Friday, July 06, 2018

Blind Item #5

It is not just the calling out by this A list producer of this foreign born A list rapper and her continued drug use after being given many opportunities to stop, it looks like she is going to be barred from working with a bunch of people unless she kicks the habit. It is really easy to lose your traction and be swallowed up by someone new coming on to the scene. She should take this seriously. 


  1. Nikki Minaj and Pharrell?

  2. Joe Budden said she was on drugged but He is no way Alist.

  3. Thanks@MDAnderson... I don’t know who that is(hangs head lol).
    But she’s bananas for sure

    1. You’re good. No worries on that trust me!!

  4. Nikki Minaj with Cardi B as the newcomer

  5. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Joseline, after throwing shade at Nicki with AB yesterday.

  6. Joe Budden/Nicki Minaj I listened to his podcast and as soon as he said that it reminded me of blinds saying she’s on drugs.. he was 100% right and people will say he’s wrong until something publicly happens to her. I really hope she gets help because she isn’t coping well with her brother being a pedophile and people being tired of her music

  7. There's more to her drug use than Cardi coming onto the scene. Cardi's music is terrible and she herself is going to crash very soon. I'm not a fan of her music at all but Nicky does have talent.
    Whatever is going on with her, I hope she gets well. It's shitty to see people crumbling because of addiction.

  8. Neither one earned her fame/fortune, neither has any real talent besides whore-simulation and the ingestion of corpulent quantities of illicit substrates, but both sold their soul to the industry, signing in blood. Yes, they actually are asked to do this, and after they do, they no longer control their own destinies.

  9. Is that why she has at least two songs out with Arianna?

  10. Wait when do we see these reveals??? I’m new here!

  11. Lady Leshurr will be performing at one of her shows. She's very good and is gaining a following in the US. So...

  12. Also, there is a story floating around that she(LL) was going to be paid by some recording company to start beef with Nicki and bring her down. She turned down the money because she didn't believe in doing that to fellow artists. She also did it at a time when she really needed the money too.

  13. Nicki Minaj is absolutely crumbling under the pressure from Cardi's success. She can't stand to see another female rapper succeed beyond her. She loved being the only one for a long time.
