Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Blind Item #8

Another link. Another hey there is nothing to see here to the press who will go quietly into that good night and do and report what they are told, especially with the secrets act in that country. A dinner for two between two former in-laws. A subtle spiking of a drink and then this foreign born former A- list model/keeper of secrets/reality star passes away. 


  1. Muse and BFF to Alexander McQueen and former ladies of London star?

  2. Or she relapsed on heroin. Going to be interesting to read the official autopsy.

  3. Definitely Annabelle Neilson, who was previously married to Nat Rothschild.
    I appreciate the Dylan Thomas quote, Enty. This, poisoned by a coward, is no way to go.

  4. As soon as I saw the tweets about her death, I knew there'd be a blind.

  5. @Plot you should know by now any death of a remotely famous person is murder. Obviously she was just about to expose the paedophile network responsible for the other celebrity "murders".

  6. @Cheesegrater15 +1 every celebrity death is a way to drive ad revenue from the global conspiracy types who frequent 4chan

  7. Umm,she was related to the Rothchilds. Enty didn't make that part up. It may be nothing,but needs a looking into.

  8. They used a different cause of death for her - stroke.

  9. (smacks head!) of course!

    Right you are Leanne. And given that she was married to a ebil Rothschild for one hot minute, they obviously decided to killer her, 2+ decades after the marriage, for no discernible reason....just fun I guess.

  10. Geej, where are you ? The magic name should summon you forth.🤔😎😁 I kid.

    1. I'm doing hard time for anti-Semitism and part of my conditional cell phone use is that I can't talk about Nathaniel Rothschild raping or murdering anyone, whether Steve Coogan was present or not, nor if Nathaniel raped his father Jacob before murdering him.

  11. well as long as you don't break any of the conditions of your cell phone use everything will be fine then.🤐😗🤔

  12. Funny how heroin addicts or former heroin addicts tend to die young. And by "funny," I mean SHE KNEW TOO MUCH JUST LIKE BOURDAIN

  13. She was married to one of the Rothschilds, the rest of whom HATED her, for three years 20 years ago. So OBVIOUSLY, she was murdered, and didn't commit suicide.

  14. Yep, Krab, they waited 20+ years to kill her....NOT when she was a threat.

  15. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  16. Seems kind of risky though, if she had secrets then she would have had them ready to be released in the event of her death, death insurance.

  17. I saw her on her reality show and she seemed very unstable, unhinged and self righteous.

  18. Maybe it took them that long to get their hands on the death insurance.

  19. Maybe she was making noises about sharing some sensitive information? It's been 20 years, but things that people would never dream of talking about 20 years ago are being talked about now.

  20. Just tying up loose ends. They know the jig is up. its gonna come out no matter who they kill. The NSA has everything. PERIOD!

  21. This is really sad. I liked her on the bravo show and it seemed like she was trying to work through her issues.

  22. The easiest murders to fake as suicides are those of drug addicts

  23. Official autopsy/family report was “heart attack”.
    She’s been sober for like +years....I watched LAdies Of London and she was one of 2 women I could tolerate because she was-real. Kate Moss her other BFF and McQueen her soulmate. Though she was strong enough to endure his suicide and a traumatic experience at age 16-she died of heart failure....
    Seems legit😉

  24. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I've seen two different causes of death published. Today, one of the rags claimed, "She died alone".
    Uh huh.

  25. Not that I’ve ever seen. She and Bourdains family must have paid an extra bucks or something to expedite....aka .”Rush The Fake Results”👀

  26. Depending upon whether the coroner is on the up and up, any death could be listed as heart failure. When you die, your heart fails. Ta da. It's suspicious, to me anyway, that 2 different causes of death have been released in 2 days.
    Maybe, if she was killed, it's because she threatened to expose secrets. On the other hand, the people who the secrets are about might have been worried that she would tell because the Sword of Damocles is hanging over their heads

  27. What secrets? She was with the Rothschild for no time at all. What deep haunted secrets would she know?

    They paid her handsomely to keep quiet and give up the use of the name. If she had secrets and IF she had talked about them, she'd be in court bright and early the next morning and owe the Rothschild family a ton of money.

    Nah, she wasn't going to talk and probably had not much to say anyway.

