Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #11 - Himmmm

January 8, 2018

Golden Globes

This legendary actress, lady, and still-beautiful woman (foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee) was backstage with me amid the hustle and bustle.  Lots of people.  We were discussing the bygone old days of what used to go on in the Lanai Rooms at the pool deck there at the Beverly Hilton back in the day.  As I'm listening to her, my mouth agape, she stops dead in mid-speech to me and gets her legendary "not happy" look on her face as she beams past me over my shoulder.  "Dear God. In. Heaven. Apparently there IS no shame in Hollywood." I follow her stare over my shoulder at the crowd of suck-ups standing around this actor (permanent A list actor who is an old a-hole).  Among those fawning over him are this actress (A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and never seems to be anywhere with her husband any longer) who I see bend down and kiss the forehead of the old man as she rubs his shoulder.

The legendary actress I'm talking to says: "Never ceases to amaze me...but I guess they are happy to honor a rapist and murderer. F**king imbeciles."  And she is shooting daggers with her eyes at the whole crowd of them there.  She then leans in to me and says: "Take note my dear at the old bastard's hand, hmm?" I look and see the old man's gnarled right hand is casually off his arm rest, and is touching the thigh of this actress (foreign born A- list actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and lies about her age) who is just laughing and talking as if nothing in the world is amiss.  I look back at my companion who says: "I wonder if he pays her too, or just put it in the will? Oh well.  Let's get drunk."

Rita Moreno/Kirk Douglas/Natalie Portman/Catherine Zeta Jones


  1. Lol @lies about her age.

  2. "murderer" wait what? Fill me in please.

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I can't imagine how deadly her "not happy" look must be!

  4. Not surprised at all about Natalie and Catherine. I wonder if Natalie used her Oscar laugh.

  5. Anonymous11:34 AM

  6. Also ewww touching his daughter in law?? he's a fucking fossil.

  7. Wow. A woman in Hollyweird lying about her age? Shocking.

  8. Well, if it's a lot of money in the will....

  9. Wowzer, these reveals are bigger than I thought they’d be! I guess Himmmm is no longer holding back!

    1. @jessorella

      I think the Himmmms are no longer posting on CDAN. They posted some angry comments are couple of months back. Don't ask me when.

      People kept trying to guess who they were. 2 of them basically outed themselves in several blinds.

      However, people kept trying to guess who the other 2 are. A name was thrown out. A man who is not in showbiz has that name and has been repeatedly stalked and harassed ever since.

    2. @TW I remember! Kind of don’t blame him after some of the stuff that was said. Twitter, however, is pretty readable these days...

    3. @jessorella

      Did you know every Tweet is archived at the Library of Congress?

      Another reason not to do social media.

    4. @TW Doesn’t surprise me, I’m afraid. Pretty sure emails get a regular going-over too.

    5. @jessorella

      Yahoo and AOL will start reading ALL incoming & outgoing emails. One has to agree to the new "privacy" policy to continue using their service.

  10. Not surprised about Portman. She's one of the fakest bitches around Hollywood, right next to Streep. That's why I hate the lot of them and roll my eyes when they whine about injustices while perpetrating them and turning a blind eye to them at the same time, hypocrites.

  11. I wouldn't mind partying with Rita Moreno.

  12. But is being born in Puerto Rico make your foreign born tho!?!?

    1. @MontanaMarriott

      They do not refer to themselves as proud Americans. They call themselves Puerto Ricans and they say this when no one asks where they are from.

      Do you hear people from Ohio say they are proud Ohioans or people from Alaska say they are proud Alaskans?

    2. Texans always do

  13. @Ides of march

    Very interesting... so that pretty much confirms that.. yikes. I wonder how these people live with themselves.. bunch of psychopaths

  14. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Think Portman could have easily played lead role in Mean Girls

  15. @cheesegrater "her Oscar laugh" hahaha I totally imagined it when I read this comment

  16. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I thought the legendary actress might’ve been Helen Mirren (she’s got a pretty damn good ‘not amused’ face) but Rita makes more sense; she’d definitely know more about the old Hollywood days.
    Did not know about the murder accusation against Kirk, though, who/what/when??

  17. I had guessed Douglas, but I am really glad to have the rest of the information. CZJ seems skeezy enough to "entertain" her FIL.

  18. I think universally Kirk Douglas today at 101 or whatever the fuck age he is, is looked at and admired by almost everyone, regardless of what kind of POS he was when he was young. It seems to happen all the time when they get up there in age, they become revered as legends and beloved. I use a POS named George Steinbrenner as an example of this. He was a brute, a bully and completely despicable when he was 40-70. Then he got old, sick and infirm and he somehow became this admired old man beloved by the masses before he died.

  19. Love Rita Moreno and her tell it like it is attitude!

  20. Of course it's fine to throw out the names of random old Canadian men and claim they're James Dean.

    The hypocrisy of this site can indeed be astounding.

  21. Rita rules! She's doing the Pops tonight in this shit heat and I can't wait!

  22. Rita Moreno is a bad ass!

  23. Still American citizens and I am a proud New Yorker. I think there are plenty of people like my friends in Philadelphia who call themselves proud Philadelphians or those from Boston proud Bostonians T.W. not necessarily the state or country but specific city.

