearing) revealing that she was not wearing any underwear. This would happen multiple times throughout the day and evening.

Then any time someone would disagree with her and agree with #1, she would burst into aggressive tears and claim misogyny, “that the world only listens to men and women don’t have a voice”.

Needless to say, nothing ever came of the session and #1 went home frustrated and disappointed.

Once #1 returned to Nashville he had calls with the movie studio and #3 and they agreed to let #1 cut the songs in Nashville with placeholder vocals in place. It is important to mention as well that #1 had arranged for the great players who he uses a lot to be in the film. All that paperwork had been done and it was the plan.

He cut some tracks and they were fantastic, including the #4 track. He sent them all to the studio and they, as well as #3 again loved it.

What happened next? #5 told the studio she was out unless her boyfriend and his band were in the film instead of #1’s band. Once they agreed to that, she and her boyfriend went and recorded all the songs over (including the #4 song). She once again played the “it’s my way or the highway card on this”. #1 was quietly excommunicated from the project and her tracks and her man’s band was used.

The real kicker? Her and her man took writing credit on poor old #4’s song.

There is a positive note to the original LA story. After the session was over and #5 and everyone but #1 and the band were gone, #6 (permanent A lister who has been in one A+ list group and one A++ list group), who had been next door recording, walked in with two giant bottles of whiskey and said “sounds like you guys need some relief” and poured them all drinks and took them all driving in his ultra fast Tesla. I gained some respect for him that day. But lost all from #5.

#1- Dave Cobb
#2- A Star Is Born
#3- Bradley Cooper
#4- Paul Kennerley
#5- Lady GaGa/Lukas Nelson
#6- Dave Grohl


  1. Gag is quite the asshole for someone on the downslide.

  2. I've always loved Dave Grohl.

  3. I'm calling BS cause
    1. There are "live drums" on her album Joanne so her saying that doesnt make any sense
    2. Lukas is not her boyfriend (maybe that friend just assumed that???)
    3. So so many others have had nothing but positive experiences working with her...

    1. All of my thoughts exactly!

    2. AGREED. If you listen to Joanne there are live drums on several songs and when it comes to the movie soundtrack they had artists playing actual instruments in the studio. She’s been dating Christian for over a year and nobody has ever had a negative thing to say about working with her

    3. Have you spoken to people who have worked with her? Definitely negative things said. Her own assistant sued her. She’s a really nasty person

  4. Gaga is dating Lukas Nelson??
    Well that's a reveal I didn't expect.

  5. damn I don't want to believe she is this big a bitch because she literally inspires so many. :(

    1. She’s not by nature, but if she was on something, she could have been a totally different person.

    2. She inspires so many through fake stories. She lies And jumps on any social justice issue going on to take attention on herself. She treats staff like crap. She and her team have gone out of their way to try to ruin other female singers’ careers. She’s a really nasty person and she’s going to be exposed for it even more soon

  6. Mr. Hedge uses Dave Grohl's picture on his dart board and Grohl's balls are right in the center.

  7. Lady Gaga is not dating Lukas Nelson. She's dating some guy named Christian Carino.

    1. Carino and Gaga are a fake relationship.

  8. And for what purpose sara? lol nobody would be shocked if she dated a fellow musician. There is literally no purpose for her to stage a relationship. Christian isnt even famous so..

    1. Exactly. Fake relationships are put together to help out careers... Christian nor Gaga are gaining anything from their relationship. Gaga and Bradley being in a fake relationship would make more sense because it would help out their movie

    2. I don't remember. It was in Blind Gossip. Some kind of saving face situation when Taylor Kinney dumped her.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    LOL Sandybrook!

  10. Exactly, Thonker. I don't believe a lot of celebrity relationships are real, but she's one of the few who I don't believe would ever fake a relationship for attention or as a PR stunt.

  11. I have to laugh at those who think they know what she would do. Do ypu really? And who she may/may not have been dating at any point in time? Please...

    I believe it, and it's a c*nt move that will come back to bite her in the ass when this bombs. When I saw that line in the trailer where BC wants one more "look" I knew it was too close to the Streisand version to be any good

    1. Thank you. I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone. Lady Gaga wouldn’t pull a PR stunt?! Lmao. She’s been pulling stunts since the beginning of her career. It’s built on lies on top of lies on top of lies. My god. Are these people living under a rock?

  12. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Dave Grohl’s a good’un.

    So, so disappointed for Paul Kennerley, stealing song writing credits is utterly appalling. Goddamnit Gaga, I thought you were decent.

  13. I have always had the impression, after Gag wore a beekeeper's outfit to her sister's high school graduation, that she would do ANYTHING as a PR stunt or to draw the attention to herself.

  14. How do you steal writing credit for a song that’s already written? I’d think it would violate copyright law, but maybe someone can explain.

  15. +1 @do tell she is the definition of fame whore. Much like the ridiculous shit Nicki Minaj pulled off before she got big then "tamed down"

  16. I'm fucking happy lady caca's career is fucking DEAD and I hope this shitty movie flops HARD so we never hear about that bitch again.

  17. Nelson is not Gaga's boyfriend. They met for the first time working on the songs for ISIB.

    Lukas Nelson is a great choice for this reboot of ASIB. Anyone here heard his music? Give it a try.

