Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #10 - Himmmm

January 8, 2018

Golden Globes

After a ceremony so full of itself it could float, and after flying through 3 countries in 24 hours to arrive at the Golden Globes, I was very happy to get to the after party circuit.  One party in particular led to a twilight zone moment of epic proportions, even involving Enty, and may have just created the funniest moment I've ever had at any awards night party in the past 10 years at least.  This winning/nominated A list mostly movie actor was busy getting glad hands and smiles and laughs from all the ass-kissers.  He's just yammering on about how "honored" he was just to be included and so "proud" of the work everyone did.  Standing there talking to three young ingenue actresses - whom I didn't know and who probably would've been happy to "bow" to him - our big winner/nominee is lost in his cloud of pride.

In the moments preceding this, I had been talking to an old friend of mine from another country.  He's a hilarious guy and a good friend, and he always enjoys creating mischief.  Usually it is by using his broken English trick to accidentally humiliate hypocrites and jerks - all while pretending he just said the wrong words. It's a testament to his acting skills.  So earlier we got together to plan a little moment of cold water for this winning abuser.  Oops, I mean actor.

I'm standing about 2 feet away from the winning actor, and his flunky/management stooge/PR sycophant.  I'm trying not to vomit on my tux-matched tennis shoes as the winner/nominee is hitting on the three young women, and I'm scrolling through my phone. In walks the foreign actor who is A- list and has a big television gig straight ahead who had stepped outside for a minute.  The foreign actor walks straight over to our winner and tells him totally straight-faced: "Hey bro - you better not go out the front door when you leave man.  I heard reporters out there talking about some shit on Twitter about you and some high school girls and acting schools. Serious man, they were staring at their phones and I think they gonna ask you about it bro. Could be bad man"

The winning/nominated actor's face goes totally pale.  You could've knocked him over with a feather.  I swear he didn't breathe for a solid minute. He just stares at the foreign actor, who nods his head up and down silently.  I said: "Oh shit". The winner then turns and looks at me.  I hold up my phone - showing him the tweets from my favorite blogger/twitter ninja (his name rhymes with minty). Also in there is a re-tweet from a legendary 80s actress. The winner says: "Oh...f**k...nah man.  Of all nights...".  Then, the winner hands me my phone, turns to his flunky saying: "Hey man let's bail", and they walk swiftly across the room, out of the back doors.  The foreign actor turns back to me, smiles and winks, and says in his rapid-fire Spanish to me: "That's a shame huh? Not a single reporter out there except those two TMZ guys.".  I start to stifle the smiles.

We both try to contain our laughter like kids in class.  One of those three ingenues the winner had been hitting on grabs my coat and says: "Excuse me, sorry, but what did you show him?". I told her to get her phone.  I gave her the CDAN web address and Enty's Twitter feed.  As the foreign actor and I walked off trying not to explode in laughter, all three crowded around their screen, mouths open.  All I heard was an audible gasp. It was a good night after all. (Good job buddy!).

FIJI Water Party/James Franco/Edgar Ramirez/Ally Sheedy


  1. Bullshit!
    -plot, and others, equally challenged

  2. I've admired Ally Sheedy since I was in elementary school and I read about another aspiring author (her) very close to my age who actually did get a book published, "She Was Nice To Mice."

    She is the bombdiggety.

  3. LOL rosie

    This dude needs to get exposed for real already, enough with the shady shit

  4. I don't see where Ally Sheedy fits, maybe she beat Franco for best director or something like that?

    1. @Tw. She exposed him on twitter prior to the show.

    2. @Sd Auntie

      Thank you.

      I don't do social media or watch award shows.

  5. Oh, what an awesome prank!

  6. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Good blind

  7. No. there was another blind about a project she worked on with Franco where he apparently molested/assaulted/ or somehow made the environment hell for her.

  8. Thank you for standing up to the bad guys Edgar! I had never heard of him before but I am going to watch Carlos this weekend.



  10. Man, if I didn't already loved Edgar. Now I love him even more!!

    1. No shit. I will watch anything that has his name attached just for his talent. And now his lovely saltiness!!

  11. That was fantastic. Love to the Himmmms!

  12. Hey s'up Ally, do you comment on here since you follow Enterns tweets? Good job Ramirez and a himmmm.

  13. Love Edgar Ramirez!

  14. Minty is the shiz. haha

  15. Hi Edgar! Keep it up!


  16. Anonymous11:37 AM

    A slightly cheerier blind as a palette cleanser!
    Got a good chuckle out of this, top notch prancing. <3 Edgar Ramirez <3

  17. Bad week to be Franco. Time is quite the opposite of down.

  18. T.W., this line is about Ally Sheedy: "Also in there is a re-tweet from a legendary 80s actress."

  19. All hail Himmmm and Edgar Ramirez!! Killin' it!😁

  20. That was awesome!

  21. Yeah, sure, really this happened! Honestly, absolutely! Not too-good-to-be-true at all!

  22. Knee it was Franco! But thought it was Del Toro for the friend


  23. ironically his disaster artist character makes reference to rape

  24. Haha I need to check out some of Edgar Ramirez's work, sounds pretty funny.

  25. plot is a head-in-the-sand, low life PEDO COCKSUCKER!!!

  26. The actor who played Gianni Versace? Blessed to know he's one of the good guys :)
