Monday, July 09, 2018

Blind Item #8

If you are doing anything shady in the word of international commerce/espionage or know some secret that could be deadly to others, here is a pro-tip. Do not go to France. Sure, there might be nerve agents in the UK, but since November of last year, there have been a good half dozen deaths in France of high profile people that never even get a cursory look or even worse, are never mentioned again after the initial news report. Go back to November when I first started talking about it and look. Now? It just so happens that a guy who knows all the same secrets as that beyond wealthy guy back in November gets killed this past week. Oh sure, they can call it what they want, but there will be no followup at all. Why do you think that our favorite former A list syndicated actress suddenly stopped living there, or at least in any fixed residence. She gave up all plans to open any kind of business there. She knows the people being killed. She has spent some one on one time with at least two, including the first to go last November. He always had a thing for her and was a long time benefactor. 


  1. Why hello DGSE
    Shout out to Lenny Vincent and his Greek and Moroccan rent boys.
    Remember that time you killed those innocent people in Somalia, like that pregnant woman, to rescue a spy who died anyway? Man, what a day that was.

  2. Who all has been killed?

  3. A Chinese billionaire just died from a fall. Not sure who else.

  4. Macron is a faggot with arms dealer Ziad Takkedine. He was groomed since childhood.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yep, and mommy/wife is his handler. He is a NWO puppet, and he's really just a little pussy.

  5. There is something wrong with France, something is not right. It's not just the rudeness, there are rude people everywhere big deal. Something else is wrong and it seems to infect the people.


    2. Hhhmmmm...... Interesting and interestinger

    3. "...that you idiots belive this preposterous!"

      sorry, forgot that part the first time I pushed publish. There tis


  7. Macron come across as a monumental creep and asshole.

  8. A search for "France" on this blog last November turns up nothing much. The only political intrigue there is a reveal about Seagal, but it's a blind from 2013, so that's not something Enty started writing about last November. I guess if it's there in last November's blinds, it won't be that easy to find.

  9. The Cathars spent much of 1209 fending off the crusaders. The Béziers army attempted a sortie but was quickly defeated, then pursued by the crusaders back through the gates and into the city. Arnaud-Amaury, the Cistercian abbot-commander, is supposed to have been asked how to tell Cathars from Catholics. His reply, recalled by Caesarius of Heisterbach, a fellow Cistercian, thirty years later was "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius"—"Kill them all, the Lord will recognise His own".[59][60] The doors of the church of St Mary Magdalene were broken down and the refugees dragged out and slaughtered. Reportedly at least 7,000 innocent men, women and children were killed there by Catholic forces. Elsewhere in the town, many more thousands were mutilated and killed. Prisoners were blinded, dragged behind horses, and used for target practice.[61] What remained of the city was razed by fire. Arnaud-Amaury wrote to Pope Innocent III, "Today your Holiness, twenty thousand heretics were put to the sword, regardless of rank, age, or sex."[62][63] "The permanent population of Béziers at that time was then probably no more than 5,000, but local refugees seeking shelter within the city walls could conceivably have increased the number to 20,000."[64]

    1. BTW the core Gnostic belief of the Cathar elite was:
      "We will be resurrected as female angels in Heaven and get to fuck Christ for eternity."
      Something something Baphomet something something Yahweh

  10. Oh, I get it now. Last November is when Enty started writing about the St. Charles House in New Orleans. It's also when that helicopter and plane collided over a Rothschild estate, and there were initial reports that Jacob R. was in the helicopter until that was denied and declared a tinfoil hat theory. But that didn't happen in France, so....

    1. Thanks why/when Linda started freaking out on chan, threatening to poison the water supply.(allegedly 😉)

    2. *That's, not Thanks.

  11. A Putin critic was strangled in London two days ago... right before he was supposed to appear in court.

    1. Thy flag be false, as above, so below
      Below me
      That's not funny

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Geeljire, are you actually alright?
      Do you need a hug? Your stomach pumped? A detox? I’m moderately concerned for you.

  12. It would be Pam Anderson,she was planning on staying in France. And I asked before,how many deaths before some of you believe something is off? Maybe we are on the wrong track,but something is up.