  28. Or Annabelle was on a lot of Rx meds because she broke her back horseback riding a few years ago?

  29. A lot can happen in 3 years of marriage. Besides, Annabelle was around before she married.
    I posted "Maybe" and "might have been worried" because I was not around them. You're using definitive phrases. Were you there?

  30. "It's suspicious, to me anyway, that 2 different causes of death have been released in 2 days. "

    Released? or reported by various media outlets?

    I mean if you're going to be Sandy Skeptic Suspicious, at least be able to tell whether your sources are reliable first.

  31. @Abby

    "You're using definitive phrases. Were you there? "

    No, but I read up on their divorce settlement which is definitive.

  32. CLEVELAND — Authorities say the son of a Greek billionaire was found dead in a Cleveland hotel room and three bags of cocaine were nearby.

    Cleveland.com reports 34-year-old Socrates S. Kokkalis was found dead at a downtown Marriott Hotel on Saturday afternoon. His father, Socrates P. Kokkalis Sr., is the founder of a Greek telecommunications company and the chairman of the Greek soccer team Olympiacos. His son was the team’s vice president.

    A police report said three baggies of cocaine were found in the younger Kokkalis’ room. The report says it appeared he died about 12 hours before his body was found.

    The Cleveland police drug overdose death unit is investigating.

    The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office will determine a cause of death.

    Ever read Rainbow Six? Where the rich people were going to release a plague at the Olympics to kill all the stupid poor people ruining the planet? And they already had a vaccine for themselves? And it was up to an international super team of super soldiers to save the day?

    That and "Sum of All Fears" was the cabal's vision for your future.

  33. unstable, unhinged and self righteous.

    You would be too if you were kidnapped and tortured when you were a teenager and took heroin to escape it. Recently around 2008 I think she had a bad horseriding accident, broke her back and pelvis and was in chronic pain since. A fascinating life all in all, RIP. I hope if she had any information that she was able to leave it behind.

    1. I've found no online evidence of her being kidnapped and tortured. Xo you have any liks?

  34. @Tricia I feel like you and I watched two completely different shows. She was SO obviously unstable, so completely messed up, and fake, fake, fake. She also kept referring to her "best friend in the world" as "Alexander McQueen," which irritated me more than anything. Just call him by his damned name already!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Wow, I obviously haven’t been reading the news. Sad. I really liked her, as much as one can know someone from watching a reality show. Though with her back pain (and I assume medicine for its), and a history of a wild past, a heart attack isn’t unreasonable.

  36. My conspiracy spidey sense went off the moment I heard her name on the news

  37. Paul she was kidnapped while she was travelling in Australia, tied to a tree and sevearly beated and tortured for like 2 hours ... that destroyed her emotionally and got her into drugs

    She was 16 ...

  38. May she RIP. I had to Google her because I didn't know who she was.

    There is a picture of her with Kate Moss in the BBC report and the first thing I said to myself was "who is that woman with the dead eyes?" Ms Moss has not aged well at all.


  39. @plot wrote: "they obviously decided to killer her, 2+ decades after the marriage, for no discernible reason..."

    I bet you could make-up a kick-ass reason if you wanted to.

  40. Sometimes people talk to the someone they think they can trust, even 20+ years later.
    Sometimes people just talk shit. Sometimes people are set up to talk, especially if they are inebriated or drugged up, to see if they will. And then again, sometimes people are ready to talk and let it be known to the wrong individual.
    Sometimes people just have a stroke or a heart attack, depending upon which news item you want to believe. We wouldn't want too many suicides back to back.
    I liked her. Such a shame.

  41. @Pickle

    "I bet you could make-up a kick-ass reason if you wanted to."

    Sure, if I were writing a novel. In reality, no, I can't think of any reason these ebily meanies the Rothschilds would come after their brief in-law 2+ decades later. If she were to talk about them, against the court settlement, she would owe them a SHIT TON of money. It's right there in the public divorce document, which I guess strangely doesn't exist when conspiracy porn is on the line.

  42. The Rothschilds murdered her

  43. Question: am i the only one that would like to take a knife and slit plots throat from ear to ear?
    Just asking, for shits and giggles...

  44. On the other hand, it is really easy to get away with murdering a former heroin addict because everyone just assumes the person relapsed.



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