Friday, July 27, 2018

Blind Item #6 - A Reader Blind Item

This disgraced commentator from an increasingly ridiculous news network has been investing money in a company that creates sex robots.  He is a user himself and has three different robots in three different rooms in his house.  Unlike his former partner, a sex robot can't allege abuse.  Unlike the young Asian prostitutes he usually frequents, they can't give stories to the press.


  1. And you thought it was those dastardly "Millenials" who would be into that shit but no, they're all having real sex in their Indigo Bisexual Burning Man Theatre Covens or whatever

    1. Mothers, you should have drowned your indigos when you had them

    2. +1 attention future parents of slimballs can make a difference still..blame it on sids like those parents that beat theirs do ..."what my baby is covered in bruises and has my meth head bf hand prints around his man it's sids"

  2. Better that than abusing a human and ruining their life

  3. See I don't think Fox News is increasingly ridiculous. It has always been ridiculous. Tucker Carlson's bowtie for Christ's sake.

    Like CNN, you already know Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper is CIA/Mockingbird and into seriously weird occult shit since at least his mother ritually murdered his brother. Again. Baseline ridiculous.

    But MSNBC, really, if you're up early like me, watch Morning Joe for the deranged ramblings of a woman murderer and his yes men regarding everyone's treason in America. It's funnier than you might think! This is the best MSNBC format I've seen yet.

    1. And if you think it was ridiculous with Olbermann, JUST LOOK AT US NOW

    2. There’s plenty of ridiculous to go around, when it comes to “news” networks.

  4. 3 robots and 3 different rooms? This sounds like Westworld.

    1. Oh fuck now I know why people like that show so much

  5. Feminists care more about robots than women in the condition of women under Salafist rule:

  6. "disgraced commentator"
    Alan Dershowitz and Asian sex robots sounds on target

    "But Geeljire isn't Dershowitz on TEAM FASCIST TRUMP?"
    Dershowitz is a major ultra-creep since forever. He's survived this long by being clever. Probably the most clever and definitely the most prominent person you can point to and say things like "This is why he is talking this way", as he rolled over and took the deal as soon as he noticed which way the wind was blowing.


  7. 4. Thus, what enables the wise sovereign and the good general to strike and conquer, and achieve things beyond the reach of ordinary men, is foreknowledge.

    5. Now this foreknowledge cannot be elicited from spirits; it cannot be obtained inductively from experience, nor by any deductive calculation.

    6. Knowledge of the enemy's dispositions can only be obtained from other men.

    7. Hence the use of spies, of whom there are five classes: (1) Local spies; (2) inward spies; (3) converted spies; (4) doomed spies; (5) surviving spies.

    8. When these five kinds of spy are all at work, none can discover the secret system. This is called "divine manipulation of the threads." It is the sovereign's most precious faculty.

    9. Having local spies means employing the services of the inhabitants of a district.

    10. Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy.

    11. Having converted spies, getting hold of the enemy's spies and using them for our own purposes.

    12. Having doomed spies, doing certain things openly for purposes of deception, and allowing our spies to know of them and report them to the enemy.

    13. Surviving spies, finally, are those who bring back news from the enemy's camp.

    14. Hence it is that which none in the whole army are more intimate relations to be maintained than with spies.

    None should be more liberally rewarded. In no other business should greater secrecy be preserved.

    15. Spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity.

    16. They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straightforwardness.

    17. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot make certain of the truth of their reports.


  8. This is 100% Bill O'Reilly.

  9. I guess the only things big about Bill O'Reilly are his ego and electric bill.

  10. Robots don't complain about loofah burn

  11. Will any CDANer fess up to sex roboting?
    Congratulations you're why Skynet will kill us

  12. Too bad he didn't figure out this solution earlier in his career.

  13. Disgraced commentator from an increasingly ridiculous news network? That can literally be anyone. Which news network isn't ridiculous these days? More clues, please.

  14. Bill O'Reilly sounds about right.

  15. I am with orangesoda, all cable "news" channels are worthless

  16. I have a request enty and hedge
    (I'm sorry for working for TMZ but they ran out of money to pay me, you understand right?)

    In the New America, can 'Morning Joe' be replaced by 'Morning Gil,' in which Gilbert Gottfried & co. read the news via television to self-professed intellectuals?

