Thursday, July 26, 2018

Blind Item #8

Our favorite former Disney star turned A-/B+ list actress/future porn star is finally starting to try and do some good with her position and place in the showbiz world. She knows that a certain award show is entirely there for the men in power to find very young teens and women to prey on and she wants no part. As someone who has been groped and assaulted at the event, she knows better than others how gross it is.


  1. Wait did I read this correctly or is just not going her big stand?

  2. Is it time for another Nickelodeon pick your kid award or is this MTV VMA GMB antics

  3. God forbid she go public and try to prevent future victims from attending. Saving your own ass is not taking a stand.

  4. And god forbid Enty drop more hints about which award show

  5. Oh here we go:

    1. Again, Enty gets “blinds” from already public knowledge.
      I keep hoping for a return to the glory days of REAL blinds..
      One can dream.

  6. Oh gawd, that's what "Teen Choice" means, choosing a teen? They really aren't very subtle are they?

  7. How is this a blind if it's in cosmo haha

  8. They need to put body cams on all of the girls/women for one of these events but that is specifically why California has two-party consent.

  9. They get their choice of teen. Wow.

  10. Makes you wonder if they spend their spare time following school buses.

  11. I haven't forgot that they invited Mike Tyson to the stage years ago, to do a skit with (then famous) Jonas Brothers. Got to socialize the girls young, to accept whatever "life" throws at them.

  12. @robert that's my issue with the two party consent law as well. Otherwise Bella could make a much better stand by attending the awards with a camera or wire as her +1 and get some evidence on these a$sholes

  13. So she's not going to some show? What does that achieve?

  14. She doesn't need to go there anymore to sell her body to old sleezy dudes because she's already made it in Hollywood? How brave and honest of her!