  13. @Geeljire, I figure he's dead too, though there are open questions about whodunnit, how, and why. The best sign was the way the usual suspects swarmed to declare Nothing To See Here. But it was obviously squirrelly from the start if you were following it as it happened. It took days just to identify all the people on the aircraft, even though the last one identified was supposed to be foreign, which you'd think would mean passports and records at the airport and things like that. Whatever happened, I don't think it went according to plan.

    1. Wee Little Inbred Prince Nate R. was pretty miffed daddy wasn't going to let him be Rex Iudaeorum

    2. That does tend to piss a muthafucka off.

  14. I wouldn't think a no-name Putin critic would know all the same secrets as a Rothschild, and he was killed in London. The Chinese billionaire "falling" in France looks like a better bet for last week's death.

  15. Lol good to see you Geel. I was worried someone bigger and badder agreed to meet at the ave for a fight. Good to see it aint so

  16. Geeljire crushing it today.

    I, too, think Jacob Rothschild is dead. That would mean both David Rockefeller and Jacob Rothschild died less than a year apart.

    As for the list of dead in France, there's the recent Chinese businessman, Anthony Bourdain, Johnny Hallyday (the French Elvis)....who else?

  17. Love you Geeljire.

    Please keep doing what you are doing to stay coherent. You have much to share.

  18. I can't for the life of me remember his name, but who was that Austrailan (?) millionaire who was head of a company or something that died in the boating disappearance/accident last year, I think around that time. Was that in France?

    1. That was in Patagonia Chile. Beautiful place. Drowning I think.

  19. I see Russian trolls have been busy spreading their bullshit on US gossip sites, this site and blind gossip are slowly turning into covert Russian/Trump propaganda spreaders. Any democrat leaning performer is suddenly evil, all democrat and anti trump politicians “suddenly evil dark sided and corrupt”. Murders! Child sex rings lead by Hollywood “elite” . What was it last week, L Kamala Harris branded a child peddler” . LOL! All bullshit propaganda, specially in the planted comments, trying to sew the seeds of doubt against institutions and loved performers we once revered or at least relaxed with. How much are they paying Enty and that other creep who runs Blind Gossip to kiss Trump’s ass and spread these lies? Or better yet, what is it that the Russians have on them that they so willingly sent read lies like this. Don’t fall for it people! Read responsibly. PS: Shame on you CDAN.

    1. Remember Kevin Spacey?
      Fuck right off, hasbara

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Russian bots??? Really?? You're stupid enough to fall for that made up leftard bullshit?
      It's not "bots", it's people getting WOKE sweetheart.
      You ought to try it sometime.

  20. The helicopter death in November was probably Mansour bin Muqrin of the house of Saud.

    1. "Not actually a blind item"
      Jacob Rothschild Goes to Flight School:
      A Choose Your Own Adventure Novel for All Ages

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why'd you delete all those lengthy embarrassing comments, Aimless Shill?


  22. Hey guys, what's happening in this thread?

    Oh, an Entern is drafting off of Reddit again.

    1. Hey guys, why do you even post here?
      Oh, this beta is rambling again.

  23. Could the actress be Jolie, she lived there for years but has recently left it as her permanent address, although she still has the residence. Also she was going to do that olive oil company, but is being sued, not sure she will continue with it . (not sure about the syndiated part in the blind though)

  24. Yes, by all means people lets heap praise on assholes that speak such vile hate! WTF has happened to this site? It has been taken over by right wingnut trolls SMDH!

  25. Yeah sorry Dems
    Met a gay couple with one guy wearing an unironic MAGA hat on the beach
    It's over

  26. @Geeljire

    Thanks for the laughs!

  27. 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  28. The thumbs up are for Velora BTW.

  29. Velora and all the other Russian trolls - there are plenty of both parties who will soon be arrested. It has nothing to do with parties - it has to do with organized crime and billionaires. You'll soon have to get real jobs.

  30. Ashton Cruz Zoo, you nailed it. I noticed it starting first in Blind Gossip about a year and a half ago (gee I wonder why). First the blinds and then the comments become more right-wing and political.