    1. Gilbert Gottfried is a goddamn national treasure! I’d watch him read an Arby’s menu, and still crack up.

  17. co-sign on the orangesoda line.
    We don't have news anymore. You select an outrage channel and the sex robots will deliver the outrage: Yeah baby, oh YEAH.

  18. Quick slot out 'Morning Gil'
    Who is co anchor Mika BrzCIAnski?
    Who is Mike "remember that time I talked about Dershowitz and got in trouble" Barnicle?
    Who is Eugene "house" Robinson?

    I say we keep Willie Geist as that beaked monkey thing from return of the jedi

  19. Robot Ann Curry's Robot Curry Hole

  20. Oreiley

    Keith Olbermann I am convinced is gay.

  21. Sex robots are a long way from being good enough to interest most men. But just the concept of them drives feminists bonkers, so that's fun.

    1. It is strange how fragile feminists are about this.

      Aren’t they all “sex positive”? Or is 4th wave feminism going back to Prudery for Prudery’s sake?

  22. @filmfanb, for what it's worth, the blind never specifies the sex of either the robots or the Asian prostitutes. Wanna bet there's a sex robot manufacturer working on "boy" robots somewhere?

  23. Alex Jones, Infowars was just bannd from livestreaming on youtube yesterday and a bunch of their videos taken down.

    His ex-wife was very vocal about abuse during their recent divorce

  24. “Unlike his former partner, a sex robot can't allege abuse.”

    This is Bill O’Reilly, who threw his ex wife down the stairs

  25. Wouldn't those things short circuit?

  26. What I think...

    Unfortunately the liberal tendency (and I consider myself a liberal, especially on labor and wealth-concentration issues) includes a fixation with controlling things. This is part of the reason you had such bloody disasters in places like Russia and China, where a fixed belief that the well-thought-out plans JUST HAD TO WORK and never mind millions of people starving and dying when those plans obviously failed.

    It's (I think) part of why those horrible women drove their kids off a cliff in Mendocino. They had put together a perfect family and everyone WAS GOING TO BE HAPPY DAMMIT.

    And it's a big part of why feminists give a shit either way that men would explore technology for sexual gratification.

    Just some thoughts, obviously not 100% correct.

    1. I don’t want to control things. I want to control people.

  27. Matt lauer
    Charlie Rose

  28. Man, I am naive. I even thought fleshlights were an internet joke. I do not understand the point of humping a rubber pillow.

    1. You don’t understand the point of masterbation?

  29. Keith Olbermann and "Karmabites1" - I have never laughed so hard in my life!!

  30. Can someone please give geeljire his meds... he's pacing in circles again

    1. He's enlightened man...sit back and bask in his wisdom

  31. Bill O'Reilly is a blowhard pig, but I don't think this is him.

    I also think Fox News is the least ridiculous its ever been. Tucker Carlson is the only pundit left with any credibility.

    So that leaves CNN and MSNBC. Disgraced would be Brian Williams?

    1. Not only did he save the helicopter and the soldiers, he went on to have coitus with literally half a half dozen Asian sex robots

  32. "This disgraced commentator from an increasingly ridiculous news network.."
    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

  33. O'Reilly. He has been getting increasingly weird since he was fired

  34. Hi, feminist here that is happy to see that the real people are being spared abuse!

    We have at least 20 years before they develop their own consciousness right??

  35. CNN or MSNBC? Faux News isn't increasingly ridiculous, it's controlled opposition. Bill O'Reilly though would fit.

    Joe Scarborough? Keith Olbermann?

  36. Can't be Charlie Rose, Tom Brokenjaw, or Matt Lauer - neither PBS nor NBC are a "news network", increasingly ridiculous or otherwise.

    I'd say MessNBC is the increasingly ridiculous news network although CIA-NN is pretty much on TDS overload as well. I do agree with others that rager Bill O'Reilly seems to fit best for the perp, but Faux News is, again, controlled opposition and has been more or less the same or even tamer than it's ever been. Perhaps that fits as "increasingly ridiculous", because it is increasingly centrist/mellower.

