Thursday, July 05, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #10

February 15, 2018

Want to hear this permanent A++ list icon discussing on the phone what he did or wanted to do with children? Want to hear him telling parents their children are liars for accusing him of doing those same things? Want to see a short 30 second video of him where he appears to be naked in front of a tween boy wearing a striped short sleeved shirt looking up at the icon? Well, if you have at least seven figures, then you can own it according to the middleman shopping it around.

Michael Jackson


  1. If it looks like a pedo, acts like a pedo, and talks like a pedo, then it probably is a pedo.

  2. On 4chan later this month.

  3. I believed the accusations the minute I saw the glove with the poop-covered finger. I think it was on rotten dot com.

  4. I remember waiting outside in the parking lot of Lowe's when they read the verdict. I just KNEW he would be found guilty. I was so shocked he wasn't. It was like OJ all over again.

  5. So Someone has this and will sell for over a million,but didn't turn it over as evidence? I wonder who t the real seller is?

  6. Would they be able to legally sell a pic like this? I would think this has to be illegal one way or another.

  7. Maybe it was turned over as evidence. Maybe the seller is a LAPD cop, who found it where it fell behind that copier next to Corey Feldman's old statements.


  8. ++++1 Brayson. The 'he just liked children because of their innocence' crowd are getting a little bit boring now.

  9. Yep, can't possibly fake a video like that, especially when seven figures are involved.

  10. I hate to get wrapped around the axle here and miss the point but I'm trying to imagine how someone "appears to be naked".

    1. @Jiseph P Blow

      The child is standing in front of MJ. MJ could be wearing underwear which would mean he was not naked but we don't know cuz the child is blocking our view.

  11. Honestly reading what I've read about him there is no way he was innocent and everyone believing another thing is just delusional and doesnt want it to be true.

  12. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's not a fucking giraffe

  13. 4 months and 20 days since this fake blind, still no sign of the video or the audio recording. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  14. Some stupid intern at CDaN copied a click-bait story from a desparate-for-attention celebrity site (just like the celebrities) and everyone bought this crap. Herd mentality at its finest.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'm sorry that CDaN turned into the McMartin Preschool.

    1. No, cdan isn't molesting children.

  17. Please take some time to educate yourselves.

    1. @Little Miss Sunshine

      The site says that page does not exist.

  18. You can google "FBI vault Michael Jackson" and go from there.

    1. @Little Miss Sunshine


  19. Oddly enough, this is not the most disturbing thing one can come across.
    Or maybe I meant to say "sadly enough".
    Whatever - this is life for millions of young people and it has been since forever.
    Anyone who says "Quelle horror" is full of **it.
    We know this. You know this. What now?

  20. @Joseph P Blow, Kokomo PD @T. W.

    nothing says the boy is standing. He could be kneeling and looking up. Let that sink in. I never liked MJ anyway and the Jackson Reputation Internet Defense League will never change that.

    1. @lifeprotips

      True. The blind says MJ was standing. I can't let my mind go there. These poor children.

  21. If this is true it's horrible and there is no excuse. But I truly believe MJ was sexually abused as a child himself. It's sad and tragic for all involved of the cycle of abuse that can happen.

  22. MJ was a pedo, no doubt about it.

  23. This is utter bullshit. (And yeah, in fact, there are several doubts about MJ's guilt.) The Enquirer or some other rag would absolutely have paid the cash to have that evidence and sell their papers. So clearly, there is none.

  24. @TW The page existed when I linked to it, but it's basically just seven pages that say absolutely nothing.

    1. @Cee Kay


      I have seen reports and photographic evidence.

      Anyone thinking MJ never deliberately harmed a child is dumber than a box of rocks.

  25. This is such FAKE NEWS its laughable and anyone that believes it should be punched in the private parts.

  26. Let's come back on 4th July 2019 and if anyone has anything more about the non-existent video, I will lick my feet. Bunch of doornails these commentators are.

  27. Shows how UNEDUCATED Americans are. The link I posted of FBI vault says that FBI investigated MJ for 13 years and found nothing against him. NOTHING. He was acquitted by FBI as well as a grand jury. I wish I could punch Enty and its UNEDUCATED readers and wake them up.

    1. Actually you are uneducated the FBI aided in an investigation they did not run the investigation. They aided in forensics and responded to some reports. One report discussed how MJ was on a train travelling and two passengers who were social workers saw MJ being ultra possessive with a young boy. Their cabin adjoined MJ's who of course shared with the child and they heard disturbing sounds. It disturbed them so much that they complained to the conductor. Again these were two random passengers. You also might want to look into the evidence seized in 1993, a nude Polaroid picture of a child believed to be one of his child friends named Johnathan. Or the photography book entitled Boys will Be Boys that was edited by two pedophiles one was a prominent Nambla member. For those who will say it was a random book sent by a fan it was found in a locked filing cabinet with MJ's inscription praising the book. I will have a new video coming soon on the fanatical behavior of some unhinged MJ Fanatics coming soon to mjvictims dot com It is called Michael Jackson FaNAtIcAl.

  28. Sorry hollywood, you guys were so good at acting we really had no clue. God damn it! I'd rather know the truth than continue being fed lies. Bring down all the pedos because we're all sick em too!

    I turned to the Nick channel and the first joke that pops up is an allusion to anal sex. WTF?!? Hello, FBI? It's obvious. These reveals are a revelation, thanks CDAN, who ever you all are. We're so ready to hear this. And fuck MJ too.

  29. Fuck CDaN, Fuck Enty. Everyone close to MJ has vouched for his innocence, expect for nasty media who survive on click-bait and thirsty journalism, and you are no different. You will do anything for clicks and comments, you sad soul.

  30. I completely agree with Little Miss Sunshine.

    My family was friends with MJ since the late 90's. My aunt saw him as her best friend. My uncle absolutely loved him too. And guess what, their two young sons who were maybe 8 and 11 when they met him, they loved him too. My one cousin saw him last the year he died when he visited him in LA.

    He never touched them.

    The sad thing is, this is how he was. He met families like mine, befriended them and gave them the world. Not all families were like mine. Many took advantage and made up horrific stories. Which is why he has the reputation he has today. Because of filthy liars. Stop believing and reporting all this bull shit and leave him alone.

    1. Really what is your name, who is your family do you have proof of such personal encounters.If you support him so much come forward in a public way. But remember don't impersonate it is easy to spot a fake. The other point that needs to be made is instead of calling the accusers liars which you have Zero empirical proof of, maybe you should be thankful that your relative didn't get raped.

  31. Yeah, ok suuuure he wasn't a pedo monster. You shills doth protest much. The best social media defenders money can buy - all bought and paid for.

    Wacko Jacko MJ was as broken headed, deviant and deranged as the rest of the family courtesy of papa Joe and the pedophiles he sold his family out to.

  32. Have any of you seen his tomb? I cant find a picture that is in focus of it But it looks like a little kid Holdin a naked mans D##K.

  33. @BestMan et al - I'm new to 4chan - which topic/section has the Good Stuff I.e. not manga?



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