Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #12

January 8, 2018

Golden Globes

This just about permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee was literally all over a married producer last night at a party. The actress, who recently swore off dating men exposed her breasts to the man and said they should go back to her place.

Halle Berry


  1. Well that's tame..

  2. Golden globes indeed!!

  3. LOL@Jenninfer!

    And Halle isn't married anymore, so it's the married producer who is at fault.

  4. I hope he ran for his life. she be cray cray

  5. Why would it be only the married producer's fault? Assuming Halle knows he's married, exposing herself to him is just as wrong as he would be for taking her up on the invite, if he did.

    1. @Miffed67

      Thia was making a point.

      The #metoo movement is a bunch of be because it's still business as usual in Hollywood.

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Halle's direct, non?

  7. I just wanna know who farted at the Oscars! 😂 Spill it Enty! I’m freakin loving my first live reveal day, I’m usually late to the party. Happy CDAN day everyone 🎉

  8. Knowingly going after or along with a married person for sex puts Halle 50% at fault.

  9. Halle took him back to her room and cut a bitch didn't she Enty?

  10. ok what is this halle cutting thing I heard this about someone else on here too but I can't remember who it was. But what is that about? Where did that come from?

  11. And no, the #MeToo movement is not a bunch of bs. Just because there are a few individuals who use their bodies to get a foot in the door, it does not AT ALL invalidate the hundreds of stories of those victimized by people in power who have committed real abuse of power and position, commited rape, assault, or anything else.

  12. T.W., ah....gotcha. Peeps gotta be careful these days, lest they fall victim to false accusations. Even so, I believe a lot of #metoo really happens, or happened, and that there's a lot of sexual predation in Hollywood. Money talks, tho.

    1. @Do Tell

      I do believe the women. I believe some people are rightly going down because if it.

      I do not believe the #metoo movement will lead to permanent and positive change in my lifetime.

      I think this because it is still business as usual and there is an endless supply of entertainers willing to be used and abused in exchange for work.

  13. Takes two to tango. She's just as much at fault as he is, especially if she knew he was married.

  14. I feel like Halle is just a few years away from Heather Locklear

    1. Halle does not do drugs and is uber protective of her kids. Not even close to Ms Locklear and poor choice in life. Hello Cs!

    2. CS! Unlike Heather she is aging beautifully. No fillers for her!

  15. I agree #metoo is BS. For every legitimate victim there is a person offering their services to get a role or track.

  16. Which only means that the Hollywood processes are BS, not the MeToo movement.

  17. B*tch is back to f*cking for parts, hahahahaha.


  18. i loved her performance in 'Things We Lost In The Fire'

  19. #MeToo is COMPLETE SHIT. The industry CANNOT be cleaned-up or cured. The industry was born in sodomy, paedophilia and deviance. Destruction of satanic homo/paedo Hollywood is the only sensible and correct course of action. Lucifer/Satan is the CEO of mass entertainment. These so-called stars are just his minions.

  20. An astrology article (Dell Horoscope) stated Hollywood is demonic. Some Native Americans from the area told me that area is known to be evil and to stay away.

  21. Halle is my kind of crazy, you never know what she'll do next.
