Friday, July 06, 2018

Blind Item #7

In the how diva can you be award category, this A list talk show host who is probably permanently A at this point and as an entertainer too wins for today. Our talk show host had their assistant ship the talk show host's mattress to a city where the talk show host was going to be performing for almost a week. One night or less, the talk show host can manage. Otherwise, the mattress is getting shipped.


  1. Well how else are they going to ship their coke?

  2. I am depressed. Elvis Costello has an aggressive form of cancer. I just read about it. Hope he is going to be ok.

    1. Just last week I was just looking into buying tickets for November in Pennsylvania. I’m wishing him all the best and all the time he needs for recovery.

    2. Ohhhhhh shit.
      I was thinking about buying November tickets too. The timing is awesome (around my birthday) but also terrible (Thanksgiving weekend) and out of town. We'd have to be gone overnight. I don't think I could find a babysitter.

      *good vibes sent*

    3. Oh noooo. Much loved by me as well.

  3. Just read his site and it appears the surgeons got it all out, he just needs to rest. I hope that is the case!

  4. I wanna know about this great mattress though

  5. Relevant to the topic, Don Henley used to have his mattresses shipped from hotel to hotel when he was on the road with the Eagles back in the day. He was having back problems caused by drumming and singing together and he said that mattress would allow him to sleep well.

    So maybe Ellen has some sort of chiropractic problem.

    1. Also possibly DHs mattress had magical raping abilities

  6. Might be James Cordon. He is filming overseas soon I believe and he is also considered an entertainer.

  7. Ellen is going on the road, but won't be anywhere longer than 3 days.

    Will anybody be in Vegas maybe?

    Otherwise I kinda like the Corden guess. He has a Tony, so perm A entertainer could work.

  8. Corden is nowhere near permanent A list. My guess is Ellen.

  9. Foreign press is calling Costello's illness terminal. His wife must be devastated. All the Icons are leaving us too soon. Prayers.

  10. It's either got to be Ellen, who has had back issues in the past, or someone I can see doing it, but it's still kind of a shot in the dark as I don't see him as perma-A yet, is Steve Harvey.

  11. Hey I can totally understand this. But I'm poor, so I can only manage to take a pillow with me. Sleeping wrong can jack you up!

  12. Conan O’Brien at ComicCon. Probably has back problems considering height & age

  13. Elvis Costello's doctors told him they got it all. He said it on his website. It was a tumor and they removed it. I'm not sure where the Hollywood FP is getting their information.

  14. I don't see anything that says it's terminal. But if it was reported and they removed it but he's dead in 2-3 weeks from aggressive cancer, well, we all know what Q said about aggressive cancers.

  15. What did Q say about it?

  16. Whoops. Accidentally erased my opening comment.

    What talk show hosts are Perm A and also "Entertainers"?


    Conan heading to Comic-Con for a week's worth of shows. Don't think anybody else has anything coming up like that.

  17. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. If they have medical issues, they might need a specialized bed. I can see how shipping a mattress might be cheaper than staying in an expensive/ fancy hotel suite (if they can even find one with a proper mattress) for a week.
    And if they are super tall, then it gets even more difficult.

    I think it's Conan, and he gets a pass from me.

  19. I don`t think this is DIVA at all. I think it`s "I`ve done well for myself so I can afford to do this, if I have health problems with my back".
    Sometimes you sound like a jealous "mean girl" ENTI.

  20. I can see Ellen doing this, she is always talking about her bad back.

  21. She has back problems. As a person who also has back problems, a toonsoft mattress or too hard can be a killer. I do not hold that against her. She isn’t asking the hotel or her publicists to buy her one.

  22. Enty made it a point to use "talk show host" instead of he/she, so i'm thinking this is a female. If it was a male I don't think he would have cared since there are more male hosts.

  23. As someone with extremely bad back and neck issues I have no problem with this. The family went to the beach for a week in June and I spent the first 3 days in agony, then my son's family left and I moved to their bed and no more problems!! Because he has a baby and a toddler I give him the master with the king bed and apparently it has a better mattress.

  24. If she (or he) is not mistreating anyone then I'd let this pass. Chronic pain is debilitating; it's amazing sometimes how very small adjustments can ease back pain (or knee pain). If the mattress means good sleep and no painkillers, then it's all good.

    Don't forget to tip the hotel people though :^)

  25. If Whoopi, wouldn't it also say actress/Oscar winner?

  26. I also think it's Conan and his Comic Con shows. This sounds like the kind of thing he'd do to his assistant Sona just to mess with her.

  27. And when I become a permanent A list anything - I will do the same - if I feel like it.
    I assume everyone got paid and no one was hurt.

  28. I would believe Fallon for this. Especially the reluctance I infer, to give him permanent A list status.

  29. Whoopi has had back problems I can see this being her. I would do the same, chronic pain is so debilitating

  30. If it's Conan, does he ship the mattress when he's doing all his travel shows too?
