Sunday, July 08, 2018

Blind Item #6

This former A list tweener actor turned A-/B+ list adult actor who has never really been able to break through to an above the title actor is back using again after a long break. It started with some drinking and has moved on from there.


  1. Replies
    1. Sad if him... I was hoping he would stay on the good path. Seems like a nice guy ,in fact. I can only imagine what he’s seen so to speak.

    2. @Tricia13 the more we find out about what many of these kids were subjected to, the more I feel bad for any side-eye I threw in the past. Poor kids, and he's probably one of them

  2. Eh, he can't act anyway.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Zac Efron using is about the only acceptable excuse for those horrid "dreads".

  5. Efron is definitely an ‘above the title’ name though, pretty much every film he’s been in recently has had his name up there second (Greatest Showman, Baywatch, the Neighbours films etc.). His films haven’t been great but he’s definitely one of the main stars of them. This sounds more like someone who’s relegated to smaller parts in ensembles.

  6. I'm with redstilletto on Shithead Ladouche.

  7. I'm with Shia as well, we should be hearing some crazy stuff from him shortly.

  8. BAG comes to mind? But don't know if he has had issues with addiction.
