Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Blind Item #9

A disgraced A-list director and his entire cabal are panicking right now.  They all know a bomb is about to be dropped, and have instructed all of their minions to do whatever they can.


  1. Good. Let's hope it's real scandal, with real repercussions; rather than more bullshit.

  2. Singer? I recon Kevin Spacey has ratted on him.

  3. Let's hope its Bryan Singer.

  4. Fingers crossed.

  5. hi guys!
    i'll go with the stain known as Singer. please, please, please let someone(s) come forward and bury him, be it a victim or spacey spilling the beans. vile lot!

  6. When I hear "cabal," I think Bryan Singer.

  7. Drop the bomb! Let's watch this mother burn!!

  8. Probably has to do with what Gabe Hoffman has been clearing for release.

  9. And speaking of "bombs," how do we think Bohemian Rhapsody is going to do? I think Rami Malek will be lucky if his career comes out intact.

  10. I think if this blind is indeed about Singer and "a bomb" is about to be dropped, "Bohemian Rhapsody" might not even open. Remember "I Love You, Daddy"?

  11. If it's just going to be more call outs over social media, then I don't consider that a bomb. I want to hear about an investigation, Singer (if it is him) being put on trial, all of it.

  12. Toback, Ratner, Singer? But you know like all these social media hearings I want to see some real justice. Sigh

  13. Please let something real and substantial happen to these monsters, for once.

  14. Jared Fogle talked. He'll die soon. I hope to God its Singer.

  15. Seems like we hear "the bomb is about to be dropped" all the time...and then crickets! Nothing ever happens to any of these people!!

  16. Does this Bl allude to the possibility of more "suicides" on the horizon?" Anyone with minions who will do "whatever they can" must have that kind of sway. Just look at all of the old Adam West Batman TV shows. Minions galore and they were always up to no good.

    I wish I had a few minions so I could be nefarious.

  17. Singer has yet to be disgraced. He had a lawsuit that went away but not metoo accusations. This is Ratner.

  18. Can't wait to read a blind that will go like this:

    A bunch of disgraced A-list directors and their entire cabal are panicking right now. They all know a bomb is about to be dropped and have instructed all of their minions to do whatever they can to find new employment. The directors are expecting long jail sentences.

  19. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it's going to happen one day.

  20. Fogle

    Where did their massive amounts of kiddy pr0n originate? Who did they associate, communicate, and commit debauchery with? And who in turn did THOSE people similarly 'fraternize' with. The right people have it all. All the names. All the evidence. Sealed indictments...dark to light.


  21. very disappointed people are putting aside Bohemian Rhapsody being directed by Bryan Singer AND Rami Malek signing on to a Bryan Singer project in the first place, ALL BECAUSE they think Malek is the 'aw shucks' sweetheart and deserves 'all the awards' HE SIGNED UP WITH THIS PED0 IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    This movie deserves to make no money and have ZERO award nods. If there is ONE award nod for Malek, I stg I will be so pissed. Just bc ppl like him doesnt mean they should support the f'ing piece of crap movie.

    also, Malek looks like he's just dressing up as freddie mercury. the prosthetic teeth are ridiculous and Malek is a tiny guy, barely 5'7. he's so slight and his accent is so bad....I just hope the movie bombs and disappears. shame on EVERYONE part of that movie, ESPECIALLY asshole Malek for signing up w/Singer attached in the first place.

    Malek, we see you.

  22. The movie actually looks really good and people are excited for it. It’s getting Great reactions online. People don’t know it’s Singer.

    1. If I had Hollywood waging war on me, I would drop the singer stuff right before it opens. Think.

  23. @MrsDrtMover

    (love the name)

    You have to remember that this is an entertainment site, not a Truth site or a Crime site. With that in mind, believing their Big Things are gonna happen threats is kinda ridiculous.


    Yep, all reactions from the people, who have watched parts, have been positive. I don't get it because I'd rather watch Mercury and Queen videos online that have to slog through Millennials trying to capture the man or the times. (shrug) People are weird. For whatever reason, they think Malek will be more interesting than actually watching Freddy be Freddy.

    Still, the hype is certainly building and it looks like it's going to be successful. No one notices directors anymore.

  24. I can not believe Singer never went down years ago. This has been common knowledge on various sites for a very long time yet none of them seem to be getting their comeuppance.

  25. I'm afraid to get my hopes up w/r/t Singer

  26. Real soon now, everyone! Seriously! They're all gonna hang, real soon now! Any time now, they'll get arrested! It's gonna happen, we promise! Don't go away, guys! Bomb's gonna drop any minute, guys!
    ...Guys? Hello?

  27. Think of a pyramid from the bottom to the top. Start grilling and arresting the little guys who spill info on their superiors and so on. There are over 40,000 sealed indictments. Many times indictments are sealed because of minors and sexual abuse. Over 40,000, think about that.

  28. Is this what Ms. Boo Hearn was talking about??? Let's hope so!!!

  29. "There are over 40,000 sealed indictments. "

    Nationwide? Or through one judge in one jurisdiction? Who is the AG bringing all these 40K indictments? Or is that a collection of all the AGs...and naturally...they are about pedophiles.

    Ever think to ask your Qanon these questions or not, because he wouldn't answer, would he.

  30. The 40,000+ are all over the country.

  31. Okay then how does this Qanon know that all 40K are part of his pedophile narrative?

    They are sealed. You know what that means. So how does Qanon know what every single indictment is about? That's 100s (possibly 1000s) of AGs and judges involved in that many sealed indictments and Qanon has talked to every single one?

    On an average day, how many sealed indictments do you imagine are produce in the USA and how many continue on the dockets unsealed from the past? Do you know how Qanon counted all these indictments or what the baseline is to his explosive "revelations" that these were all connected to a pedo ring?

    Ever get the feeling you aren't privy to the most important information? Do you just take it on faith that what Qanon says is true?

    1. Why do you have such an issue with the QAnon people? They don't post anything nearly as offensive as your pro-pedophilia posts.

  32. Really

    Plot's issue with Singer's Freddie Mercury movie is "millenials," "the story of the world's first HIV+ Zoroastrian rock star is more interesting without a biopic" and "Rami Malek"

    Not "the film is directed by a notorious and prolific pedophile who was not ever stopped due to money, status, DNC Hollywood bundling (allegedly not a thing since Nov. 5th. 2016), and the Geffen-Milchan complex."

  33. plot, no one said that Q said they were all 40K were part of his narrative, you said that.
    I know that indictments are sealed, at times, due to sexual abuse of minors because I worked in a lawyer's office and the topic was discussed.

  34. @Abby

    I misspoke in including you in the conspiratards around here who really and truly believe that all 40K are meant to drag in every pedophile they care to imagine. I'm sorry about that.

  35. Will this be before or after the Henley bomb?

  36. @YouToo I didn't know it was Singer either, and I was so excited to see it. Man now I am so disappointed!

  37. I’m gonna go with Weinstein I feel he’s the only one with cabal like “hitmen” plus he’s friends with the Clinton’s and we all know they like their underage victims

  38. Funny how these “bomb about to go off” so frequently go nowhere. Is Enty running a blackmail operation?

  39. Again, plot, you misread me. Not only do I not think the 40,000 indictments are all pedophiles, I don't know if any are. I was just confirming the unusually high number of indictments, and that they are all over the country. Oddly, many are in central California, which makes me wonder if they are immigration-related.

  40. The Pedo Tribe attacks again. Oy Vey!!!

  41. So...this is reason for sudden revelations about James Gunn.
    Who is fucking disgusting.



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