    Got sick of it and went back to reading this site which has now become a cross between a train wreck and a dumpster fire.

    Maybe it's time to...wait for it...

  31. Angelina as the actress?

  32. I take that back....Halle Berry. TV shows and movies. Not a lot of acting recently.

  33. The commentators who are always espousing one political party while eviscerating the other one are IMO tedious and boring. Basically, all of America's political parties are co-opted and corrupt. To fully support and defend one and hate and attack all the other political parties IMO is a waste of brain power and makes the otherwise intelligent commentators on this site appear ridiculous and occasionally downright stupid.

    Alas, this trend seems to be true of the commentators on the few gossip sites which used to be good at rumor reporting instead of just re-posting PR tear sheets.

    However, what I really want is for more of you readers who are here for the gossip to join in the conversation and post your guesses and opinions. Your voice IMO is of greater value than the polarized, tedious, boring almost snoring politically biased commentators.

    And, as always this post simply reflects my opinion which if you do not like it, feel free to lick my buttocks.

    Luv you.

  34. One more bullshit blind item.

    Remember that Enty really started to get interested in France because of the Pierre Agnes and the Anthony Bourdain deaths, claiming the investigations had been botched and that the country is basically a banana republic where the authorities just take bribes to close investigations. Which allowed Enty to write a blind item that exploited Bourdain's death just hours after it took place.

    In France, we have mainstream media, and we have alternative media, which are more than happy to dig shit. We just heard that at least four more women filed reports for sexual harassment or assault against Luc Besson, some news which is still to surface in the US media. Last week, in the town of Nantes, a cop shot a delinquent from African origins who was trying to escape a control in his car. Just hours after his initial statement about self-defense, the cop was charged with the death, as elements had shown that his statement was forged. High-ranking politicians such as former president Nicolas Sarkozy and 2017 favorite François Fillon have been charged and are under active investigation.

    France is far from being perfect, but once again, Enty tries to cover his tracks under a bigger lie. Many found the Bourdain claims dubious. Rather than acknowledging that he had no real sources on that (yeah, as if miraculously knew people in courthouses from Alsace), he hints at some bigger conspiracies generalized at the scale of the country.

    Well, I have checked with most of the largest French websites that endorse conspiracy theories. None of them even mentions a suspicious or shady death linked to espionage this month. Left wing, right wing, white supremacists,anti-Semitic, anti-European union, Russian or Iranian moles, none of them has anything to report about this suspicious death.

    Maybe nobody has sources as good as Enty's. Which would be quite surprising, given his shitty track record at protecting the real identity of Himmmm.

  35. You don't think there's any coincidence the Hebdo and Bataclan False Flag events were staged in France?

    Must be daft not to see that France is the Occult stronghold of the world, where the dark arts thrive and Templars and Masons have fomented their plans for centuries.

    The Eeifel Tower is actually another representation of the Osiris Myth and is Osiris penis, if you overlay DaVinci's Vitruvian Man over the Eeifel tower you will see it is the same occult layout as Washington DC.

    France is the Mother of Occult nations.

  36. I have been in France several times, and have found that if you at least attempt to speak French, then the French people you meet will take pity and switch to English and are in fact quite warm and charming.

    (I cannot speak French, but a month or so of Rosetta Stone will allow you to at least say "Hello" "Goodbye" "Thank you" "Where are the bathrooms?" and to order food.)

    I strongly suspect that those who are dissing the French as rude and bad have either never been to France, or if they did go, just shouted English at everyone as a means of communication.

    Pro Tip: That's the best way to get horrible, rude service, around the world.

  37. I agree Travelgirl....generally the French do not like the British, but I have never had a problem in France, fortunately I speak a little French and have a name that sounds as if I had French Ancestors (British/Australian actually) which may have made all the difference , but you will always reap what you sew, anywhere in the world, if you are polite and respectful and show interested in the country/culture you will soon be welcomed.

    Having said that I have found that every Israeli I have ever met was just plain rude and bigoted, not Jews mind you just Israeli's. While I'm sure there are lovely Israeli's, I have just never met one which I find very strange, perhaps it is some kind of cultural defence mechanism when outside their country.



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