    1. @Sandybrook

      You are correct. Notice these are large cities any American would know.

      Here is another way to see it.

      Canada, Jamaica, Australia, Scotland, and other countries are part of Great Britain.

      They do not call themselves British, they call themselves Canadian, Jamaican, Australia, Scottish, etc.

    2. What? No. This is malarkey. Canada, Jamaica, and Australia are not part of Great Britain. They are part of the Commonweealth. Scotland is part of Great Britain (which is the name of the island) as well as the United Kingdom.

  24. Thank you! Rita Moreno is not foreign born. I can't even get into the rest of the reveal...

    1. @JL Jones

      Puerto Rico is a US territory and does not pay federal taxes to the US. They are not subject to all the laws those of us in the official states are.

      Enty is right to call her foreign born.

      Look at it this way. If I give birth in England while on vacation my kid would be a dual citizen. Even though I raise the child here in US and child is a natural born US citizen the kid is still foreign born.

    2. PR does pay US federal taxes and like residents of D.C., they don't have representation in Congress. Taxation without representation

  25. Proud to say Rita still owns(I think)a home where I grew up... used to pass it everyday on the bus (5 minutes from my house), and being a huge WSS fan I was awed. She was always approachable and yes very saucy.... (times I met her when I was older), and Love everything she said here. There’s a reason she still looks so good at her age—good juju baby🥂

  26. Kirk Douglas also raped a very young Natalie Wood. If all his misdeeds were "well known", why did nothing happen to him ? Hollywood--including Ms. Moreno--loves to portray itself as the defender of the weak, poor, lgbtq, immigrants and every other group they claim is helpless, defenseless and so on. Yet time and again when given the opportunity to turn in someone who actually has done something terrible, they put their careers above the right thing to do. I can only hope they all pay in some way or another.

    1. @Pamela Foti

      Back in those days rape victims were blamed for their own assaults. Throw in the fact that Hollywood is basically a mob that owns the police what do you expect Rita to do?

  27. Rita Moreno is the best of the best of the best. I have loved her in everything she has done. She is still so beautiful and I love that she keeps it real. I hope she exceeds that dirt bag Kirk in age.

  28. T.W.
    The Library of Congress USED to store all Tweets until the end of 2017. There are about a half a billion tweets per day and they simply can't store them all. It's so much information that their Tweet storage doesn't include links or pictures. Also, it's so much information they don't know how to make them available to the public yet.

    I had to look this up for work last month that's how I knew.

    1. @Aris

      Trust me. They might not but another branch of government is. I bet the NSA, uh, never mind.

  29. Thanks, Himmmm. ❤️ Rita, too!

  30. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Makes me sad to realize how few women like Rita are left in that sick industry.

  31. Makes me sad we no longer see Himmmm blinds. I never knew who they were nor did I care. I just liked hearing Hollywood dish.

  32. If you love Rita, she did a great, lengthy interview with Marc Maron on his WTF podcast a few months back.

  33. sickos need to be confronted in front of a crowd

    "If Christy wants to act like a pedophile he should stay at home"

    what i told an odious man when i was a teenager

  34. Rita Moreno story: Back in '73 when I was working at Sesame Street as an Adm. Asst. I attended an in-house party. My best friend Diane, who also worked there, said to me, "Don't look around but Rita Moreno is looking at you." I froze. I adored her. So I turned to my left and there she was in all her beautiful glory. And she was staring at me. She smiled. I smiled. I was 30 at the time. A few minutes later I left for an appointment. Next day Diane came to my desk and said, "Rita came over to me after you left and asked if you were an actress. I told her no, you worked there as a secretary." She said, "Too bad. She missed her calling. She's a stunning young lady." Whooo!!! Talk about the greatest compliment in the world! My feet didn't touch the ground for days! She is, was and always will be class and talent personified. A really beautiful lady, inside and out.

  35. Kirk Douglas was a FAGGOT. Jack 'MPAA' Valenti was his pink team lover. As for degenerate son, Michael. "Go back to the Streets of San Francisco - where you belong, man." These trophy whores they surround themselves with only fool the dumb. JEWISH Satanists and sodomites - two sides of the same filthy and evil coin.

  36. Rita Moreno is the sheeit, she's awesome.

  37. When did PR officially become a US Territory because Moreno could very well have been foreign born if this happened after her birth. An unlike DC, Peurto Ricans can't vote in US elections.

    T.W. How would your kid have dual citizenship? I think you're assuming that every country in the world is like the US. And the U.K. is most definitely not. Unless of course you or your spouse are Brits then you're child can have citizenship.

  38. I wouldn't be too hard on CZJ. She is as much of a victim as Ms Wood was and according to my friend a very sweet woman. Its funny how her meeting her ( age appropriate ) soulmate years back triggered her 'mental illness'. The man she met wanted to ruin the whole dynasty ( and very nearly succeeded ) but CZJ has been forced into complete compliance. No wonder the man she met and CZJ have both aged twice as fast in less than a decade. That's years back though.
