Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Blind Item #8 - A Dancing Boy Blind Item

Another one on the d/l but do you want to hear something crazy? More specifically, do you remember how in one of those early dancing boy blinds - "the Long Shadow of Abuse" - I was a kind of child lab rat, subjected to medical procedures on camera? Well, all that will be the subject of a short (connected to one of the most straight up serious features in the franchise: a full-blown tragedy, my "Chinatown" or Gatsby about a fading teen idol) called "Pool Dreams." I'm contacted in the present day by a female FBI agent, as an internet face recognition search turns up a match between one of my childhood pictures on social media, and a certain image found among a cache of illicit pictures during a raid on a man's home. It all has to do with repressed and recovered memories, and a new understanding of the past. What does my shrink recommend? A certain medical procedure, administered under sedation and involving electricity, with kind of a bad/undeserved reputation (largely because it was often done without the person's consent back in the day, and in some cases even without sedation). The idea is I'll be filmed actually undergoing and waking up from the procedure. (I don't know if it will be the first but it won't be the last insane thing I would never, ever ask anyone else to do but rush to write myself into the script doing/having done to myself.)


  1. I’m amazed at how many words say nothing. He had a lobotomy or something. Ok...

  2. Something about shock therapy.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    So, I’m a CDAN newbie - are these Dancing Boy blinds written by one person separate from Enty? Are they about one person’s life/career or is it a group of people?
    The DL and Birdie blinds have me very confused, although entertained.

    1. Dancing Boys are written by a few kids who were abused in the industry. They are generally poorly written and confusing. The term refers to children who are abused in Afghanistan.

    2. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Thanks @totaji and others, the in media res kind of tone and references to franchises had me completely turned around.

  4. I feel like I'm viewing Colonel Kurtz's diary.

  5. Anonymous9:02 AM

    @Do Tell: lol

    It's a franchise now? SMFH.

  6. Is this a blind or a not-so-humble brag? Ugh.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The original DB blind sounded like it could have happened. But now they're barely coherent fantasies about a movie "franchise"

    You'll save time and miss nothing if you just skip them.

  10. I kind of think he is just trolling and this is some kind of creative writing experiment

  11. Actually electroconvulsive therapy might be just what DB needs. Imagine afterwards when he realizes, "I was writing what on what site? WTF? Where is my wife, who's been my running my office, where is my Sedona parked? Why didn't any of those people reading that gibberish contact my family or doctors for help?"

    1. @Brayson87 - thank you for always adding that special dash of humor to my day!

  12. I am going to start boycotting DB blinds. Am I missing the point, somehow? Because I can't find one.

  13. I didn't know you could get internet access in a mental hospital.

    At this point poor DB is in full blown delusions mode. Hey Doc's adjust the medicine please!

    P.S. I will gladly eat my words if any of this comes out in public and proven true. But I just can't with the fantastical stories at this point.

  14. electroshock therapy (or electroconvulsive therapy) can be very helpful for people with select psychiatric conditions.

    It was abused previously, used indiscriminately and received a poor reputation.

    ECT can help people with profound and unmoving depression improve.

    1. Agree. I have seen catatonic patients go back to their normal self after 2 or 3 treatments. Great success rate.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      +1. One of the doctors I’ve been under the care under was considering putting me forward for ECT for chronic, resistant treatment depression; some of the literature and studies he gave me to read show some really promising results.
      Too bad Homeland/OFOtCuckoo’s Nest et al give it a bad rap.

  15. A few comments on a gossip website have certainly gone to a certain DB's head, haven't they? This isn't even a blind. It's just him bragging.

  16. I thinks poor DB needs more that ECT to help him but I think it’s a good start

  17. Every time I see a DB blind I don't even read it and go straight to the comments. Much like Yahoo articles these days :)

  18. So, you had electroshock therapy. Okay.



  20. Yes, they are confusing at times, but I do not understandd the attack mode some take behind a fake name. If you were abused, and had a chance to exercise demons in a safe place, would the attacks feel safe? I just dont understand the attacks, unless I'm looking at pedophiles who have infiltrated to keep people from believing, or expressing care and concern. I, for one, believe and support the writers. I suggest that they seek a safe editor, but jeep it up. Ignore the pedophile trolls.

  21. I have a dear friend with Borderline Personality Disorder and it is crazy weird how much she reminds me of Dancing Boy. Similar background, childhood trauma, very creative, addiction problems (not alcohol/drugs in her case). They're even almost the exact same age.
    Anyway, part of her therapy is writing. She's a playwright and has a half dozen projects going at any given time. Some will probably never be finished, but others have been produced. She also journals.
    A lot of Dancing Boy's "blinds" remind me of my friend's therapy journaling. I think he just needs to be seen, but I don't think it's narcissism, as has been suggested.

