Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Item #9

This A+ list mostly movie actor always has a good reason why he should be distanced from box office disasters in which he stars. He takes ALL the credit when things go well, but has a team in place to blame others or other reasons for any lackluster numbers. This time is no different, except the tabloids are printing word for word what the PR people say. Grow a spine tabloids. 


  1. I can picture Tom Cruise doing that

  2. Well it could be Cruise but the rating is off so no. It's probably someone like Rock or Clooney

  3. If its Tom Cruise then which movie are they talking about? Th Mummy reboot from last year? Coz as far as i know latest MI has nor yet released! More likely The Rock and Rampage movie, maybe!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This is The Rock. Skyscraper is a box office dud. MI6 isn't out yet, and tracking to be a big hit anyway.

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM


  7. "Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan"

    I like the Rock but he's got a car salesman vibe going on sometimes, a little too smooth, always selling.

  8. Can't stand The Schlock. "Skyscraper" is an insult.

    Excited to see crazy Tom's new M:I movie.

  9. Not saying it’s not the answer but The Rock is only A+ in his own mind.

  10. This very morning I had an email from Variety waiting for me in my inbox with the subject line reading, "Don't Blame Dwayne Johnson for 'Skyscraper's Underwhelming Debut' ... Give me a break.

  11. I know all action stars are one note... but the character the Rock plays in all his movies is possibly the most ridiculous human to exist.

  12. Dont think it is Cruise as the advance reviews of the next M.I. have been great.

  13. This sounds A LOT like The Rock

  14. It's the Rock. He snapped at critics who said anything negative about the Baywatch remake when it flopped.

  15. I still want to see Skyscraper I don't care.

  16. Yep. It's The Rock.

    Said it yesterday-- I love the dude, but "Skyscraper" looks horrible. I doubt even Redbox will be able to get my money on that one...

  17. It's every actor and every PR firm (it's their job, after all) ever. I think the point is that the tabloids shouldn't be cutting-and-pasting it. I don't always get how they decide when they're going to protect the stars and when to gossip about them. Sometimes it's obvious -- some stars are too powerful to cross, or there's a political angle. But the Rock?

  18. First thought Adam Sandler. He has some major flops. But his career is a wet dream that will never end.
    Not even kidding, him the Rock and Tiffany Haddish should remake Water World.

  19. The Rock. Can't stand him.

  20. I like the Rock, but I do think this is him. My husband and I actually saw Skyscraper & it was not good.

  21. I was actually able to watch the trailer and write what I do and don’t like about it back in January... I honestly nearly fell asleep watching it. It made zero sense and it wasn’t interesting at all.

  22. LOL, from the trailer for that steaming pile of excrement, I gather that Duh-Wayne's "character", same character as he is in _EVERYTHING_, has prosthetic robo-legs. Shows him hobbling along a CRANE across the street from this skyscraper and taking a flying leap towards the building. UMMMM, no.

  23. I think it’s awesome that they created a kick ass star who is an amputee. The Rock even went the extra mile and walked like an amputee instead of just being normal which most actors do when their clothes are covering a supposed prosthetic. The film used Jeff Glasbrenner
    as an advisor. He was injured as a child and became the first American amputee to climb Everest.

    Although from the other thread it could have used a huge dose of Yippie Ki Yay...The great thing about Bruce is his charm and humor. The Rock played the movie far too straight. I love Die Hard and was hoping for a bit more fun. The movie was good though. Great popcorn flick.

  24. This movie looks so ridiculous and I am sooo excited to see it. I absolutely live for ludicrous disaster movies and I mean the dumber the better

  25. Heather: Yes, me too!! I was so disappointed by the new Netflix disaster movie. Have you seen San Andreas? It is the best! My husband hates how much I loved that movie and constantly mention it as a marker for other movies to be judged by.

  26. This is The Rock, but he should be dual threat. His show Ballers is still on HBO



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