    Don't believe for a goddamn minute that Gaga wants programmed drums on this ASIB album. She may be a source of many diva BIs but the woman ain't stupid. That is more in line with something Katy Perry would do, who knows nothing about music.

    It's sad, but this sort of thing happens for lots of different reasons. Bands are flown in to work on soundtracks and they are then cut. Welcome to Hollywood. Welcome to the music industry.

    Kennerley can publish is own song by way of comparison and quite possibly sue.

    Everything I'm hearing about this reboot has been enormously positive - in particular the music. Lukas Nelson is seasoned and has been steeped in songwriting since birth. Jason Isbell's music is also being used. It's going to be a fantastic soundtrack whether the movie is any good or not.

  18. I've always loved Dave Grohl. He's GOLD.

  19. Dave Grohl FTW!! HA! The ending was nice. Always loved foo fighters and nirvana. I hate women who use misogyny as a defense mechanism when it has zero place in the argument. Stupid puta... makes us women look bad.

  20. One caveat I forgot to mention though... unless the defense mechanism is legitimate. If it's legit misogyny being applied against her, then, yes, stand up for yourself and call that shit out loud and proud but if you're just trying to use it to hold power over dissenters that is evil and it does a disservice to women who are truly fighting misogynistic assholes in our society. I hate bitches like that.

  21. Except it seems like this interpretation, completely biased against Gaga (to the point of fabricating relationships), is almost a clear example of a woman catching some misogynistic shit for standing up.

  22. What a snake �� last year had us all crying for her and her invisible illness (which I do believe) but comes back a bigger bitch. #Karma and #LoveDaveGrohl

  23. This BI places the opposing forces as Dave Grohl versus Gaga.

    I doubt that is how either sees this situation or each other.

  24. Anonymous4:37 PM

    If there's anything Hollywood has taught me is that, just when you "think" you know something, you really don't. If she did this, i couldn't say i'd be shocked.

  25. Grohl has always been one of the good guys.

  26. Looky here..Dave Grohl? You guys rock.

  27. Yet another reason why DG is The Man. But it's unfortunate that Gaga has to be this way because he and Gaga have gotten along before, they've been quite supportive of each other. You know you're a mess when DG is done with you.

  28. Where does the blind state there is any tension between Grohl and Gaga? Grohl gave these dudes some whiskey because he's a good guy and he might have know them. Gaga had nothing to do with it.

  29. This just confirms my belief that Dave Grohl is the coolest guy in the universe.


  30. Women are remembered for complaining about being ignored because they first tried patiently explaining their position, but were ignored. Then the memorable complaint about this utterly obvious fact is what is actually recalled, because what came before was ignored.

    I don't say this because I'm female or a feminists, but because experience as an actual lawyer (which Enty isn't) gives me a lot of insight into disputes and stereotypical allegations made in them.

  31. the trailer looks absolutely amazing

  32. Dave Grohl is such a fake motherfucker. Gaga's almost as fake as he is, but not quite. Both of them are completely useless pieces of garbage.

  33. Is it your position that entertainment lawyers aren't actual lawyers, or that "ent lawyer" isn't an actual entertainment lawyer?

  34. @Shane

    The first Enty was probably a lawyer...maybe.

    This second Enty, after the first Enty sold the site, is definitely NOT a lawyer or has any connection to anything lawyerly.

  35. I wonder if Shooter wrote this blind.

  36. Had a feeling this was Lady Gag-me.
    The promo commercials for ASiB have Bradley looking FOINE!! Too bad I won't see it - not with the fur burger bitch in the lead role.

    What a giant C word...

  37. So what was the positive about Dave Grohl offering some damn whiskey? Unless he somehow was aware of everything that went on and can somehow get the information out there either directly or indirectly to counter the Lady Gaga musical genius narrative it was just whiskey.

    And anyone who during a performance wears a little fake penis prosthetic only to let it slip from where ever it was hiding and dangling from your short ass dress/skirt to get the audience talking and everyone speculating will do ANYTHING for publicity!

  38. @Charisma

    "She’s a really nasty person "

    She might be or she might not. This BI is blaming her, though, for things that are not totally under her control and for a decision to use other musicians which was absolutely up to Cooper, as director, not Gaga. He may have been playing nice but ended up like Lukas Nelson better himself.

    "She’s been pulling stunts since the beginning of her career. It’s built on lies on top of lies on top of lies. "

    I'd say the lies are deeper among the singers who can't sing, play an instrument, know a guitar from a mandolin, can't write a song to save their lives....yet are the current generation's musical geniuses making millions stamping their names on products.

    Gaga can sing. She plays the piano. She has musical knowledge. She is also a fame whore, not doubt about it and pulls stunts all the time. She still has talent, though.

  39. After seeing the movie, I call BS on this blind.

  40. Then why he(lukas Nelson) goes to invite her to collaborate on his song "find yourself" for his band album if she was such a "bitch"? This doesnt fit, besides his band performed as Bradley Cooper band in the movie and u can spot lukas on different shots. His role is pivotal on the music development of the film. Damn now is going to be hard to believe other juicy stories after this one