    I guess this is part of why I can relate to him so much and wish only the best for him. But I do worry.

    1. That might explain some of these posts. So sad.

    2. Also, if he is having bouts of paranoia (founded or otherwise), this could be a way of publicly documenting everything in case something happens to him.

  22. I believe you Dancing Boy.

    Medical kidnapping and experimentation is part of child/sex trafficking.

    It's not just pervs in the entertainment business

    It's well educated psychopaths who need organs/human flesh to advance medicine.

    The fountain of youth.

  23. Anonymous10:46 AM

    @akhaldansolo, your argument makes no sense.
    Absolutely, ECT was abused and appallingly carried out in the past, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have real world, tangible benefits for people with mental illnesses that are treatment/medication resistant.
    There have been numerous, independently funded studies that have concluded that ECT, for patients who have explored all other avenues of treatment, can be a viable treatment option. (See
    “Current Electroconvulsive Therapy Practice and Research in the Geriatric Population” by Kerner and Prudic).

  24. I don’t know WTF you are talking about but it is used as the last line of resort for people who have debilitating depression that’s resistant to medical therapy. Trans cranial magnetic stimulation has
    also been helpful. I live in the real world and have seen patients who wouldn’t even comb their hair do well with ECT. Even after ECT they still struggle with depression but it’s at least manageable.

  25. i love this site but the dancing boy blinds literally make zero sense. can we recommend a spinoff site so we dont have to read this shit anymore?

  26. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I knew a psychiatrist who rather jauntily referred to ECT as "buzzing" the patients.

  27. Seems I'm in the minority but I like the Dancing Boy blinds. Really hate to say "like" because I'm usually appalled by the subject matter but they are informative.

  28. "Don't fuck with your brain, pal. It ain't worth it."

  29. If a person and his/her psychiatrist decides that ECT is the proper treatment, fine.

    My first inpulse would be to get a second opinion, not hire a camera crew.

    Health and healing should be a higher priority than a film. Perhaps dancing boy can seek treatment away from Hollyweird. A change of surroundings may help him recover.

  30. Electro Convulsive Therapy is the last resort.

    Like a Lobotomy was the last resort.

    Problem in both instances (besides scrambling your brains) it's a last resort that is done upon unconsenting patients.

  31. Okay, is Dancing Boy just bouncing ideas off of us for movie scripts he plans to write?

  32. I have bipolar disorder with treatment resistant depression. I undergo ECT on a regular basis at UCLA. UCLA has a YouTube video of the whole procedure and there is not much to see in terms of physical reaction. The stigma comes from outdated ideas.
    It's too bad because it's one of the most efficacious treatments available.

    I'm not clear but is this guy saying he's going to get ECT to help him regain his memories? That's not the way it works. The most common side effect of ECT is short term memory loss.

  33. WTH are you talking about. We do outpatient ECT everyday. They walk in and consent to the procedure. I know you are now FOS because you call it scrambling your brain. What the hell do you want to do for people who suffer debilitating depression to the point they refuse to eat. Take pills that may or may not work and also may cause an increase in suicidal ideation.

  34. I saw a segment on shock therapy being used again as an experimental therapy on 60 Minutes, Anderson Cooper was the correspondent and Kitty Dukakis is using it to battle untreatable depression, one that is not responding to various meds. The shock is not as violent as it was, the doctors are more careful having learned from the mistakes of the past supposedly. It has made a difference in her depression the one side effect can be some memory loss but at her age she figures it is worth that risk and she says this is the best she has felt in decades. Sometimes the hardwiring needs to reboot.

    As noted by MD this is CONSENSUALand improved therapy now....

    Yesterday I was listening to a journalist discussing how psychedelic drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms etc are being revisited by the medical community. Large number of studies happening right now looking for alternative solutions to current problems. Theoretically they are not addictive or at least not for mice. Not like opioids etc. This man just did the the magic mushrooms for fun because he never did them in the 1970s when he was in college. He did find it gives one's brain a clarity, one can look at one's self with a more objective viewpoint.

  35. @Sara

    But would your friend go to a message board to humble brag about her experiences? Would she thrill at the attention of strangers? Seriously.

    Most people keep their journals for themselves or a few others. DB seems fake because, like Hmmmm, the point of every post is to show how connected he is to celebrities or historical events.


    "My first inpulse would be to get a second opinion, not hire a camera crew."

