Sunday, July 15, 2018

Blind Item #7

This now disgraced former A+ YouTube star is dealing some drugs to help ends meet. That would probably cap off a really bad decision year for him.


  1. Pew de pie? (Whatever?)

    1. But Logan started the year off badly so the last line applies better to him.

  2. If some dumb person wants to do drugs then why should Logan Paul be held accountable? He is just a supplier, if not him then someone else! He is not in the wrong!

  3. PewDiePie has already made millions and lives pretty frugally, I'd be surprised if it was him. His family is loaded as well.

  4. If it's Logan then Chloe Bennett is an idiot.

  5. Replies
    1. His YouTube career is doing better than ever. Not him.

  6. Logan Paul has plenty of money. I can't imagine he's struggling to make ends meet.

  7. PewDiePie has millions. He's pretty smart with his money, unlike Logan. He spends as quickly as he earns, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was him.

  8. Plus, he (Logan) is a disgraced Youtuber due to the fact that he filmed a dead man in the suicide forest in Japan and laughed about it. This is definitely him.

  9. Also Pewdepie just got 25 million from youtube news!

  10. Ain't Logan Paul dating Chloe Bennet????? Just WTF?

  11. Im going to put Toby Turner into the mix. He had a scandal a few years ago and seems to have been turning it around....

  12. I saw a video on his money issues. Logan paul bought a 20 million $ house just before the japan stuff. The property taxes alone are 200,000K per year

  13. Sorry but "YouTube star" = No one gives a flying fuck.

    1. Thank you Flashy Vic, thank you.

  14. I guess logan paul

    @Flashy vic there are people younger than 75 on this site too

    1. Yes Thonker,(you douche-nugget)but young or old, some people have better things to do than watch and learn YouTube "stars". Like people with real jobs, AND A LIFE. I am MUCH younger than your "criteria" there, but old enough to have a damn clue.I have no problem saying that I don't know many of these fame whores on YouTube, and when I keep seeing suggestions of someone (apparently a dude at that) called "PewDiePie", I realize that I AM better off for not wasting my valuable time on that bullshit.

  15. Well shame on them, then.

  16. Back when I invented You Tube we never imagined tools like the Paul brothers but what can you do....

  17. So now we have fake himmmms here too along with the InfoWars trolls and bloodsuckers like Hedge? Good job Enty, really good job.

    1. I am for sure 100% really Himmmm. What makes you think otherwise?

  18. That English bloke who was on UK Big Brother years ago, then had a very successful 'prank' ytube channel, then got disgraced, etc

    Sam Pepper I think ?

  19. Go blow yourself sandybrook. You aren't the Cdan police and unless there is some kind of paywall anyone can come here and comment, you fucking Nazi jerkoff!
    Don't you have some Teen Whore Mom's to catch up on?

  20. I'd say Logan is the most likely 8f we're talking recently disgraced. Pewdiepie and Shane Dawson are well off and still making videos regularly with millions of views.

    1. Id like to mention though, even with demonitzation his views still seem to be high and he *is* selling merch.

      Sam Pepper sounds like a better guess @bum

  21. Replies
    1. Austin is disgusting, I just read the doc with his chats on scribd

  22. it can't be shane, his "unbiased" three part docu-series on the shitfest that was tanacon has enough views to pay his rent for the next five years probably. doubt hes hurting and he's not especially disgraced at the moment. i would find it deliciously karmatic if it was logan paul so i'll say him