    It's pretty wild that there are SOOOOOOooooOoOoOoooo many choices still for "disgraced commentator", seemingly with a former partner that alleged abuse. Whoever this guy is, he should do ads for the company. "I'm not only an investor, I'm a patron too! Helps me take the edge off when I beat the shit out of them, AND keeps me from beating on anything alive including those Asiatic underage sex slaves in my basement!"

  37. Anonymous1:36 PM

    MSNBC/Olbermann would make sense... he's batshit!

    In 2008, I was looking into this for my customers (mostly women). I had a looong conversation with the guy who made these (he was featured on HBO), fully customizable and sold for around $7k-$10k back then. A LOT of buyers out there, even more now since they talk and have emotion. Crazy!

    As long as they are not making child sex robots, I have no problem with this.

  38. There will be several more disgraced commentators joining the list soon. The purge of all the swine from media/Hollywood is only beginning, not winding down. I pray that it continues long enough to actually change the dynamic for those good folks who work in those industries.

    OTOH, if even half the blinds here are true, I'm not sure H'wood can be cleaned up. There will always be boatloads of money available (and criminality because of the crooked accounting), never-ending hordes of willing/naïve young, beautiful things to take advantage of, and many, many slimy characters who will leverage the situation for their own perversions. If you burned the thing to the ground and started over, would it be any different, 5 years down the road? I hope I'm wrong.

  39. I can't make up my mind because practically everyone that anyone mentioned would fit this. Between news commentators and after 11 Night Time Entertainment, all of these guys are worthless.

  40. Morning Joe was good before Joe let Mika keep his balls in her desk drawer. Seriously, check out his appearance over time, he looks more and more like a woman while she becomes more mannish, no way he's the pitcher.

  41. "They talk and have emotion."


  42. Better to be fucking a robot that isnt even alive than raping woman.

  43. Hannity. I want it to be Seen Hannity.

  44. Hannity. I want it to be Sean Hannity.

  45. This feels like another lash from the Lemon whip.

  46. @DDonna

    "I also think Fox News is the least ridiculous its ever been."

    Of course you do. Doesn't matter that they refuse to cover anything that is at all negative about Donny, nope. If one likes propaganda, one naturally thinks that Fox is da Best.

    "Tucker Carlson is the only pundit left with any credibility. "

    Oy vey, Shall we go through his litany of lies?

  47. Ya'll realize you are the ones being toyed with here.

    The BI fake as hell. But someone is enjoying all the Sturm und Drang it's creating.

    I'm amazed some serious people are playing this game.

  48. MSNBC has been ridiculous and obvious for years. For God's sake, they brought Al Sharpton on as a commentator.

  49. Yeah, ok Plot. Tell it to the leadership of NXIVM, Harvey Winestain, Kevin Spacey, Les Moonves, James Toback, etc. etc.

    Another real life PURGE is underway, and it ain't gonna end well for the ne'er-do-wells.

    I'm surprised the Feds are allowing the NXIVM leadership like Nancy Salzmann and Clare Bronfman online access to post away on blogger **COUGH COUGH PLOT COUGH COUGH**

  50. Hate to disagree, DDonna but I think FOX is at its worst and has been since before the President was elected.
    plot, yes there are negative reports about the POTUS and there are reporters biased in boh directions on FOX.

    Wish my journalism professor was still alive and could get the whole lot of them in a room. He'd teach them real journalism. As it stands, every damn one I've seen on any network or cable "news" show would fail.

  51. This could be Bill O'Reilly, Matt Lauer or Charlie Rose. They're all disgraced commenters from increasingly ridiculous networks (Fox, NBC and CBS).

  52. @Do Tell

    "MSNBC has been ridiculous and obvious for years."

    At least they interview REAL Pentagon officials and REAL Attorneys and REAL government workers from every department.

    How many fake experts have been exposed now over at Fox? More than 10 I think.


    "Another real life PURGE is underway"

    From the chans? With their pedo preoccupations and anonymous sick assed posters? I very much doubt it.

    Saltzman and Bronfman are not allowed to be where I am right now. Now be a good little techno geek and look up my timestamps. Off with you...


    It's a fake BI.

  53. I hope the robots know how to make good falafel.

  54. So much misunderstanding around sex robots... they will be the miracles for the disabled and socially awkward.

  55. So much misunderstanding about prostitutes, too. They service a need for a lot of lonely guys. I applaud them and wish they all made better money.



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