    You obviously aren't an attention whore. ;P

    1. Ha. No, because she's also a Highly Sensitive Person, and the first negative comment would send her spiraling for days.
      She also has a small but supportive group of friends and a husband. It took her 20+ years to find the combination of therapies and meds that work for her. Only at that point did things fall into place for her, with personally and artistically.

      I dont think DB has much of a support network, despite all of his connections.

    2. Tuesday, January 24, 2012

      The Bitch will not STFU


      "don't you think it would be part of an artist's vision to paint things in whatever way they felt like? "

      No, I don't, actually. Artists have never been that free. There are always inhibitions and cultural context.

      Ok, we are seeing something different here. I don't see many shades of grey in ToL. We're offered 2 choices sharply characterized by a husband and wife. I could invent many permutations of these roles and the ideas of Grace and Nature but that isn't what Malick gave us.


      The dogma is in Malick's overuse of Types. With full cinematic force, he reiterates the US familial cliches and images like it is Truth. Doe eyed suffering mother, constantly on the edge of tears, without a thought in her little head? Check. Stern father who can't win at love or business? Check. Angry son? Check. So why not just film Death of a Salesman again? 

      Baby feet, torturing toads, Disney-fied dinosaurs who feel compassion, if Malick wants to throw a concept at us, why use the over-wrought cliches of others? Surely The Master has his own wellspring of images.

      The photos from the Hubble telescope were retouched and accompanied with uber-dramatic music. How very Wagner, who was the master of artistic dogma. The flaming eye of god, yeah, that's cinematic dogma.

      In the end, we all wade together in a tub of love or life isn't worth it. Dogma.
      Gee, do "all roads lead to god?" "In the end, the love we make is equal to the love we take"? "Breathe!" "Life is Good!" "Namaste"

      One size fits all! Get the t-shirt. You can proudly display your fuzzy concept and cliches, too, for much less money.

      Catch AIDS and die you human embarrassment
      Plot isn't allowed to criticize anyone after that selected reading

  36. Thanks Unknown! :)

  37. +1 MDAnderson

    I have seen people before and after ECT, the effects can be miraculous. People barely able to talk or function suddenly become talkative and vibrant. Most memory loss seemed to be about the time around the treatment. It's definitely not a first line treatment, but it's not some sort of torture device.

    1. I wish there was an easier way to treat depression but if ECT is helpful then I will advocate for it. It is no different than deep brain stimulation that I have seen cure epilepsy and tremors from Parkinson. I am privileged to say I work with ethical neurosurgeons and psychiatrists and never felt uncomfortable consenting patients for their procedures.

  38. Wow Akhandansolo, you're accusing people of having outdated beliefs by giving us examples of outdated beliefs. Very interesting post Thankyou for sharing

  39. @Sara

    Yeah, that is what I figured. The person I know best who suffers from BPD has a hell of a paranoid mind. She is a remarkable speaker and I'm always jotting down her phrasing. She said it didn't bother her but I could tell, from knowing her long enough, that it was going to begin to feed her deeply suspicious nature eventually. So I started texting her what she says, so the record is all hers. She is a naturally creative spirit with a horrible childhood and she can't control her emotion center. Unfortunately, mind altering substances are an issue with her but she is making some headway there.

    She's trying a variety of things to help her sanity. While she is a huge presence, absolutely electric, she beats herself up for garnering too much attention. I can't see her enjoying this affirmation by strangers that DB seems to revel in. It would KILL her to imagine people's condemnation of her, which she can do obsessively.

    1. Stop ignoring all the attention you're getting from me

      How much fucked up drugs and gay sex were YOU on while writing YOUR blog no one reads?

      Penis envy.

      -plot, 2012

      -Neo, 'The Matrix, 1999

    3. Disability cheating parasites

  40. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I hope DB and others can get the help they need in a healthy safe environment. My hat off to those brave pioneers going against the grain to improve their day to day. Thank you for sharing your stories :)

    Stigmas suck & exist with most chronic illnesses. You gotta find a way to push through and live your life.

  41. http://www.latimes.com/local/sd-me-ag-childporn-20170726-story.html

    Was it the CA deputy AG's cache?


  42. I think people are missing the point of this blind. (It's easy to do as the writing style doesn't express ideas clearly.)

    ECT has a well known side effect of memory impairment, particularly for around the time ECT is being administered. The point of administering illicit ECT and making a video record of it is to interfere with ability to form memories of what else is being done to a person around that time. Also, of course, as an indulgence in power to impose severe inflictions on another - many pedophiles being "power rapists" who get off on that.

    There would be no memories to recover if the procedure was done with comprehension of the tool. It sounds to me like this was done in a private, not medical, setting and then there was extensive abuse by someone who didn't want to have anyone able to identify him.

    And as others have pointed out, there is in fact no way of RECOVERING memories via ECT.

  43. I believe DB and I believe in him. I think he's talented. I hope writing here is helping him exorcise some demons.
    You folks that comment on these blinds, complaining about "another DB blind" take the cake.

  44. I tend to want to believe but these are just too sketchy. I leave them for the last to read now, and would love to be proven wrong in my disbelief as an earlier poster said but damn. Boring AND sketchy. And also frequently unintelligible.

  45. http://www.mindfreedom.org/kb/mental-health-abuse/electroshock/electroshock-info

    Instances in which patients were given ECT against their will.

    Multiple times, people have sued care facilities for claiming ECT was "necessary". They successfully recover w/out the electrical lobotomy.

    Yes it scrambles brains. It sends high frequency bolts at targeted parts of.the brain to break/modify neural clusters.

    It causes memory loss.

    It's like Bill Cosby drugging the women after the fact

    1. Again you are an idiot. The electric shots elicit a seizure and then hopefully break down neuronal synapses. The seizure foci is thought to cause the short term memory loss. As was said before patients will take the risk of memory loss than the depression. I have only heard of ECT given without consent to severe catatonic patients that two judges have decided that they are unable to give consent.

  46. I wanted to add one thing more about treatment for depression and anxiety that is normally done without further speculation as to what else could be the problem. The doctors fill you with drugs to the point of you not knowing who you are, it happened to me. Those drugs, for my misdiagnosed condition which is quite rare but its out there, merely were bandaids for a very short time, and stopped working. It turned out I have a rare anemia which is caused by a missing enzyme in your stomach that processes B12 into your bloodstream from food and/or vitamins. B12 builds your nervous system so if you arent getting it, it makes a real mess of your life. I ended up having to diagnose myself when nobody in the medical profession would listen to my concerns. Turns out its hereditary and my fathers side of my family all had it and died prematurely from heart failure with no hints whatsover. My brother refused to listen to me and get the shots and also died of heart failure with no warning two days after he had seen his doctor for a yearly physical. Our US standards of how much B12 you need are very low to other countries, some like Japan have very high standards and have hardly any instances of this amemia in their population.
    I started panicking big time at age 18, I see now in hindsight, and my entire adult life has been derailed due to this disease called Pernicious Anemia. I caught up with it in my 40’s in Mexico where I could readily get B12 injections without the Spanish Inquisition like I received in the states, and also threatened psychiatric holds. I get shots every two weeks and am fine now, sort of. I have some lingering effects from not getting the shots for decades but at least I can sort of control it now and be able to speak and form sentences like I couldnt before, amongst other problems. I believe this issue is way more prevalent than many think and should be discussed when dealing with depression and anxiety that cannot be controlled.

  47. Just as there are in every profession, I'm sure there are some ECT docs who are unsavory characters. However, the vast majority of them are good physicians. Here in CA, we have to sign a new consent every 30 days. There are actually 2 documents. One is the actual consent and the other is a capacity. For the capacity we have to be seen by an independent psychiatrist who determines whether we have the capacity to make such a decision and to determine whether we understand the risks. If the patient is deemed to be unable to make such a decision the whole thing gets A LOT more complicated.

    It is highly regulated.

    1. I honestly pray for you in your treatment . Everyone talks about depression but don’t realize the struggle to treat depression. We treat ECT therapy as how we treat permanent sterilization. The consent is valid for 30 days and we still do another consent on the day of the procedure. It’s really sad that a good therapy was used in a harmful way and has a stigma against it. I was initially not a believer but you see patients come in for 6-10 treatments and it’s remarkable how well they have done. It’s reallt remarkable how well it treats depression on the elderly who are usually either resistant to medical therapy or can’t tolerate the side effects.

  48. I really feel for Dancing Boy, but where were his parents through all this? If I were him, I'd direct my anger toward my parents.

  49. My dad had a couple of extreme breakdowns. He was a shell of a person. ECT was the final step to try and it saved him, then his mom. It is a lifesaver.

  50. @mdanderson

    Leeches were once the best option available.

    Use your heart and your brain

  51. Read the link I provided. In multiple us states it does not require a judge for ECT

  52. "I never felt uncomfortable consenting patients for their procedures"

    I've never heard "consenting" used in that context as something you do to somebody else

  53. MK Ultra is real, ya'll



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